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- Recast
- 180s
- Quest Req.
Forward, Royal Marines
“Orders your faerie away while granting you a full Aetherflow stack. Also increases healing magic potency by 20%.
Duration: 30s
Current faerie will return once the effect expires. Summon Eos cannot be executed while under the effect of Dissipation.
Can only be executed while in combat.— In-game description
Dissipation is an action unlocked by questing at level 60. It is available for Scholar.
Related actions
- Under the effect of Dissipation, actions that require a fairy to be summoned (e.g. Embrace, Whispering Dawn, Fey Illumination, Aetherpact, Fey Blessing) will not be available until the fairy returns.
- Only healing magic potency (i.e., actions on the global cooldown) is affected, e.g. Physick, Adloquium, Succor.
- This action cannot be used if Seraph has been summoned using Summon Seraph.