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Glaumunt is a Hyur in Mor Dhona. He is located in Revenant's Toll.
Quests Started
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Getting Even with Garlemald | ![]() |
44 | Glaumunt |
Acting the Part | ![]() |
46 | Glaumunt |
Fool Me Twice | ![]() |
46 | Glaumunt |
Quests Involved In
Quest | Type | Level | Quest Giver |
Come-Into-My-Castrum | ![]() |
44 | Cid |
Escape from Castrum Centri | ![]() |
46 | Cid |
Small Talk
Glaumunt: Time was I took on every odd job offered me, runnin' messages an' cullin' pesky fauna like a good little adventurer. But I'm well past that now. These days there's only one thing on my mind, and it's what's brought me here.
After completion of
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magitek
Glaumunt: To survive in this uncertain world, a man's gotta know both his talents an' his limits. I've done my part in the fight─the rest is up to you an' yours, my friend.
After completion of
Build on the Stone
Glaumunt: With the Black Wolf slain an' his pack scattered, Revenant's Toll's begun to take on new life. As for me, I daresay I'm beginnin' to see a future worth livin' for─a future not ruled by vengeance.
After completion of
The Parting Glass
Glaumunt: Thank Rhalgr, you're safe! I was watchin' when they stormed the Risin' Stones. The way your comrades were bein' manhandled, you would've thought they were criminals o' the worst order. That ain't no way to treat the heroes what saved the realm! What in the hells is goin' on...?
After completion of
A Brave Resolution
Glaumunt: After all that commotion, I'm right relieved to see that the Risin' Stones is back in your hands. Whatever mess it was you were in, I knew you'd pull through, and you have! Now you can get back to the business o' savin' the world, eh!?
Glaumunt: Lookin' for Glaumunt, are you? Well, you've found him, whoever you are. Glaumunt: ...Eh? You're lookin' to get inside Castrum Centri, and you need my help? Heh, somethin' tells me we're gonna get along just fine.
Getting Even with Garlemald
Glaumunt: ...So you have friends at Castrum Centri what want for rescue. That Slafborn knows me too well─aye, you can count on my help. Glaumunt: I've got a score to settle with the imperials, an' I never pass on an opportunity to get back at the whoresons. But enough about me, let's talk strategy. Glaumunt: Rescuin' folk from captivity's right delicate business. A single oversight─just one little blunder─an' it's all over. You can't leave any room for uncertainty. Glaumunt: For starters, you need to confirm beyond the shadow of a doubt that your friends're where you think they are. You don't want to risk your neck only to discover they've been moved elsewhere. But how can you find out, you ask? By followin' these instructions: Glaumunt: If you approach Centri from the east, you'll see a swampland to your left called the Tangle. Get in there, never mind all the morbols, an' navigate your way to the southwestern corner. Glaumunt: You'll come upon some drainage pipes comin' down from the stronghold. Don't ask me how I know, but one o' them leads back up to the command tower. If you listen closely, might be as you can eavesdrop on some o' the happenin's within. Glaumunt: Once we know for certain your friends're there, we'll move to the next stage o' the operation. Now, get goin', and godsspeed!
Acting the Part
Glaumunt: Clean the wax out o' your ears now, 'cause there's somethin' I want you to do by way o' preparation. Glaumunt: The plan's to have you enter Castrum Centri all decked out in imperial duds, but a disguise is more'n just the clothes you're wearin'. You also gotta act the part. Glaumunt:' At the very least, you need to know how to perform a convincin' imperial salute. First impressions're everythin, as they say. Glaumunt: I could teach you the salute myself, o' course, but it's best you learned it from the experts. So get yourself near as you dare to Castrum Centri, an' watch the imperials doin' what they do.
Fool Me Twice
Glaumunt: So, did you manage to learn the imperial salute? Glaumunt: No, no, no, best you don't demonstrate─I'm liable to fly into a rage an' crack skulls. I'll just take your word for it. Glaumunt: Good work gettin' them imperial duds. You'll be pleased to hear I ain't been idle myself. It took me long enough, but I've finally hatched a plan to get us a suit o' magitek armor. Glaumunt: Now, from what I've seen, Castrum Centri deploys a reaper for most of its patrols. Glaumunt: Trouble is, the patrols 'emselves are irregular─meanin' random routes an' random deployments─an' hardly any of 'em come anywhere near Revenant's Toll. Glaumunt: So, hopin' to coax the imperials out o' their shells, I took the liberty o' feedin' 'em a bit o' the old false intelligence─told 'em insurgents had designs on their stronghold. Glaumunt: 'Tain't far from the truth, now I come to think of it. Anyroad, we should start seein' more patrols than we have up till now. Glaumunt: What you need to do is approach one o' these patrols, dressed up in your shiny tin suit, an' alert 'em to the enemy's presence. Glaumunt: Havin' done that, you'll want to lure 'em as near to Revenant's Toll as you can. Like as not, though, they'll be wary o' venturin' far from their own walls. Glaumunt: If they do need a bit of extra encouragement, use this smoke signal here, filched fresh from an imperial scout. They'll come runnin' when they see that. An' when the cavalry arrives, you hit 'em hard an' make off with their reaper─simple as that. Glaumunt: If I ain't mistaken, there's a patrol sweepin' the perimeter right now, so run along, eh? Oh, an' don't forget to salute!
Escape from Castrum Centri
Glaumunt: Aye─thought I'd give you all a roarin' send-off. 'Tis the least I can do for the fine men an' women what're about to make my lifelong wish come true.
Glaumunt: No, no, I don't mind, really. Truth be told, a part o' me was itchin' to tell you my tale. Mind you, 'tis hardly novel─I ain't the first to suffer at imperial hands. Glaumunt: Like most folk, I used to have a mother. She was a sweet, carin' woman with a smile never far from her face. There was a sister too. Pretty little thing, she was─gentle as a lamb, but tough as nails. We were poor folk livin' simple lives, but we knew happiness just the same. Glaumunt: An' then the imperials came an' took it all away. When Ala Mhigo fell, they put my family in a camp. Bein' a lad, I was made to do hard labor, while my mother an' sister were forced to do far worse... They hid their sufferin' from me as best they could, but I knew, an' the thought of it drove me mad. We had to escape. An' so I hatched a plan to get us out o' the city. Glaumunt: We were pickin' our way around a gorge not far outside the walls when they caught up with us... An' rather than allow 'emselves to be taken again, my mother an' sister leaped over the edge before my very eyes. Heartbroken as I was, I didn't put up a fight when the imperials clapped me in chains an' dragged me back. Glaumunt: 'Twas some years after that I escaped again, an' that time, I got away. I swore then that I'd get revenge on the Empire, an' became an adventurer so as to hone my skills an' earn the coin I needed. But nigh on two decades've since gone by, an' what've I achieved? Bugger all, that's what. Glaumunt: Not like you lot. You ain't been here ten minutes, an' you've already done more'n I managed in ten bloody years.
Glaumunt: Well, what's more important than that? An' anyroad, after you've got your friends back, you're plannin' on goin' after the Empire, an' don't pretend you ain't. Glaumunt: I've helped a few folk take on the imperials over the years, an' every time I have, it's helped stave off my appetite for revenge. But summat tells me I won't be goin' hungry for a while what with everythin' you've got planned.
Glaumunt: Temptin' though your offer is, I'm afeared I must decline. Glaumunt: I swore I'd get revenge on the Empire, 'tis true, but I've long since realized that the front lines are no place for a man like me. Glaumunt: Aye, there's some as would call me craven, but I prefer to think o' myself as a realist. My talents lie in schemin', ye see, not swordplay. Helpin' folk like you is how I can make the most difference. Glaumunt: ...But that's quite enough storytellin' for one day. Best not keep your friends waitin' any longer. I'll be prayin' for your safety an' success. May Rhalgr give you strength!
(Optional) Glaumunt: ...Eh? Lost your imperial disguise? You daft sod! 'Tis lucky I thought to acquire some spares... In case you've forgotten, these ain't exactly easy to get hold of. Be more careful with 'em this time.