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“Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 200
Additional Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 160% of the amount of HP restored.
Duration: 30s
Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects.— In-game description
Succor is an action unlocked by questing at level 35. It is available for Scholar.
Related traits
- Enhanced Healing Magic (Lv. 85) - Increases the healing potency of Physick to 450, Embrace to 180, and Seraphic Veil to 180. Increases the barrier potency of Adloquium to 180% the amount healed and Succor to 160% the amount healed.
- Succor Mastery (Lv. 96) - Upgrades Succor to Concitation.
Related actions
- Barrier potency is 115% the amount healed until Enhanced Healing Magic is learned at Lv. 85.
- The barrier will not stack with those granted by Eukrasian Diagnosis or Eukrasian Prognosis from Sage. However, it will stack with other barrier actions from Sage (e.g., Holos) or from other jobs.
- This action is analogous to Eukrasian Prognosis for Sage.
Patch 7.1 (2024-11-12): MP cost has been reduced from 1,000 to 900.
Patch 6.0 (2021-12-07):
- Barrier effect amount has been changed from "nullifying damage equaling 125%" to "nullifying damage equaling 160%" upon learning the Enhanced Healing Magic trait.
- Changed "Effect cannot be stacked with astrologian's Nocturnal Field" to "Effect cannot be stacked with certain sage barrier effects."
Patch 5.5 (2021-04-13): MP cost has been reduced from 1,100 to 1,000.
Patch 5.3 (2020-08-11): MP cost has been reduced from 1,300 to 1,100.
Patch 5.05 (2019-07-29): Cast time has been reduced from 2.5 to 2 seconds.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02):
- MP cost has been set at 1,300 MP.
- Cure potency has been increased from 150 to 180.
- Barrier absorption has been reduced from 150% to 125% the amount of HP restored.
Patch 4.1 (2017-10-10):
- MP cost has been reduced.
- Barrier effect has been increased from 100% to 150% the amount of HP restored.
Patch 2.0 (2013-08-27): Added.