Tortoise in Time
Tortoise in Time
- Quest giver
- Bunchin
- Location
- The Ruby Sea (X:27.9, Y:16.4)
- Quest line
- The Four Lords
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
An Auspicious Encounter
- Next quest
The Fire-bird Down Below
- Patch
- 4.3
“— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Unlocks
- To enter Reisen Temple, talk to the tanuki named Furi at (x:27.1, y:38.3, z:0.1) in The Ruby Sea.
- Speak with Genbu in Reisen Temple.
- Speak with Kamaitachi in Yanxia.
- Enter the Swallow's Compass.
- Deliver the tamate-bako of geomancy to Genbu.
- Quell Soroban's aramitama.
- Speak with Genbu.
- Speak with Bunchin in Tamamizu.
Solo Duty
After talking with Genbu, a solo duty will commence. In this fight, Genbu and Tataru will join you against Soroban from the start.
- Soroban uses a lot of AOE attacks, so you have to keep moving.
- When half of Soroban's health is depleted, Genbu will instruct you to get behind him as he erects a shield. Afterwards, he will retreat from the battle.
- When Soroban is near defeat, he will summon up Fonts, which are basically large whirlpools. Defeating these aren't important, but it does help make the fight much easier.
- When last you left Soroban, he was undergoing strenuous training under the tutelage of Genbu, one of the Four Lords of legend, in Reisen Temple. It would seem that since you delivered news of this development to Bunchin, he has heard nothing further regarding his kinsman. Coincidentally, the moment the Kojin chieftain voices his concern, you are contacted by Tataru, who is bound for the temple to deliver a treat to the hardworking Soroban...
- Though Soroban is not without potential -- as is evidenced by the simple fact that he has yet to run screaming from the temple -- Genbu is concerned that he will not be strong enough to aid in the great battles to come against Seiryu and Suzaku. Therefore, to accelerate the training process, he would have you retrieve a relic known as the tamate-bako of geomancy, which has the power to manipulate time itself, and transform Soroban into an auspice -- albeit until the magicks dissipate. The box can be found deep within the Swallow's Compass, the ancient mausoleum of Ganen, the founder of the Kingdom of Doma and father of Far Eastern geomancy. Given the nature of the task, it would be prudent to call upon several of your allies.
- You journey unto Yanxia and arrive at the tomb to find Kamaitachi, who has already dealt with the wards sealing the entrance. The grand mausoleum was long ago abandoned to the shikigami forever bound to its halls, who will doubtless do their utmost to bar your way. Nevertheless, you and your comrades must overcome these guardians and whatever other trials you encounter, and lay claim to the tamate-bako of geomancy.
※The Swallow's Compass can be accessed via the Duty Finder.
- After braving the myriad dangers of the tomb, your party at last comes upon the relic and its final guardian, an auspice far more formidable than those who preceded him. Yet, in the end, he and his golden-hooped rod are no match for you and yours.
- Genbu is quite pleased to receive you and the tamate-bako of geomancy, and immediately calls for everyone to prepare for the next stage of Soroban's training, in which the Kojin is to bathe in the temporal magicks of the box and temporarily transform into an auspice. The process is not without its risks, however, and despite Tataru's assurances that she can bring her arcanima to bear in an emergency, it will likely fall to you to deal with any dangers that may arise...
After all save Soroban withdraw to a safe distance, the Kojin opens the box, from which pours forth an endless fount of smoke. All observe in silence... until Tataru, growing impatient, declares the box to be a fake and runs to gaze inside. Genbu quickly pushes her aside, but too late to spare her entirely, as she is transformed into a hideous crone... for some few moments. Alas, her reckless actions serve to distract Genbu from Soroban, whose prolonged exposure to the smoke leads him to transform into an auspice already consumed by the aramitama. As feared, you will need to call upon your martial prowess and subdue the rampaging Soroban before Reisen Temple is destroyed.
- Though the battle is not without its twists and turns, it ends in your victory, as is usually the case. Genbu, briefly incapacitated, has fortunately recovered, and regards Soroban with a mixture of surprise and exasperation...
Quest Acceptance
Bunchin: A pleasure as ever to see you, my friend. Would that I could say the same for Soroban. He has yet to return to Tamamizu, so I can only assume he is still busy undergoing Genbu's rigorous training... Tataru: Hello? Hello? [Forename]? Is my linkpearl working? So unreliable, these little things... I'm going to pay a visit to Reisen Temple to see Soroban─give him a treat to keep his spirits up. If you're available, you should come too! I hope you haven't forgotten how to get there, but in case you have, look for the cute animal trying not to look like a guard on duty in the middle of the volcanic island! Bunchin: ...I was, of course, not privy to your conversation just now, but on the off chance you are bound for Reisen Temple, give Soroban and Genbu my regards.
Furi: Headed for the temple or just taking in the wonderful smoky air?
Speak with Genbu in Reisen Temple
Genbu: Ho, well met, brave adventurer. You are come alone this day? What of the urchin girl I recall nipping at your heels? Tataru: That's Tataru! Tataru! Ta-ta-ru! And I'll thank you not to forget it, or else you'll get no tako-yaki from me! Genbu: Oh my, that would be most unfortunate. My sincerest apologies. I shall endeavor to remember, little urchin Tataru. Of course, your name I will not soon forget, for you saved my dear friend Byakko from descending into madness. It is good that you are here, [Forename]. Soroban has made great strides in his training, it is true, but I believe we need consider more drastic methods... Though he is not without potential, Soroban, as he is, simply lacks...divinity. Should we carry on as we are, he may not be ready when we have need of his strength. As with Byakko before, there will come a time when we must confront Seiryu and Suzaku, and quell the raging aramitama within them. Accordingly, we must use every means at our disposal─no matter how dangerous─to ensure we are prepared. Soroban: matter how dangerous? What exactly did you have in mind...? Genbu: Oho, there is no need for fearful trembling or withdrawing into one's shell. All I would have you do is open a box. Soroban: ...Oh, is that all? Well! I've opened my fair share of boxes! Genbu: But know that it is no ordinary box you must open! It is a tamate-bako of geomancy─a sacred vessel which harbors the very power of time itself. Soroban: ...And yet you say there is no need for fearful trembling? This box sounds terribly dangerous. To what end would you have me open it? Genbu: That you may bathe in its temporal magicks and age a thousand years in an instant─that you may undergo the change and become an auspice. Albeit until the magicks dissipate. Soroban: would have me become an auspice like the Four Lords!? Tataru: Hold on─[Forename], didn't you come across one of these tamate-bako in Shisui of the Violet Tides? You did, didn't you? Genbu: I am aware of similar relics in the possession of the Raen. However, their “magicks” alter only the appearance of those exposed. A mummer's trick─a glamour─altogether unlike the phenomenal power of the tamate-bako we seek. Know that this is no legend, but incontrovertible truth, for the one who created the tamate-bako of geomancy was a fellow auspice... Like many of us, he had lived long enough to see comrades become consumed by the aramitama─see them descend into madness and lay waste to the lands they had sworn to protect. And, like many of us, he had had no choice but to put an end to their rampages... Genbu: This auspice knew full well that he was destined to share their fate, and so, before he too fell from grace, he resolved to craft the tamate-bako of geomancy. And when his work was complete, he bathed in its magicks...until he was no more. Soroban: By the kami... He chose to die while his mind was still his own... Tataru: I...I don't know what to say... Genbu: Once the true potential of the box was understood─that it could bring death to an auspice─it was decided that it should be placed under lock and key in the Swallow's Compass, until we had need of it. However, the grand mausoleum of King Ganen has been abandoned to the shikigami forever bound to its halls as guardians, and only a warrior of surpassing strength can hope to overcome their trials. Steel yourself, Soroban! Until the moment [Forename] returns with the tamate-bako of geomancy, you must train like you have never trained before! Soroban: Y-Yes, yes! Of course!
Speak with Kamaitachi in Yanxia
Kamaitachi: Oh hey, you made it! Finally! I've only been waiting here forever and a day, but hey, it's not like we've got a potential calamity to worry about or anything... Anyway, I've already taken care of the wards sealing the tomb's entrance, so you're free to go in and get the box. But whatever you do, don't open it! Ah, and one more thing! I'll wager they told you about the shikigami, but forgot to mention that the box itself is guarded by one of us. A tough bugger and half! But you're a pretty tough bugger yourself, eh? You gave Byakko what for, after all. Just don't say I didn't warn you!