Whorl of a Time

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Whorl of a Time

The whorleater extreme banner1.png
Quest giver
The Waking Sands (X:6.0, Y:4.9)
Quest line
Primal Quests
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestThrough the Maelstrom
Experience 0
Gil 1,220

When Urianger appears pensive, you can be sure another primal problem looms on the horizon.

— In-game description




The North American and European datacenters primarily use Party Finder to challenge (Extreme) content. Using Duty Finder to match with random players is not recommended and will be more difficult than pre-forming a party. Completion of this extreme trial is not required to complete the quest. For an easy completion, it is recommended that players use Party Finder and form an Unrestricted Party (i.e., with level sync disabled). Players who wish to complete this duty with level sync enabled should also form a pre-made party, which also enables the use of Minimum Item Level and Silence Echo settings for an additional challenge.



  • When Urianger appears pensive, you can be sure another primal problem looms on the horizon.
  • According to the request for aid Urianger received from Maelstrom Command, the primal Leviathan has made an unexpectedly swift and deadly reappearance. Travel to Limsa Lominsa and report to High Storm Commander R'ashaht Rhiki for a briefing on the situation
  • R'ashaht Rhiki confirms that the Lord of the Whorl has indeed returned to terrorize the seas. Reports of the primal's most recent attack suggest that this incarnation of Leviathan is possessed of truly nightmarish power and represents a threat that must be neutralized with all possible haste. As soon as your preparations are complete, make your way to the Moraby Drydocks and speak with Sergeant Styrnlona.
  • Sergeant Styrnlona eagerly informs you that the twin vessel, the Whorleater, and its towing ship are ready to leave port as soon as you board. The time has come to sail forth and confront the Lord of the Whorl once more.
  • The Whorleater (Extreme) can be accessed via the Duty Finder.


Accepting the Quest

Urianger: The Lord of the Whorl, slain at thy hand... 'Twas a deed both heroic and historic─a tale to be told down the ages. 
Urianger: I fear, however, that the terror of the Indigo Deep did slumber but briefly in the aetherial sea. The Maelstrom hath assured me with unhappy certitude that Leviathan doth stir from the abyss once more. 
Urianger: Should this indeed prove the case, then we face a most troubling and chilling predicament. The Lord of the Whorl is a voracious being─naught less than a treasure trove of crystals would serve to lure the entity back to our plane of existence. 
Urianger: 'Tis folly, then, to believe the sea-bound beastmen could gather such a haul with such impossible alacrity. No, we must assume the Sahagin have adopted the disturbing new summoning ritual we observed amongst the other beast tribes.
Urianger: A threat of unprecedented magnitude now loometh over Limsa Lominsa. Take thee the swiftest road to Maelstrom Command and offer thy stalwart service. Thy shining light must needs illuminate the ocean's darkened swell.

Speaking with R'ashaht Rhiki at Maelstrom Command

R'ashaht Rhiki: [Malestrom Grand Company Rank] [Surname]/ [Forename] of the Scions], you are, as ever, a welcome sight at Maelstrom Command. Our worst fears are realized: the primal Leviathan has returned to threaten our shores. 
R'ashaht Rhiki: We did not think it possible for the fishbacks to summon their rapacious god without a considerably longer period of preparation, but there can be no mistake... 
R'ashaht Rhiki: Prior to contacting Urianger, we received a report detailing the almost complete destruction of a merchant fleet upon the open sea. Only one vessel managed to limp into port, bearing the decidedly unwelcome news of Leviathan's resurgence. 
R'ashaht Rhiki: Judging by the testimony given by the surviving crew members, the massive waves the entity leveled against the ships dwarfed anything we have ever seen the primal command before.
R'ashaht Rhiki: Should he unleash a tidal wave of similarly empowered proportions, Limsa would be scraped from this island like a barnacle from a hull. It is with such dread imaginings in mind that I bid you sail forth to slay the Lord of the Whorl yet again! 
R'ashaht Rhiki: Our strategy remains unchanged: the twin vessel, the Whorleater, is already being prepared under the command of Storm Marshal Slafyrsyn. 
R'ashaht Rhiki: Make your way to the Moraby Drydocks once your own preparations are complete. Seek out Sergeant Styrnlona, and she will see you safely aboard the ship. May the Navigator guide and protect you! 
R'ashaht Rhiki: The primal Leviathan must be dealt with before his strength is allowed to peak. Inform Sergeant Styrnlona at the Moraby Drydocks when you are ready to begin the operation. One day, the sea may swallow all, but it will not be this day!

Speaking with Styrnlona at Moraby Drydocks

Styrnlona: Storm Sergeant Styrnlona, at your service! The Whorleater is loaded and ready, sir/madam! 
Styrnlona: I'll give the signal for the towing vessel to depart as soon as you're aboard. Leviathan was sighted some distance from the coast, so there should be more than enough time to build up to ramming speed. 
Styrnlona: The entire crew is willing to lay down their lives to ensure you reach your target, sir/madam, so you just concentrate on skewering that overgrown sea serpent!