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- Recast
- 180s
- Quest Req.
Forward, Royal Marines
“Orders your faerie away while granting you a full Aetherflow stack. Also increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 30s
Current faerie will return once the effect expires. Summon Eos or Summon Selene cannot be executed while under the effect of Dissipation.
Can only be executed while in combat.— In-game description
Dissipation is an action unlocked by questing at level 60. It is available for Scholar.
Related actions
- Under the effect of Dissipation, actions that require a fairy to be summoned (e.g. Embrace, Whispering Dawn, Fey Illumination, Aetherpact, Fey Blessing) will not be available until the fairy returns.
- Only healing magic potency (i.e., those actions on the global cooldown) is affected, e.g. Physick, Adloquium, Succor.
- This action cannot be used if Seraph has been summoned using Summon Seraph.