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Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting

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Feature Quest icon.png

Everybody Was Fukumen Fighting

Everybody was fukumen fighting1.png
Quest giver
Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12.5, Y:13.0)
Blue Mage
Learn Basic Instinct blu.png  Basic Instinct
Experience 25,750
Gil 2,141
Previous quest
Feature QuestSecond-rate Entertainment
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Feature QuestAzuro and Goliath

P'yandih appears to have been waiting for you.

— In-game description


Basic Instinct blu.png  Basic Instinct is available via:

Open World

Creature Level Race Clan Location
Master Coeurl 24 Beastkin Coeurl Upper La Noscea (9,21.5)



  • Speak with Martyn in Kugane.
  • Question customers at the Shiokaze Hostelry.
  • Speak with Martyn.
  • Speak with Martyn once more.
  • Speak with the Fighting Festival ticket taker.
  • Speak with Martyn.
  • Speak with Martyn once more.


  • P'yandih appears to have been waiting for you.
  • P'yandih, otherwise applauded in the Celestium as “Azuro the Fourth,” appears to have been awaiting your arrival. After a brief greeting, she hands you a letter from Martyn─a missive from the mysterious Far East. You scan the plaintive note and learn that the guildmaster has encountered some manner of trouble, and requests assistance at your earliest convenience. It would seem that your path leads to a teahouse in front of the Sekiseigumi Barracks in Kugane...
  • You arrive in Kugane to find Martyn working in a teahouse, the odd conclusion to an unfortunate string of events that befell him not long after his own arrival in the city. Robbery and public indecency notwithstanding, the guildmaster assures you that he is finally able to set aside some time to pursue the true purpose of his journey. He would, however, appreciate any aid you can render during his investigation into the Fukumen Fighting Festival. To that end, you are to make your way to the Shiokaze Hostelry, and learn what information you may from the patrons within.
  • Your inquiries at the Shiokaze Hostelry have shed some light upon the nature of Kugane's own fighting arena. Return to Martyn and report your discoveries.
  • You share your information with Martyn, and he reluctantly concludes that obtaining a ticket to the festival will require dealing with a black market merchant. Follow the guildmaster into the back alleys of Kogane Dori.
  • The shifty merchant you encounter is none other than Gyodo, the Namazu responsible for robbing Martyn in the first place. In an act of contrition─and sniveling cowardice─Gyodo returns the guildmaster's stolen money, and also presents him with an entry token to the festival. A few coins richer, Martyn suggests an immediate visit to the castle gates, where a Fighting Festival ticket taker should be waiting to admit you to the show.
  • Although Gyodo appears to have deceived you with a cheap ticket, you nevertheless enter the festival and view the opening match. Martyn is appalled by the event's blatant similarities to the Masked Carnivale, and shocked to discover that the entrepreneurial combatant known as “Bluehood” speaks with the voice of Nutiba Buntiba. Before you can discover anything further, however, you are forced to exit the premises.
  • A furious Martyn decides to linger by the castle gates and wait for his dishonest disciple to emerge. Bluehood, when he eventually does appear, is adamant that he is not the person Martyn thinks he is. The festival's manager, Kageyama, then comes out to cut the guildmaster's tirade short. He challenges the “founder of blue magic” to prove the authenticity of his claims in a duel against the reigning champion, Golden Goliath─a proposal which Martyn recklessly accepts. Wondering at the wisdom of his decision, your erstwhile mentor hurries back to his post at the teahouse.
  • Committed to his course, Martyn wisely chooses to spend the time leading up to the exhibition match investigating the fighting style of his opponent. Meanwhile, he exhorts you to continue your training in preparation for the unlikely event that you will be required to take his place in the arena.


  • This quest's title is a reference to the song "Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas. In particular, it references the first two lines of the song's chorus: "Everybody was kung fu fighting / Those cats were fast as lightning".
    • The intended target of this quest is a Coeurl (cat) boss inside The Temple of the Fist (a martial arts temple). This corresponds with the second line of the song's chorus, which refers to martial arts fighters as "cats".