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A Beeautiful Plan

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A Beeautiful Plan

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:16.7, Y:20.1)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 221,760
Gil 1,044
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestStirring up Trouble
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAn Unwanted Proposal

Main Scenario Progress: 593 / 960 (61.8%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 52 / 157 (33.1%)


Y'shtola is ready to move.

— In-game description



  • Speak with Y'shtola.
  • Stand at the destination and examine the murals.
  • Speak with Y'shtola.


  • Y'shtola is ready to move.


Thancred: The bag is sealed tight, but I'd rather not keep the bees buzzing about in there longer than we have to. 

Accepting the Quest

Y'shtola: The Children's settlement is to the west, a place they call Woven Oath. 
Y'shtola: According to the guard, there is an airway apart from the entrance which leads to the spiders' nests. 
Y'shtola: If the fates are kind, the way will be clear. 
Thancred: We should move quickly, before any of the Children arrive.

Speaking with Y'shtola (Cutscene)

Y'shtola: Up there is the airway. Do you see it? 
Thancred: A bit far, perhaps, but we should be able to toss the bag through. 
Thancred: Though we should probably loosen the ropes keeping it closed. Enough that it falls open when it lands inside. 
Thancred: May I do the honors?
Thancred: That should do it. Now we wait... 
Villager of the Everlasting Dark: >> What is that!? << 
Villager of the Everlasting Dark: >> By the abyss, they're everywhere! << 
Villager of the Everlasting Dark: >> Help! Someone help! We have to save the spiders! <<
Y'shtola: It sounds like our plan is working. 
Y'shtola: Still, it is quite likely not all were drawn away from their posts. 
Thancred: If you should come to blows with the Children, I'll see to it any signs of struggle are concealed. Failing that, I'll create a distraction to buy Y'shtola more time. 
Thancred: Should anyone get past me, it falls to you to guard her. 
Y'shtola: Your concern is appreciated, but I sincerely doubt it will come to that. 
Thancred: Why do I get the feeling you enjoy the idea of my loafing about bored in the shadows? 
Y'shtola: Come now, Thancred. The shadows are a fitting place for a Warrior of Darkness. Now, if you both are ready?
Thancred: Go on. I'll be right behind you.

Speaking with Y'shtola

Y'shtola: The Font of Seeing suggests this is a chamber for prayer. At the very least, they would not place this near potential distractions from their worship.
Y'shtola: Perhaps the monument is further in. 

Speaking with Y'shtola (Cutscene)

Y'shtola: Yes, this is it. 
Y'shtola: I will be but a moment. Keep watch of the entryway. 
Y'shtola: On second thought, would you mind examining the murals on these walls while I look over this? 
Y'shtola: At a glance, I can tell they are old. Predating the founding of the Blessed and the Children, in fact. 
Y'shtola: We're not like to come here a second time. 'Twould behoove us to learn all that we can. 
Y'shtola: Hmmm... Then what does this mean...?

Standing at the destination and examining the murals

System: The mural appears to be very old. A ruler sits atop a throne, attended by their subjects.
System: The mural appears to be fairly old. A knight shields himself and their comrades from an encroaching darkness. The central figure is considerably faded.
System: The mural appears to be ancient. A warrior in the middle stands triumphant over what appears to be a creature of shadow. Other figures surround the warrior rejoicing in their victory.
Y'shtola: There is nothing to gain from staring at my backside. Now please, I need to concentrate.


Ardbert: These paintings...they seem familiar. Depictions of heroes throughout history. The age of gods... The empire of Ronka... And this...
Ardbert: There was a man. A researcher who pored over these pieces... 
Ardbert: He offered us work when we needed it. Slaying beasts, delivering provisions... A funny old bugger, he was, but he had a good heart.  
Ardbert: He believed this first painting dated back to a time of myth and legends. A tribute to the heroes of a long-forgotten era.  
Ardbert: The story went that it was rediscovered by an explorer from Ronka, who was so struck by its majesty that a second painting was commissioned, commemorating the heroes of their day. 
Ardbert: "One day, you will all be here too,“ he said. ”Heroes immortalized forever. Maybe I'll paint you myself!“ 
Ardbert: I had a good laugh at that. We were only trying to make our way, after all. Being heroes couldn't have been further from our minds.
Ardbert: But it seems...he actually went and did it. Before or after the Flood, I wonder... 
Ardbert: Rather faded, isn't it, compared to the others. Or did someone try to scrape it off the wall? Maybe the man himself, once he came to his senses...
Ardbert: Do you suppose your deeds will warrant an addition to this collection? Or some other kind of monument? 
Y'shtola: There you are. I have everything I need. Let us quit this place. 
Y'shtola: Is something the matter? We should go. The others are waiting.
Thancred: Good to see my distraction proved successful. 

Speaking with Y'shtola

Y'shtola: I believe I now have everything needed to finish deciphering the tablet. 
Y'shtola: Tell me, [Forename], did the murals appear to be of any significance?
Y'shtola: Depictions of heroes? From the age of gods, the Ronkan Empire, and immediately before the Flood. 
Y'shtola: Very astute observations. Perhaps in another lifetime you could be a curator of antiquities. 
Y'shtola: Though it has no bearing on the task at hand, perhaps that knowledge may prove to be of use in the future.