Getting Even with Garlemald
Revision as of 01:33, 3 February 2015 by Mico90 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "File:Mainscenarioquest.pngMain Scenario Quest {{Quest | QuestGiver = Glaumunt - Mor Dhona (x22, y7) | Requirements = Level 44 | Items = | Exp = 12190 | Gil = ...")
Main Scenario Quest
- Investigate the drainage pipe.
- Enter the drainage pipe.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Speak with Cid.
- Glaumunt would like to aid in your mission to rescue the captured Scions.
- Prior to launching your rescue missions, Glaumunt recommends that you first ascertain your comraddes' presence at Castrum Centri. He tells you of a drainage pipe that leads from the stronghold's command tower and down into the southwestern corner of the adjoining swampland called the Tangle. Find the pipe and investigate.
- You have put down all the chigoes that issued forth from the drainage pipe. Take their place within and listen to what sounds may be heard.
- You have heard enough to confirm that your comrades are indeed being held at Castrum Centri. Bear word back to Revenant's Toll, where the Scions await.
- You return to Revenant's Toll and report all you have learned to Alphinaud. Glad for your tidings, he bids you speak with Cid for the details of the rescue mission.
- Ever enthused, Glaumunt is currently looking into the procurement of a suit of magitek armor. In the meantime, Cid requires your assistance for some preparation of his own.