It All Began with a Stone
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It All Began with a Stone
- Quest giver
- Prishe
- Location
- Lower Jeuno (X:6.0, Y:7.2)
- Quest line
- Echoes of Vana'diel Quests
- Level
- 100
- Gil
- Previous quest
An Otherworldly Encounter
- Next quest
That World Was Called Vana'diel
- Patch
- 7.1
“Prishe is almost definitely probably certain you are standing in Jeuno.
— In-game description
- Speak with Prishe and have her accompany you.
- Gather information while Prishe is accompanying you.
- Speak with Bakool Ja Ja while Prishe is accompanying you.
- Speak with Bakool Ja Ja.
- Prishe is almost definitely probably certain you are standing in Jeuno.
- Prishe appears to have returned to her normal self, but she has no memory of your prior altercation, nor can she remember who first brought her to Jeuno. For want of clues as to how and why you are arrived there, Prishe suggests speaking with the scant few denizens wandering about the city.
- ※In the event that you leave Lower Jeuno, you may re-enter via the portal in Gok Draak Descent.
- With Prishe in tow, you set off in search of answers. She is hopeful at least one locale, a place called the Tenshodo, will prove an eventful destination.
- ※You must be accompanied by Prishe to complete this task. Speak with her again should you become separated.
- Together you and Prishe speak with a number of residents, but much like the two of you, they all appear bewildered by the present state of affairs in Jeuno. Without other potential leads, you elect to return to Bakool Ja Ja.
- You return to Bakool Ja Ja with greater certainty that you are in Jeuno, but little else. The armor-clad wanderer arrives soon after by way of the portal, but is dismayed to hear that Prishe has no idea who he is. Even now he struggles to recall his own name, and so Bakool Ja Ja offers him one─Alxaal. The group begins to talk in circles, and an exasperated Bakool Ja Ja cries out in frustration. Much to everyone's surprise, his cries are soon answered by none other than Sareel Ja.
He claims to be the architect behind the city and its denizens, using the power of echoes from a place beyond space and time. His goal is to create a new ruler for Tural, and perhaps even the world, by combining the strength of powerful entities from another world─Vana'diel. Sareel Ja's confidence in his plan is palpable as he vanishes into the aether, leaving behind a promise to return once further preparations are complete. - You at last have answers, but not at all what you had hoped for. Prishe in particular appears stricken by Sareel Ja's revelations. The only pressing question now is when will Sareel Ja return, and will you be ready for him?
Accepting the Quest (cutscene)
Prishe: What were your names again? Prishe: Forename. And...Bakool Ja Ja, right?
(if player is a Hyur) Prishe: You look like a Hume. More importantly, you look like the adventuring type. (if player is an Elezen) Prishe: You look like an Elvaan, like me. More importantly, you look like the adventuring type. (if player is a Lalafell) Prishe: A Tarutaru. You are a Tarutaru, aren't you? I'd expect you to be...shorter. (if player is a female Miqo'te) Prishe: You look like a Mithra. More importantly, you look like the adventuring type. (if player is a male Miqo'te) Prishe: Wait... A (fe)male Mithra!? Well, now I've seen everything! (if player is a Roegadyn) Prishe: You look like a Galka, but where's your tail? Hacked off on some wild adventure, I bet. (if player is another race) Prishe: I don't know where you're from, but I can tell I'd love to visit. Can't say I've ever seen anyone quite like you before.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: If you're done with the small talk. Would you mind explaining why you attacked us?
Prishe: What in the world are you talking about?
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Don't play the fool with us. You were spouting nonsense about us being “taurus,” and nearly killed a man on your rampage.
Prishe: Well, I do recall fighting taurus not long ago. To protect Ulmia.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Ulmia...? Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: A friend of hers, you say? That's all well and good, but she was addressing Gulool Ja Ja's shade with that name. Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Hmmm... The incantations needed to summon it are said to be based on a much older magick, one capable of clouding peoples' minds. If our enemy is skilled enough to summon Gulool Ja Ja, it stands to reason such tricks are not beyond them.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: Meaning young Prishe here was likely tricked into believing the shade was this Ulmia person.
Prishe: So it was all an illusion, then. Prishe: It's starting to come back to me. There was someone who warned me that a dear friend needed my protection. Prishe: He was blue like your left head, and he gave me these bizarre weapons.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Blue like me?
Prishe: I usually fight with my fists, but didn't think twice to accept what they gave me. I suppose their magick's to blame. Prishe: In any case, I hope the real Ulmia hasn't been dragged into all this.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Can you tell us anything about the one you thought was your Ulmia? Where they may be hiding, perhaps?
Prishe: Would that I could, but when I got here, I was all by my lonesome.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Here being where, exactly?
Prishe: Jeuno. At least, I think this is Jeuno. There was never anything like that here before. Prishe: It's mostly empty, but there are a few people lingering about, if you know where to look. Maybe they can tell us something.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Go with Prishe, and see what you can learn of this place and the whereabouts of that shade. Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: We will remain here and keep watch on this rift.
Optional Dialogue
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: I sense something foul on the winds here. The sooner we leave this place, the better.
Speak with Prishe and have her accompany you
Prishe: Right, then. Let's have a look around. Prishe: Oh, and we should probably stop by the Tenshodo as well. It's in the back of Neptune's Spire, across the way from the fountain.
Prishe: I've only visited Jeuno a handful of times, when I needed a place to lay low, and maybe to lick my wounds once or twice. Prishe: I always enjoyed my time here, though. Met quite a few interesting people along the way.
Part Ways
Prishe: Oh. Well, if you're busy, don't let me keep you. The big guy can keep me company until you return.
Prishe: All set? Then let's get going!
Elvaan Adventurer
Elvaan Adventurer: Oh, good. I was hoping to run into you two. Elvaan Adventurer: I don't wish to be overly forward, but why were you speaking with that Mamool Ja earlier? More importantly, what was it doing here? Elvaan Adventurer: They would never dare venture beyond the shores of Aradjiah, unless... My gods, has Gulool Ja Ja laid siege to Aht Urhgan? Is Jeuno next to fall!? [fn 1]
Prishe: I don't know anything about sieges or invasions, but that Mamool Ja over there is a friend of mine. There ain't nothing for you to worry about. Prishe: The poor man's probably more confused than we are about all this.
Optional Dialogue
Elvaan Adventurer: I do hope Serpent General Aliapoh is all right...
Hume Adventurer
Hume Adventurer: You're new to Jeuno, aren't you? I can tell by the way you were taking in the sights. Hume Adventurer: The city was built upon Heavens Bridge, connecting the two great continents of Quon and Mindartia. Hume Adventurer: You'll find there's an upper and lower level, a port, and the administrative plaza of Ru'Lude Gardens. Hume Adventurer: At least, you would have before. All ways in and out of Lower Jeuno appear to be blocked or cut off.
Prishe: The situation here is worse than I thought.
Optional Dialogue
Hume Adventurer: Even teleport and recall spells seem to have no effect. What do you suppose has trapped us here?
Entrance to the Tenshodo
System: You press against the wall, but it refuses to budge.
Prishe: Won't open? <sigh> Then I guess we won't be meeting Aldo. Prishe: He's head of the Tenshodo. When the world's in danger, he's always there to lend me a hand.
What will you say? > Reminds me of my friends─the Scions. > A shame I can't meet him.
< Reminds me of my friends─the Scions. > Prishe: Scions, eh? They sound like a competent lot. Unfortunately, we're on our own here...
< A shame I can't meet him. > Prishe: I'm sure the two of you would have gotten along famously. Unfortunately, we're on our own here...
Mithran Adventurer
(if player is a Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, or Roegaedyn) Mithran Adventurer: Well, well, I thought I knew all the Mithra who travel through here of late. Where are you from, stranger? (if player is an Au Ra, Viera, or Hrothgar) Mithran Adventurer: Hmmm. Can't say I've seen your sort around here before. Where are you from, stranger?
Mithran Adventurer: [Player's starting city]? Can't say I've heard of it. Mithran Adventurer: Most folks passing through hail from San d'Oria, Bastok, or Windurst. Mithran Adventurer: Considering the present state of Jeuno, though, seems strange is becoming a common occurrence.
Prishe: I'd be lying if I said I'd heard of your homeland either, but that's not important right now. At times like this, we need to know who can be trusted.
Optional Dialogue
Mithran Adventurer: What sort of place is [Player's starting city], anyway? Maybe I can visit someday.
Discuss the shuttered windows (optional)
Prishe: Adventurers gather from all corners of the world to buy and sell their spoils here. The taxes are a pain, but it's worth it for the wide selection. Just between you and me, though, I've heard you can cut a good deal with merchants peddling their wares just outside of town.[fn 2] Prishe: But why is it closed? The auction house never closes... Prishe: Maybe they're waiting for things to return back to normal around here. Whenever they reopen, I suggest you stop by. Who knows, you may get lucky and find something waaay below market price.
Discuss the barred door (optional)
Prishe: What!? Why is this blocked off? Prishe: There are supposed to be stairs here leading up to the residential area. Prishe: <sigh> I swear, things get stranger here by the minute.
All NPCs spoken to
Prishe: Whatever's happening here, these people are just as bewildered as we are. We should go back and find Bakool Ja Ja. See if he's noticed anything.
Speak with Bakool Ja Ja while Prishe is accompanying you (cutscene)
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: Returned at last. With answers, I hope.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: So we're truly in this “Jeuno,” as she says.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: But I've traveled all over Tural, and never heard of a “Jeuno” or “San d'Oria” or any of those other places.
Prishe: What in Altana's name is Tural? I thought all you Mamool Ja are from Aradjiah.
Armor-clad Wanderer: Prishe! You're all right! Armor-clad Wanderer: And she has you to thank, I'm sure.
Prishe: Uh, thanks for caring. I guess... And who are you, exactly?
What will you say? > I thought he was a friend of yours. > He's the one who asked me to go and look for you.
< I thought he was a friend of yours. > Prishe: What? I've never seen him before in my life.
< He's the one who asked me to go and look for you. > Prishe: I appreciate the concern, but I've never seen him before in my life.
Armor-clad Wanderer: How can you say such a thing!?
Prishe: I mean, you do look like the sort I might know, but I'm drawing a blank. What was the name, mister...?
Armor-clad Wanderer: Ah, my name is... My name is...
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: You must be the one they found wounded in the Skydeep Cenote. Well, we have to call you something. Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: How about...Alxaal?
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: “Vagabond” in the Mamool Ja tongue. Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Though it may be closer to “adventurer” in Forename's Eorzean. Nicely chosen, Brother.
Alxaal: That does have a rather nice ring to it. Alxaal it is. Alxaal: So, where are we, exactly?
Prishe: Jeuno. Or at least, a close approximation. Surely, you remember this place, don't you?
Alxaal: It does feel familiar.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: What's so special about this place, anyway? And where did that damn shade get off to? Bah, none of this makes any sense!
Familiar Voice: My my, what a vexing predicament.
Prishe: Hey! That's the one that put me under a spell, I'm sure of it!
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: So, the Boonewa sycophant yet lives. What are you doing here!?
Sareel Ja: As you've found me in a generous mood, I thought I might enlighten you as to the nature of this place. That is why you've come, isn't it? Sareel Ja: The young lady is correct. This is the Grand Duchy of Jeuno.
Alxaal: So we really are in Jeuno. And yet something about it feels
Sareel Ja: I never said this is the real one. It is an imitation─a rather convincing one, I might add─which I created based on visions of another world.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: You built this?
Sareel Ja: That I did. While you and yours were holding the Dawnservants' coronation, Zoraal Ja and I ventured to the gate of the golden city. Sareel Ja: Everything was proceeding as planned─the gate's key was in our possession, the power to reshape the world within our grasp. Or so I thought. Sareel Ja: In the eyes of the Resilient Son, I was but a useless tool to be cast aside. Sareel Ja: By all rights, I should have died when he struck me down, but once the chamber was empty─the gate still open─I saw my chance. Sareel Ja: What I found when I dragged myself across the threshold was an emptiness. A space beyond time. It was there in this dark expanse I beheld another world. Sareel Ja: That world was called...Vana'diel.
Prishe: What a load of rubbish. As if anyone would believe that everything and everyone here is little more than one of your toys. Prishe: He turned to stone!
Sareel Ja: As I said, everything you see here is of my creation. Sareel Ja: Much like we fashioned a phantom of Gulool Ja Ja for the Feat of the Brotherhood, I was able to use our ceremonial tools to breathe life into my visions of Vana'diel. Sareel Ja: Under normal circumstances, my conjurings only have strength enough for a brief clash. With that stone, however, my magicks are capable of so much more.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mystic: Isn't that what Zoraal Ja used to build his army? Electrope, he called it.
Sareel Ja: Electrope, you say? Sareel Ja: If you know its name, then I trust you also know these stones are possessed of immense power. Power enough for my creations to persist for as long as I please. Sareel Ja: Fortunate, then, that that world between worlds was filled with structures made from electrope. More than I could ever hope for.
Prishe: Wait! If everything we see here─everything we believed was from Vana'diel─is of your making, I...?
Alxaal: Gods, that would mean I am as well.
Sareel Ja: You...? Yes, well...a trivial thread in the tapestry of my grand designs. Sareel Ja: And what a wondrous weave it will be, made possible by the endless possibilities gleaned in that Walk of Echoes! Sareel Ja: The memories buried there─those remnants of echoes─will shape my dreams into reality. Sareel Ja: I once believed that dream lay in the Resilient Son, but that bastard is dead to me. By my hand, Tural will have the greatest ruler the world has ever known! Sareel Ja: I've made an admirable start, but my work is far from finished. Sareel Ja: Very soon, I will draw upon the echoes once more to summon the greatest beings of Vana'diel, and their strength will be made one with this magnificent shade. Sareel Ja: The reason and resolve which built the nation of Tuliyollal, matched with the uncompromising tyranny that commanded the Mamool Ja of that world.
What will you say? > You'll never get away with this. I'll make sure of it! > I won't let you sully the memories of Vana'diel! > If you won't listen to reason, then maybe you'll listen to my fists.
Sareel Ja: That's the spirit! My preparations will take time, of course, but when I am ready, you can be certain I will call upon you. To bear witness to my greatness.
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: Sareel Ja, wait!
Optional Dialogue
Prishe: ...
Alxaal: Prishe...?
Speak with Bakool Ja Ja
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: Damn it all! Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: Just when I thought things couldn't become more complicated. Making sense of Alexandria was trouble enough, but now we have this Vana'diel to deal with as well. Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: I can only imagine how Prishe and Alxaal must be feeling. Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: What do you do when your very existence is called into question?
Optional Dialogue
Bakool Ja Ja the Mighty: First he served that tyrant Zoraal Ja, and now he would dare usurp the throne for this pale imitation of the Dawnservant. Sniveling wretch.
- ↑ Reference to the "Besieged" event in the FFXI expansion pack Treasures of Aht Urghan, where beastmen (including the Mamool Ja, of which Gulool Ja Ja leads) regularly invade the outskirts of the hub city to try to seize a monument granting useful bonuses within that expansion's regions.
- ↑ In Final Fantasy XI, players have the option to put items up for sale directly from their inventory with the "Bazaar" feature. To avoid congestion within Jeuno, a tax was added to all bazaar purchases within the region until December 2008. This led to impromptu gatherings of players with bazaars just outside the gates of one of the three entrances to Jeuno, varying by server.