Valentione's Day (2014)

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Valentione's Day (2014)
Valentione's Day 2014 banner art.png
Event Start
February 4, 2014
Event Finish
February 17, 2014
Event Chain
Valentione's Day
Event Page
Valentione's Day (2012)
Valentione's Day (2015)

Valentione's Day (2014) is a seasonal event that took place from February 4, 2014 to February 17, 2014.

The air is sweet with the smell of confectionary delights, made sweeter still by the sight of young lovers seen in every corner Eorzea. The season of love is finally upon us—Valentione's Day has made its return! Word has it that an Ishgardian noble accompanied by several retainers has arrived in Limsa to enliven this joyous occasion, and the Harbor Herald has wasted no time in investigating their plans to spread ardor throughout the realm.

— Event description

Valentiones day 2014 location.png


During the event, Ser Larsonient will be seeking passionate adventurers willing to lend their strength to House Valentione's cause. Players can begin the event by talking to Ser Larsonient at Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x11,y13).


Quest Type Level Quest Giver Rewards
The Puissance of Love Sidequest 15 Larsonient 1 Valentione trousers icon1.png  Valentione Trousers
1 Valentione skirt icon1.png  Valentione Skirt
Sweet, Sweet Love Sidequest 15 Lisette de Valentione 2 Bitter heart chocolate icon1.png  Bitter Heart Chocolate
2 Pure heart chocolate icon1.png  Pure Heart Chocolate
Right Here Waiting Sidequest 15 Lisette de Valentione 2 Bitter heart chocolate icon1.png  Bitter Heart Chocolate
2 Pure heart chocolate icon1.png  Pure Heart Chocolate
Love Is a Battleground Sidequest 15 Lisette de Valentione 2 Bitter heart chocolate icon1.png  Bitter Heart Chocolate
2 Pure heart chocolate icon1.png  Pure Heart Chocolate
Never Say Farewell Sidequest 15 Lisette de Valentione 1 Valentione apron icon1.png  Valentione Apron
1 Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Valentione Apron Dress



Male Female
Valentione hat icon1.png  Valentione Hat
Valentione apron icon1.png  Valentione Apron Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Valentione Apron Dress
Valentione mitts icon1.png  Valentione Mitts
Valentione trousers icon1.png  Valentione Trousers Valentione skirt icon1.png  Valentione Skirt
Valentione pattens icon1.png  Valentione Pattens



Name Points Task Reward Patch
Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Spreading the Love 10 Complete the quest “Never Say Farewell.” - 2.1



Ardor and Affection

The Countess Arabelle de Valentione─who has not heard a minstrel sing of this ethereal beauty? She who forsook a sheltered life at court to traverse vast and unforgiving environs in her lifelong quest for true love?

Eras have come and passed, yet still today does her tale instill would-be lovers the realm over with the courage to lay bare their hearts before their beloved, accompanied more often than not by a gift of sweet confections. So was born the tradition of Valentione's Day. In the trying years since the Calamity, however, merely ensuring survival and daily livelihood in the face of threats from the beastkin and Garlemald has proven a toilsome task for a great many Eorzeans, leaving precious little time for romantic pursuits. And yet, who can deny that having a special someone in one's thoughts might lend an even greater sense of purpose and resolve on the battlefield? Not this starry-eyed scribe, that much is certain.

And so it is with open arms and high hopes that we welcome the lady Lisette de Valentione, direct descendant of the Countess Arabelle, to our fair Limsa, that her presence might serve to kindle flames of romance across the land, warming the hearts of all those who yearn for the sweet embrace of their one true love.

Yumah Molkot
