From high atop the western highlands of Coerthas, I looked out upon the realm in all her twisted beauty. There I saw a sight that will be sung of for as long as songs are sung.
This testament to the skill of House Dzemael's artisans serves the main road stretching from the capital to the Dusk Vigil. Although built primarily of solid stone, the bridge was named for its suspended metal chains, wrought from black iron impervious to the blazing temperatures of a dragon's exhalation.
— In-game description
Black Iron Bridge is a landmark in Riversmeet, Coerthas Western Highlands.
Item |
Icon |
Node |
Node Req. |
Gathering Required
Pearl Sprout Seeds |
? |
Level 55 Unspoiled (10AM/PM) |
Level ? Perception 220
Pearl Sprouts |
6 |
Level 55 Unspoiled (10AM/PM) |
Level 52 Perception 273
Chives |
1 |
Level 55 Unspoiled (10AM/PM) |
Level 50*** Level 55 Perception 351
Coerthan Tea Leaves |
7 |
Level 55 Unspoiled (10AM/PM) |
Level 53 Perception 321
Coerthan Tea Seeds |
3 |
Level 55 Unspoiled (10AM/PM) |
Level 53