Rage Extinguished
Rage Extinguished
- Quest giver
- Koh Rabntah
- Location
- Mor Dhona (X:34.7, Y:19.3)
- Level
- 81
- Requirements
- Clear floor 30 of
Eureka Orthos.
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Delve into Myth
- Next quest
Orthos Unveiled
- Patch
- 6.35
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“Koh Rabntah is eager to hear of your progress into Eureka Orthos.
— In-game description
- Speak with Koh Rabntah.
- Koh Rabntah is eager to hear of your progress into Eureka Orthos.
- While the Allagan archmagus seems surprised that you survived your expedition into Eureka Orthos unscathed, she is eager to hear about what you encountered on your journey. She asks that you summon G'raha Tia to the Eight Sentinels, that you may regale them both with tales of the enemies you fought and the experiments you unearthed.
- As you relate your battle with the cloned Tiamat, Noah seems satisfied, revealing that the ultimate purpose of her request was to see that the contributions of Allag's researchers─namely, her pupils Unei and Doga─do not go ignored by future generations. With floor thirty of Eureka Orthos conquered, your obligation to the archmagus is fulfilled, but she informs you that the deeper floors house even more dangerous creatures to combat and more lustering treasure to uncover. Whether you set foot into those treacherous depths, however, is a decision entirely up to you.
Speak with Koh Rabntah
Koh Rabntah: You are returned, and with no grievous wounds that I can discern! I take it that means you have proven equal to the task of plumbing Eureka Orthos's depths? Koh Rabntah: I knew the contrivances of Allag's brightest minds would be no match for you! But of course, what else should I have expected from an adventurer of your caliber? Koh Rabntah: I am very much looking forward to your full report, but first you should summon G'raha Tia. I did make the boy a promise, after all. Koh Rabntah: If you would, impress upon him that the matter is one of the utmost urgency. Although I suspect he hardly needs the extra prodding.
G'raha Tia: Fascinating. It was as Noah said would happen─the vanguard of Allagan research came to meet your advance. G'raha Tia: Artificial organisms and clones, each more fearsome than the last. And at the end of this vicious parade was none other than...
Koh Rabntah: A clone of Tiamat, one of the first brood. Koh Rabntah: When Xande began his conquest of the southern continent, the dragons which held dominion over the region offered fierce resistance. Koh Rabntah: Thus was every available resource poured into creating a species of wyrm which would bend to Allagan will. Once Tiamat and her kin were captured, they were used to hasten the subjugation of dragonkind. Koh Rabntah: The many clones born from this research were also used as fodder for a different project, which aimed to perfect the means by which Bahamut could be used to power Dalamud.
G'raha Tia: When we encountered Tiamat on Azys Lla, 'twas plain her thoughts had never strayed far from Bahamut, even after thousands of years of imprisonment. G'raha Tia: If her clone was forced to watch as he was reduced to a power source for that fell moon... Even if that Bahamut was merely a primal, the sight must have torn at her heart.
Koh Rabntah: Is that compassion I hear in your voice? Toward Tiamat? My, how times have changed. Koh Rabntah: I know not how the deeds carried out in Eureka Orthos will look when viewed through your eyes. I imagine they might not paint the empire in the most magnanimous of lights. Koh Rabntah: Yet as an Allagan myself, I can say that at the time, they were not only a symbol of our eminence, but also a means of our survival. Koh Rabntah: ...Perhaps you think we went too far? Koh Rabntah: Before rushing to judgment, allow me to remind you that civilization thrives by bending nature to its will. Allagan science is but one manifestation of this inevitability. Koh Rabntah: None would bat an eye to see a river dammed to prevent flooding. We breed plants and animals with the intent to make their next generations hardier─for our own benefit, not for the subject's. Koh Rabntah: I am interested to hear your opinion, Forename. What impression has Eureka Orthos left upon you?
System: What will you say? > The Allagans were visionaries! > You're not wrong. But you aren't completely right, either. > The Allagans crossed a line, then went far beyond it.
G'raha Tia: You know, you never did say why you wanted Forename to delve into the facility. G'raha Tia: Was there some manner of impending catastrophe that you hoped to prevent by clearing the laboratory of threats?
Koh Rabntah: Oh, 'twas nothing so noble as that. Naturally, with no researchers to maintain them, the remaining experiments would succumb to the march of time. Koh Rabntah: I knew this would be my final chance to share them with another─to share what Allag's researchers wrought. Koh Rabntah: Their endless experimentation produced the answers to questions few thought to even ask. And now, in a way, their work shall live on. Koh Rabntah: My time in Eureka Orthos was merely a diversion, but my pupils devoted heart and soul to their research, knowing that their fate─and the fate of their nation─depended on their success.
G'raha Tia: Your pupils were here? G'raha Tia: I've heard that the archmagus guided the education of the imperial family. G'raha Tia: So when you speak of your pupils, that can only mean...
Koh Rabntah: Doga and Unei, yes. The direct descendants of Emperor Xande. They agreed to be cloned, that they might serve the empire forevermore. Koh Rabntah: I wanted the world to know what their sacrifice gave us. How they spurred the advance of technology further than any before them. Koh Rabntah: I thank you for going along with my selfish requests thus far. If you would allow me another indulgence, I would like to dedicate your expedition to the memory of those children and their fallen homeland. Koh Rabntah: Thank you, my friend! Now then, let us move on to lighter matters, yes? Eureka Orthos is not the sole repository of Allagan ingenuity. Koh Rabntah: For the empire was vast, and they were loath to put all their eggs in one basket, so to speak. Doubtless other similar facilities dot the realm. Koh Rabntah: Should you stumble upon one during your adventures, do not hesitate to venture into its halls. Why, I daresay your most thrilling discoveries are yet ahead of you!
G'raha Tia: I look forward to hearing of them!
Speak with Koh Rabntah again
Koh Rabntah: Allow me to offer you my thanks once again, Forename. Your efforts have seen a long-held wish of mine fulfilled at last. Koh Rabntah: And while you have no more obligation to me, Eureka Orthos reaches deeper still into the earth. Koh Rabntah: On the lowermost floors the most volatile experimentations were carried out. I cannot in good conscience suggest you delve further, but if riches and adventure are what you seek, I can think of no better place. Koh Rabntah: If you find aught of interest, I promise to share with you what I know of its history. That is, of course, assuming you survive the journey! Farewell and happy hunting, Forename!
System: You can now explore beyond floor 30 of Eureka Orthos. System: To learn the requirements for entering floor 31 and below, speak with Khatun. System: You may now consume Orthos aetherpool gear strength to obtain Orthos aetherpool grips from the synthesis node. System: Orthos aetherpool grips can then be exchanged for weapons that appear identical to Orthos aetherpool arms but can be used outside of Eureka Orthos.