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Yilan is a Rank A Elite Mark found in Thavnair.


Killing the Elite Mark will reward the player up to Sack of Nuts 40 Sacks of Nuts, Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 30 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics and Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics 10 Allagan Tomestones of Aesthetics. Players will also have a chance of obtaining 1 Cracked anthocluster icon1.png  Cracked Anthocluster, 1 Cracked dendrocluster icon1.png  Cracked Dendrocluster or both.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Thavnair (X:14, Y:13) 90
Thavnair (X:17.9, Y:11.2) 90
Thavnair (X:17.8, Y:15.9) 90
Thavnair (X:18.5, Y:11.2) 90
Thavnair (X:18.4, Y:23) 90
Thavnair (X:20.4, Y:31.2) 90
Thavnair (X:25.5, Y:28.3) 90
Thavnair (X:27.1, Y:20.7) 90
Thavnair (X:28.0, Y:25.8) 90
Thavnair (X:29.6, Y:13.6) 90
Thavnair (X:32.1, Y:19.9) 90

Spawn Conditions


Normal Spawn


4 to 6 hours after killed.

Tips and Tricks

  • Soundstorm applies a Forced march icon1.png Forced March status effect to everyone in range, forcing them to move in the direction shown after 8 seconds.
  • Mini Light is a large circle AoE that applies Seduced icon1.png Seduced and Minimum icon1.png Minimum debuffs. Make sure you aim the forced march out of it because its next attack kills anyone that is Seduced icon1.png Seduced.
  • Devour.png  Devour is followed by Mini Light and kills anyone that is Seduced icon1.png Seduced.
  • Bog Bomb is an untelegraphed circle AoE on a random target that applies a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up.
  • Brackish Rain is an untelegraphed conal AoE on a random target that knocks them back and applies a Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up.


The Au Ra's flavor of Hannish once used the word “yilan” to mean “snake,” though I fear that fails to capture the─frankly repulsive─image of what the Faculty of Medicine has requested you hunt down.
According to reports from the local naturalists, the creature emits aether from its photophores that crushes its prey into a more diminutive form, the better to swallow it whole. Not pleasant, oh no.
Nor is it technically a serpent. Rather, 'tis a quadrupedal scalekin that is equally dangerous on land and in water─though at least it's not subtle.

— Lubdahrm, Old Sharlayan Aetheryte Plaza, Old Sharlayan


The traditional language of Thavnair's Au Ra once used the word "yilan" to mean "snake," though this particular creature is more of a "scaly quadrupedal monstrosity" as far as the common tongue is concerned. Equally dangerous in water and on land, Yilan emits aether from its photophores to crush its prey into a diminutive form better for swallowing whole—which goes a long way toward explaining why the Faculty of Medicine has asked that it be indisputably dead upon delivery.

Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 299
