Armorer Guide

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Armorer is one of the eight Disciple of the Hand classes players can equip in the game. Armorers craft plate and heavy armor, as well as shields, and some other equipment such as Pans for Culinarians and Alembics for Alchemists. Players can unlock Armorer by reaching level 10 with any Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic, then speaking with the guild receptionist at Naldiq & Vymelli's in Limsa Lominsa at the Upper Decks and accept the quest Way of the Armorer. After unlocking and leveling the class, players will be able to repair any armor they have, and craft armor and items that can be sold to make large amounts of Gil or other currencies.


Players will also use a resource called CP or Crafting Points to activate skills that will directly affect the crafting in a variety of ways.

Crafting Process

After unlocking a crafting class, players will be able to access the Crafting Log and select an item they would like to craft (as long as they are the correct level to craft the item). If players have the requisite items in their inventory, they will be able to select the recipe and begin Synthesis. A menu will open displaying both the Progress of the craft as well as the Quality. There will also be a gauge depicting the Durability of the item. Using various skills and actions, players will fill both gauges, with the goal being to get the Quality gauge as high as possible and completing the craft before the Durability gauge depletes. Players can use the gauge to determine the Durability of the craft, as well as the orb on the bench in front of them as a visual representation, and make adjustments to the skills being used as they go.

Once the item has been synthesized once and players have reached level 10, they have the ability to perform Quick Synthesis, which will craft multiples of the item as long as players have the ingredients in their inventory. While High Quality items can be made this way, it is more unlikely. This will also burn through the Durability of the player's gear at twice the rate.

Gaining EXP

Leveling a crafter class, while fairly simple, is also straightforward. The options for generating EXP are somewhat limited, however players can use this to their advantage and create routines and rotations to maximize the amount of EXP earned while keeping the content they do feeling fresh.

  • Levequests: Outside of the EXP gained through the actual activity of crafting, Levequests are one of the best methods for gaining EXP quickly. Several can be turned in at one time, most of the items are fairly simple to craft or can even be purchased if players have the Gil
  • Beast Tribe Daily Quests: Once unlocked, players can receive decent EXP, as well as valuable crafting items and Gil.
  • Supply and Provision Missions: These can be completed both daily and weekly at a players Grand Company headquarters. Players can turn in the various items for EXP. If a player turns in a High Demand item (notated with a star), they will receive even more EXP.


Keeping gear up to date in accordance with their level is incredibly important for crafting classes, as a majority of stat increases comes from equipment. Having the correct gear can be the difference between being able to craft a High Quality item and failing the craft. It is therefore recommended to upgrade gear every five levels at minimum, focusing on the left-hand side equipment and supplementing with Accessories as needed.

Leveling Guide

The crafting class quests require players to turn in items of either normal or High Quality. These items can either be crafted or purchased, however it is recommended to craft items at a higher level, as it offers a decent sum of EXP as well as being quite a bit cheaper.

It is also recommended that players complete their class quests every five levels, as these also award a chunk of EXP.

Level 1-10

For the first ten levels, players can either craft or purchase the quest items, as well as the items for the available leves. The best by far to turn in are the leves Eyes Bigger than the Plate and Distill it Yourself, as they both reward a large amount of EXP and the items are extremely cheap to purchase and craft. At this point players should focus on crafting as many Bronze Ingots, Bronze Rings, Bronze Rivets and Bronze Plates as they can. These are a good source of EXP and will be necessary for crafting other items at this tier. Players will turn in their class quest items at the appropriate level, and can continue this rotation of crafting and levequests.

Level 11-20

This phase is similar to the first, with players continuing to craft bronze items (now with Quick Craft) and running leves. Players can also turn in the leve Greavous Losses for additional EXP per rotation of activities. Otherwise continue as before. Once players reach level 15 however, they can switch to crafting Iron Plates, Iron Rivets and Iron Rings instead of the bronze variants, as they will be the next item that will be needed en masse for crafting, both for leves and class quests.

Level 21-30

At this tier players should fully switch over to Iron crafting, as it is needed for the level 20 class quest, which requires a High Quality Iron Hoplon that's been enhanced with Materia. By this point, players will have access to leves that are repeatable and reward a lot of EXP. Continuing this until level 25, players can then begin crafting Steel Ingots for good value. Players can also craft Heavy Iron Flanchard for the leve A Leg to Stand On if crafting steel items is too difficult right now. Otherwise, stockpiling Steel Ingots, Steel Rings and Steel Plates is a good idea for future crafts and EXP right now. At level 30 players need to craft a High Quality Steel Chainmail to turn in for a class quest.

Level 31-40

Up to level 35, players can continue making steel items and running leves, although the leves at this point take quite a while to make and don't reward a lot of EXP comparatively. It is recommended that if players want to run leves to do Skillet Scandal for a lot of EXP. Other than that players should continue making steel items for EXP. Near level 35 players can start making Mythril Ingots. Mythril Plates, Mythril Rings and Mythril Rivets, as well as a High Quality Steel Frypan for the class quest. With the steel made, players can also make the Steel-plated Caligae for the leve I've Got You under My Skin at the Observatorium in the Coerthas Western Highlands. Since this can be turned in multiple times it is a great source of EXP, however they can be difficult to make. By this point players should have upgraded their gear as much as possible, including Accessories. Other than these, players should continue to craft Mythril iems. For the level 40 quest, players need to turn in a High Quality Mythril Cuirass.

Level 41-50

Going from level 40 to 50 can feel like a bit of a slog, as the best levequest Mythril Chain Coif is the delivery type and must go from Limsa Lominsa to the Whitebrim Front, however it does reward excellent EXP. Players should also start amassing Mythril items by now, replacing the steel items in their rotation. If players can craft them, turning in the Mythril Elmo in the leve Employee Retention. Otherwise they can be purchased as well. For the level 45 quest, players must craft a Mythril-plated Caligae, Reinforced Mythril Elmo and a pair of Mythril Sollerets, all in High Quality. If players are having difficulty crafting these, they should upgrade their accessories to make better use of their skills. From there, players can now begin crafting cobalt items into their rotation, especially the Cobalt Plate for the leve Cobalt Aforethought in Limsa Lominsa, which is an excellent source of EXP. the Cobalt-plated Jackboots for the leve Everybody Cut Footloose is also an option if making the Cobalt Plates is difficult. Aside from that, players can continue crafting the cobalt items to stockpile or sell on the Market Board. For the class quest at level 50, players simply need to craft a Cobalt Haubergeon at High Quality and affix it with a Heavens' Eye Materia III. Once players reach level 50, they can unlock Scrips in Ishgard by completeing the quest Inscrutable Tastes and learn how to craft Collectables. By turning in these Collectables, players will earn EXP and Scrips, which can in turn be traded for better gear to help with higher CP requirements on High Quality items. For crafting Collectables, it is worth remembering that the quality doesn't affect their value whatsoever, making it easier to craft them and receive Scrips.

Level 51-60

For this leveling tier, unlocking the Moogle Beast Tribe daily quests are a fantastic method to get early levels as they are exceptionally easy to do and reward fantastic EXP. While the level 50 and above crafts offer a good amount of EXP, they become significantly easier to complete at level 51, due to the stat increase at that level. Players will also unlock the new level of leves in Ishgard. For now, players should begin crafting Mythrite Nuggets, as well as Mythrite Rivets for the levequest Rivets Run through It. Otherwise, players can continue to craft what they can for EXP. At level 53 players should consider upgrading their equipment to the Mythrite set if they haven't already. If the cost for a full set is too high, players should at the very least focus on the main tool and secondary tool. At level 52 players can also take on the leve The Cut Alembical Cord and turn in Mythrite Alembics for high EXP gains. With the high number of Mythrite items players crafted for the past few levels, this should also be a quick way to level up. Continue this until level 54 or higher.

At level 54, players can move on to crafting the Titanium items, such as the Titanium Nugget and Titanium Rivets. Much like the last few levels, crafting a lot of nuggets will be a great way to level, as well as make money. The leve As the Bolt Flies requires turning in three nuggets. For the time being, this is really the only levequest that is worth completing, as the others require a lot of other time or resources. Continue crafting Titanium items for the time being, as the leves unlocked by level 56 also require the turn in of items that take considerable reources and are difficult to craft. Players can purchase the Titanium Tassets of Fending to turn in for the leve A Squire to Inspire in Foundation if they wish for extra EXP on top of crafting. Leveling at this point can be rather slow, so it is recommended that players plan out how they wish to gain EXP between Daily Quests, Grand Company turn ins and leves. Once players reach level 58, they can begin crafting Adamantite gear, as well as Adamantite Nuggets and Adamantite Rivets. This tier is similar to the one players just completed, however crafting Adamantite Leg Guards of Maiming for the leve Look Before You Leap is not as time or resource consuming, and rewards significant EXP. At this point, players should have a set rotation of activities they prefer to do in order to break up the monotiny. Simply continue crafting the Adamantite Nuggets and Rivets until reaching level 60.

Level 61-70

Starting at this tier, players can do Custom Deliveries in the form of the deliveries to M'naago in Rhalgr's Reach and the Namazu Beast Tribe. These offer fairly easy EXP to help fill out any gaps that may be left by levequests and crafting itself. Level 60 is also a good time to use Scrips to get better equipment if nessecary. Players will need to level to 62 before the next tier of levequests. It is recommended to craft as many High Steel Nuggets as possible by the time players reach this level, so they can begin crafting other items to turn in for the various leves made available by that point. Players will be able to then begin crafting High Steel Gauntlets of Fending for the leve The Gauntlet Is Cast, as well as High Steel Scutum for the leve Shielded Life. Both of these reward fantastic EXP and are found in Kugane. If creating High Steel Nuggets is a difficult process, players should consider upgrading their equipment at this point to the level 54 High Steel set. If the full gear set is too much, the main tool High Steel Doming Hammer and the secondary tool should be prioritized (players will receive the High Steel Pliers from completing the class quest at level 63). If the CP cost is too high to comfortably make High Quality items, purchasing the Larch accessory set will greatly help with this, and may very well carry a player through to level 70).

Starting at level 64, players can begin making High Steel Ingots for EXP and selling, and Oroshigane Ingots, as the latter is an important ingredient for the next tier of craftable ingots. Once players have a sizeable number of these ingots, they can craft Doman Iron Greaves of Maiming to turn in for the leve Greaving, as well as the Doman Iron Frypan for the leve Home Cooking, both of which will provide excellent EXP. Players should continue this until reaching level 66. By that point they can begin crafting Tama-hagane Ingots, however these will require the Oroshigane Ingots players were previously crafting. For leves, players can turn the Tama-Hagane Ingots in for the levequest Smells of Rich Tamahagane. From here to level 68, players will turn in leves and crafting mass amounts of Tama-hagane Ingots to use in crafting Molybdenum Ingots, which can be used in turn to craft Molybdenum gear for the new leves available. All three offer a good amount of EXP. Players will craft these and turn in the available leves, mixed with Daily Deliveries and Grand Company turn ins to reach level 70. This will also unlock another tier of Collectables to craft, if players need to upgrade their gear, this is a good way to do so.

Level 71-80

Before moving into the next tier, it is recommended to pick up scrip gear to make crafting much easier. Much like last tier, players will earn EXP through Deliveries, Grand Company turn ins and levequests. Players will also have access to the Crystarium Deliveries, which act as a class quest of sorts. It is important to note that these quests are shared with Blacksmith and Goldsmith, and once completed on any of these classes, they cannot be completed by the others.

As for actually leveling up, once players are sufficiently geared, they can begin creating Deepgold Nuggets to begin turning in leves. The best one by far is A Head of Demand. which requires players to craft a Deepgold Helm of Fending. This can be turned in multiple times and yields fantastic EXP for this point. Unfortunately, between these leves and the other previously mentioned methods of gaining EXP there isn't a massive amount of variety, but players can still level quickly if they are efficient at this point. Continue gaining EXP through these methods until reaching level 74.

By this point, players will have the ability to craft Bluespirit Gear and items such as the Bluespirit Tiles, which players should stockpile as they are used to craft various items for Leves. At this point the best leve to turn in is The Proper Precautions, which requires players to craft a Bluespirit Alembic, which gives a massive amount of EXP. Players can also complete the Crystarium Delivery quests if they are still available to them, and one will unlock upon reaching level 75. Otherwise, players will continue to craft Bluespirit items until reaching at least level 76, when they can craft Titanbronze Nuggets, the next tier of items. Complete the leve A Budding Business for another large boost to EXP, and continue crafting Nuggets. Upon reaching level 78, players can craft Dwarven Mythril Nuggets, which are a component in crafting Dwarven Mythril Chainmail of Fending for the leve Trial and Error. While this leve is single turn in, it still rewards vast EXP and is simple to complete. Upon reaching level 80, players will once again reach a new Scrip tier for gear. They can also take part in the Ishgardian Restoration to obtain their Skybuilders' Raising Hammer and other high stat equipment if they so desire.

Level 81-90

Much with the last few tiers, leveling to max level will require levequests, Collectables and Custom Deliveries, as there is currently no Beast Tribe added for Endwalker. For now, players will update their equipment if nessecary to be able to craft High Durium Ingots, High Durium Nuggets, and other pieces of High Durium equipment. Upon reaching level 82, players should craft High Durium Gauntlets of Fending for the leve Ace of Gloves. If players have crafted enough ingots, they can take on the leve The Incomplete Costume, which requires a suit of High Durium Armor of Fending, however this is more resource intensive and may be difficult to craft. Upon reaching level 84, players can craft Bismuth Ingots for the leve Armoire Aftercare, as well as the Bismuth Alembic for Once and for Alchemy. Both offer a large amount of EXP, but this tier will mostly be crafting to level up. If players are struggling to craft these easily, they should look into upgrading both their main tool and chest gear at the very least, and their accessories if CP is becoming an issue.

This will repeat until level 86, where players can craft Manganese Ingots for various gear for the leves available. Players should stockpile these so they are able to craft Manganese Helm of the Falling Dragon for the leve Heading Toward Bankruptcy. This rewards the best EXP in the tier, although if resources are low, players can craft the Manganese Chocobo Frypan for the leve In-kweh-dible Cooking. Finally, to reach level 90, players will craft Chondrite Ingots to craft the Chondrite Top of Maiming for the leve Additions to the Armoire and Chondrite Gloves of Casting for A Gift of Gloves. The tiers from 80 to 90 can turn quite stale, so it is recommended for players to spread their leveling out between leves, Grand Company' turn ins and the actual crafting itself. Once players reach level 90, they will be equipped to repair and craft gear for Combat Classes, and will be ready for the release of the Endwalker Beast Tribe coming in Patch 6.1.