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The Runaway Train

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The Runaway Train

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Regio Domorum

The Runaway Train.jpg
Aerial view of The Runaway Train

A Mark XLIX passenger train was forced off the tracks by tempered soldiers as it attempted to flee the capital, its twisted bulk left to rust in the ice and snow. Only nobles, high-ranking officers, or citizens with special dispensation were permitted to ride this exclusive service.

— Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 143 / Endwalker Sightseeing Log 28: The Runaway Train

The Runaway Train is a landmark in Regio Domorum, Garlemald. It is a derailed train once boarded by Garlemald's elite to escape the capital during the civil war. It was overturned by tempered imperial soldiers.


  • Runaway Train is a film released in 1985. The plot focuses on a runaway train that is speeding through the snowy, remote wastelands of Alaska.[1]
