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Male ♂
Roegadyn (Sea Wolves)
Mor Dhona (21.9,7.8)
Adventurers' Guild
Quest NPC

"We welcome all sorts—provided they are willing to earn their keep, of course."

Slafborn is a seasoned adventurer who leads his brethren in the construction of Revenant's Toll near the ruins of the camp of the same name. Chosen for his post by the Adventurers' Guild, the Sea Wolf man is an approachable and honest fellow who is best known for the aid he provided the Warrior of Light and his comrades during their rescue of the Archons from Castrum Centri. Slafborn was also instrumental in helping displaced Doman refugees adapt to their new lives in Eorzea following their long journey west. He was thus delighted by the Far Eastern dagger given him as a symbol of their friendship. He is also proud of his ability to effortlessly split boulders even after his forty-five summers.

— In-game description

Slafborn is a Roegadyn in Mor Dhona.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
It's Possibly a Primal Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Rock-solid Protection Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Welcome to Morbol Country Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Answering the Call Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
You're Gonna Carry That Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Picking Up the Sledge Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Brave New Companions Main Scenario quest 50 Slafborn
Magiteknical Difficulties Sidequest 50 Slafborn

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Come-Into-My-Castrum Main Scenario quest 44 Cid
Fool Me Twice Main Scenario quest 46 Glaumunt
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magitek Main Scenario quest 46 Cid
Escape from Castrum Centri Main Scenario quest 46 Cid
Laying the Foundation Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
All Due Respect Main Scenario quest 50 Alphinaud
A Hard Hapalit to Break Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Heretical Harassment Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
When the Cold Sets In Main Scenario quest 50 Haurchefant
Volunteer Dragonslayers Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Toll Booty Sidequest 54 Rhesh Polaali
Li'l Rascals Sidequest 54 Yozan
Short Arms of the Law Sidequest 54 Yozan
Precious Reclamation Feature quest 70 Kozakura
A Thousand and One Farewells Feature quest 70 Hozan

Additional Information

Slafborn Rhotweitzsyn's name means "Sleeping Boar" and "Red Wheat's son," respectively, in the traditional Roegadyn language.