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Landmarks are loosely defined small areas or structures within an area. They typically do have a map pin and are often, but not always, identified by name on the map. Examples include The Silent King, Fullflower Comb or Gilbert's Spire.
Pages in category "Landmarks"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 954 total.
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- A-4 Research
- Abandoned Amajina Mythril Mine
- Absolute Horizon
- Achora Heights
- Acorn Orchard
- Aenadem Ei
- Aenadem Ol
- Aero Terminal
- Agama Temple
- Agave Jaws
- Ahm Nohl
- Air Cab Station
- Airship Landing (Radz-at-Han)
- Airship Launch
- Akyaali
- Alchemists' Guild
- Aleport Docks
- Alpaca Stables
- Alzadaal's Peace
- Amajina & Sons Mineral Concern
- Amalj'aa Encampment
- Amarissaix's Spire
- Anchor Yard
- Anden's Airs
- Ankledeep
- Antithesis
- Anyx Minor
- Anyx Old
- Apkallu Falls
- Arch of the Dawn
- Arena of Valor
- Athenaeum Astrologicum
- Auk's Landing
- Aunt Tii's Tacos
- Backbridge
- Bahrr Lehs
- Ballistics
- Bardam's Mettle (landmark)
- Barrier Isle
- Barrow Isle
- Bayside Bevy
- Beaconhill Lighthouse
- Behemoth's Dominion
- Bergmahr-Ring
- Biomass Incubation Complex
- Bitterbark Cenote
- Bittermill
- Black Boar Gate
- Black Iron Bridge
- Blessed Bud
- Blind Iron Mines
- Bloodhowe
- Blooms of Discovery
- Blue Badger Gate
- Blue-eyes' Abode
- Boiled Oil Bridge
- Bokairo Inn
- Bokaisen Hot Springs
- Bopo'uihih
- Borel Manor
- Bottom Rung
- Boughs of Hwittayoanaan
- Bowrest
- Brayflox's Longstop (Landmark)
- Brick
- Bridge Puyhu
- Brightploom Post
- Bulwark Hall
- Bureau of the Administrator
- Bureau of the Architect
- Bureau of the Secretariat
- Burgundy Falls
- Byregot's Strike
- Byron's Bread
- Camp Revenant's Toll
- Camp Riversmeet
- Camp Skull Valley
- Candlekeep Quay
- Candlekeep Quay Ferry
- Castrum Abania (landmark)
- Castrum Centri
- Castrum Fluminis (landmark)
- Castrum Occidens
- Cave Kikitola
- Cenote Jayunja
- Cenote Neyozzote
- Centrifugal Crystal Engine
- Ceol Aen
- Chakha Zoh
- Chirwagur Lake
- Chirwagur Saltern
- Choliselvaas
- Church of Saint Adama Landama
- Ciblu's Coffee Grounds
- Circle of the Tempered
- Clearmelt
- Clearpool
- Cleric
- Cleyra Museum of Nature
- Cloud Nine
- Clouded Portal
- Coldhearth
- Coldwind
- Congregation of Our Knights Most Heavenly
- Coral Tower
- Costa del Sol Ferry Docks
- Cotter Tor
- Cracked Cistern
- Cracked Shell Beach
- Cracking Chasm
- Crescent Cove Docks
- Crick
- Crow's Lift
- Crystal Gate
- Customs Hold
- Customs Office A-1
- Customs Office A-2
- Daguerreo Medical Collection
- Dalamud's Shadow
- Dalamud's Talons
- Dampsole
- Daniffen Pass
- De Nevelle Checkpoint
- Deceiver's Mantel
- Deepspine
- Deepwood Swim
- Delicate Designs
- Demilune
- Dirigible Landing (Tuliyollal)
- Dirigible Landing (Yak T'el)
- Dock Poga
- Dock Tumu
- Doma Castle (landmark)
- Dotharl Khaa
- Downripple
- Dragonspit
- Durendaire Manor
- Dwarven Hollows
- Dzemael Darkhold (Landmark)
- Dzemael Manor
- E-Tatt's Spire
- Earthen Sky
- East Balshahn Bazaar
- East Hawkers' Alley
- East Watchtower
- Easterly Boreneus
- Eastern Ryurin Bridge
- Easton Eyes
- Ebony Stalls
- Ehcatl
- Ehs Daih
- Ek-wawya Plaza
- Electric Potential
- Elegeia
- Embrasure
- Emprise
- Empty Heart
- Empty Portal
- Erralig's Burial Chamber
- Esh Thom
- Eshtaime's Aesthetics
- Esperance Wheels
- Eugenia's Spire
- Eulmoran Army Headquarters
- Euroneus
- Everkeep (landmark)
- Everschade (The Guardian Tree)
- Exile
- Fallow Portal
- Father Collard's Chambers
- Fen-Yll Fineries
- Ferry Docks
- Fesca's Watch
- Fields of Gold
- Figaga's Gift
- Final Prayer
- Finders' Bluff
- First Bloom
- Fisherman's Bottom
- Fletcher's Cabin
- Flight of We Wingless
- Florentel's Spire
- Flue Bridge
- Font of Devotion
- Fool Falls
- Foremast
- Fort Gohn
- Fortemps Manor
- Forum Messorum
- Forum Patens
- Forum Solius
- Forward Gates
- Freewalks Roundspot
- Frondale's Phrontistery
- Frontbridge
- Fruit of the Protector
- Fullflower Comb