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Stirring Up Trouble

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Revision as of 13:29, 23 June 2024 by Smallpotatoes (talk | contribs) (add quest dialogue)
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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

Stirring up Trouble

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:20.7, Y:28.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Required items
2 Bomb Crate.png  Smoke Bomb
2 Burlap Sack.png  Large Burlap Sack
2 Burlap Sack Round.png  Buzzing Burlap Sack
Experience 221,760
Gil 1,234
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestSaying Good-bye
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Beeautiful Plan

Main Scenario Progress: 592 / 960 (61.7%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 51 / 157 (32.5%)


Y'shtola seems quite pleased with herself. but whether she has good or bad news to share remains to be seen.

— In-game description



  • Y'shtola seems quite pleased with herself. But whether she has good or bad news to share remains to be seen.


Minfilia: What do you suppose she's gleaned from the tablet?
Urianger: I have no doubt thou wilt find the contents of the tablet most informative.
Thancred: Hopefully Y'shtola has good news to share. A chance to reclaim the night has lit a fire in Minfilia that I would see kindled.

Quest Acceptance

Y'shtola: Let me begin by first explaining the origins of this tablet. I initially believed it might detail the history of the Church of the First Light. Much to my surprise, it dates back to the end of the Ronkan Empire, and was likely written under the direction of the reigning ruler. It was a time of strife and unceasing war with neighboring nations. With each passing day they yielded more and more territory to their enemies. In their desperation, petitions for aid were sent out to their allies. This was one such petition.
Minfilia: And you think this ancient petition will somehow help us get into Yx'Maja?
Urianger: Indeed we do. For etched into this tablet is a method by which one may prove themself an ally of the Ronkan Empire. Provided we are able to decipher said instructions, we may entreat the ruin's protectors to grant us safe passage.
Y'shtola: The problem, however, is I presently lack the resources to decipher them in their entirety. We have but one recourse: there exists a stone monument inscribed with ancient Ronkan text and translations into a more modern dialect which came into use after the fall of the empire. I am confident it will suit our purposes.
Minfilia: Where can we find this monument?
Y'shtola: Here in Citia, quite close to Slitherbough, in fact.  The good news ends there, however, for it is in the possession of a rather radical faction of Dark worshipers─the Children of the Everlasting Dark. If I am to study the monument, I must infiltrate their encampment. I have no intention of taking longer than absolutely necessary, but I will nevertheless require time to transcribe the text I need. To ensure that I will have enough, I am afraid I must ask you and Thancred to assist me.
Thancred: And before you even ask, the answer is no. If we're to remain unseen, our group must be as small as possible.
Minfilia: ...All right. I'll stay here until you return.
Thancred: We won't be long. If anything should happen, you keep her safe.
Y'shtola: Then let us convene outside, to the west of Slitherbough where the path diverges.

Speak with Y'shtola

Search for the Blessed watchman

Aid the Blessed watchman

Retrieve supplies from the outpost crates

Use a smoke bomb on the beehive

Use a large burlap sack to take bees from the beehive

Use a smoke bomb on the beehive

Use a large burlap sack to take bees from the beehive

Give the buzzing burlap sacks to Y'shtola