Valentione's Day

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See also: Valentione's Day Events Quests

Valentoine's Day honors Countess Arabelle de Valentione, who cast aside a sheltered life to set forth on a search for true love. Although eras have come and gone since, her tale inspires would-be and longtime lovers to lay bare their hearts, conveying their feelings through gifts of sweet confectionaries. Much like Arabelle herself, envoys from House Valentione now venture far and wide to set ardor abloom across Eorzea.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 56

List of events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Valentione's Day (2025) February 3 - 17, 2025 Bouquet icon1.png  Bouquet, Heartfelt valentiones day advertisement icon1.png  Heartfelt Valentione's Day Advertisement
Valentione's Day (2024) February 7 - 21, 2024 Love Heart.png  Love Heart, Valentiones heart chair icon1.png  Valentione's Heart Chair
Valentione's Day (2023) February 1 - 15, 2023 Eat Chocolate.png  Eat Chocolate, Vested emissary's attire coffer icon1.png  Vested Emissary's Attire Coffer, Frilled emissary's attire coffer icon1.png  Frilled Emissary's Attire Coffer, Valentiones heart desk icon1.png  Valentione's Heart Desk
Valentione's Day (2022) February 8 - 21, 2022 Postmoogle barding icon1.png  Postmoogle Barding, Valentione mobile icon1.png  Valentione Mobile
Valentione's and Little Ladies' Day (2021) February 10 - March 8, 2021 Lovely moogle cap icon1.png  Lovely Moogle Cap, Stuffed kupka kupp icon1.png  Stuffed Kupka Kupp
Valentione's Day (2020) January 29 - February 17, 2020 Gentlemans valentione rose chest icon1.png  Dashing Valentione Rose Chest, Ladys valentione rose chest icon1.png  Prim Valentione Rose Chest, Gentlemans valentione forget-me-not chest icon1.png  Dashing Valentione Forget-me-not Chest, Ladys valentione forget-me-not chest icon1.png  Prim Valentione Forget-me-not Chest, Gentlemans valentione acacia chest icon1.png  Dashing Valentione Acacia Chest, Ladys valentione acacia chest icon1.png  Prim Valentione Acacia Chest, Chocolate fountain icon1.png  Chocolate Fountain
Valentione's Day (2019) January 31 - February 19, 2019 Gigas greatsword icon1.png  Gigas Greatsword, Tonberry knife icon1.png  Tonberry Knife, Valentione lobster platter icon1.png  Valentione Lobster Platter, Valentione cake pairing icon1.png  Valentione Cake Pairing, Stuffed mammet icon1.png  Stuffed Mammet
Valentione's Day (2018) February 2 - 15, 2018 Broken Heart (Left) Icon.png  Broken Heart (left), Broken Heart (Right) Icon.png  Broken Heart (right), Rose wagon icon1.png  Rose Wagon, Valentiones day advertisement icon1.png  Valentione's Day Advertisement, Valentiones day balloons icon1.png  Valentione's Day Balloons
Valentione's Day (2017) February 2 - 15, 2017 Dote.png  Dote, Angel of mercy icon2.png  Angel of Mercy, The kiss orchestrion roll icon1.png  The Kiss Orchestrion Roll, Paramour vase icon1.png  Paramour Vase
Valentione's Day (2016) February 2 - 15, 2016 Paramours earrings icon1.png  Paramour's Earrings, Platinum paramours earrings icon1.png  Platinum Paramour's Earrings, Black-feathered flat hat icon1.png  Black-feathered Flat Hat, Red-feathered flat hat icon1.png  Red-feathered Flat Hat, Paramour bed icon1.png  Paramour Bed, Broken heart chair (left) icon1.png  Broken Heart Chair (Left), Broken heart chair (right) icon1.png  Broken Heart Chair (Right)
Valentione's Day (2015) February 3 - 16, 2015 Paramour barding icon1.png  Paramour Barding, Flame of passion icon1.png  Flame of Passion, Valentiones cake icon1.png  Valentione's Cake
Valentione's Day (2014) February 4 - 17, 2014 Valentione hat icon1.png  Valentione Hat, Valentione apron icon1.png  Valentione Apron, Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Valentione Apron Dress, Valentione mitts icon1.png  Valentione Mitts, Valentione trousers icon1.png  Valentione Trousers, Valentione skirt icon1.png  Valentione Skirt, Valentione pattens icon1.png  Valentione Pattens

Legacy events

Name Event Period Notable rewards
Valentione's Day (2012) February 2 - 15, 2012 Band of eternal passion icon1.png  Band of Eternal Passion, Paramours pendant icon1.png  Paramour's Pendant, Platinum paramours pendant icon1.png  Platinum Paramour's Pendant, Consecrated chocolate icon1.png  Consecrated Chocolate
Valentione's Day (2011) February 1 - 15, 2011 Heart chocolate icon1.png  Heart Chocolate, White chocolate icon1.png  White Chocolate