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The Land of Levin

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Main Scenario Quest icon.png

The Land of Levin

The Land of Levin.png
Quest giver
Heritage Found (X:34.4, Y:35.3)
Quest line
Dawntrail Main Scenario Quests
Experience 1,088,640
Gil 1,396
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Main Scenario QuestAll Aboard
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Main Scenario QuestA Royal Welcome

Main Scenario Progress: 921 / 960 (95.9%)


Dawntrail Progress: 68 / 107 (63.6%)


Erenville looks upon Yyasulani in disbelief.

— In-game description





  • Erenville looks upon Yyasulani in disbelief.
  • You and the others struggle to make sense of what you see as you take in the dreary surroundings. Idle speculation will lead nowhere, however, and so you press on in search of clues that might explain what has befallen Erenville's home.
  • Surveying the area, you spy what looks like a train station in the distance. Surmising it to be Yyasulani Station, you head in that direction, hoping to find passengers from the train nearby.
  • Though you know for a fact that the train passed through here quite recently, the station appears to have not been used in decades. Wuk Lamat suggests having a look around for anything that might help make sense of the situation.
  • A closer examination of the buildings and train tracks lends further support to the possibility that the train station has been unattended for many long years. Perhaps Wuk Lamat has fared better in discovering anything of note.
  • Wuk Lamat calls the group's attention to a broken sentry similar to the soldiers that attacked Tuliyollal. While this all but confirms that Zoraal Ja holds control over the area, it fails to explain what has happened to Yyasulani. Its ruinous state suggests time has somehow leapt forward, but you have yet to find anything that might explain such a phenomenon. To be absolutely certain of where you are, Wuk Lamat asks Erenville to take you all to his home, and so the group sets off. All except G'raha Tia, whose attention is drawn to peculiar structures nearby.
  • G'raha Tia could not help but notice pole-shaped structures in the distance that appear to function as lightning rods. He moves in for a closer look, and you follow after him.
  • Upon closer inspection, G'raha Tia surmises the beacon-like structures are used to harness lightning as a source of energy─though it remains to be seen what that energy is used for. His curiosity sated, the two of you go and rejoin the others.
  • Erenville's home is in ruins, the village seemingly abandoned. A sullen silence falls over the group, which is immediately broken by the appearance of a stranger in even stranger garb. She welcomes you to what she calls Alexandria and introduces herself as Sphene, the Queen of Reason. Zoraal Ja rules alongside her as king, but she claims the two are at odds. In fact, she begs your aid in stopping him.
    • Talking with Sphene further, you reach the conclusion that two worlds have somehow become one within the confines of the dome, though the catalyst for this phenomenon is not immediately clear. Hoping to show you more of Alexandria, and perhaps shed more light on how this joining occurred, she invites you to a place she calls the outskirts.
  • Sphene is all smiles as she leads the group to the outskirts, but Alisaie believes that there is more to the queen than meets the eye. Only time will tell if she is truly friend or foe.