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A Blissful Arrival

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A Blissful Arrival

Quest giver
The Lochs (X:15.7, Y:25.2)
Quest line
Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Experience 10,800
Gil 861
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestSecuring the Saltery
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestReturn of the Bull

Main Scenario Progress: 511 / 968 (52.8%)


Stormblood Progress: 132 / 162 (81.5%)


Alphinaud seems satisfied that he and Watt are of one mind.

— In-game description




  • Alphinaud seems satisfied that he and Watt are of one mind.



Wiscar: Grandad and his friends are already hard at work─the rest of us can do no less, eh?
Watt: It'll be nice to have some Resistance lads and lasses around to watch over us. No one wants to worry about being dragged into the loch while you're just trying to get an honest day's work done.

Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: It seems Wiscar has the Saltery's security well in hand. I, meanwhile, have discussed the next steps with Master Watt, and completed my inspection of the site. 
Alphinaud: With a little work, the vacant buildings here could be made into very presentable dwellings. 
Flame Scout: Message from General Aldynn! 
Flame Scout: Apologies for the interruption, [miss/sir], but the General would speak with you at your earliest convenience! 
Alphinaud: Do not feel obliged to wait around on my account. I will remain here to hammer out the finer details with Watt, and act as an intermediary with our business partners in Ul'dah. You should go. 
Flame Scout: General Aldynn asked that you wait for him by the main gate in the Ala Mhigan Quarter. My apologies again, [miss/sir]! Fare you well! 


Watt: That Alphinaud's a bright lad, isn't he? I told him what we'd need to repair the place and he tallied up the total cost on the spot─and it weren't a small number, either! 
Wiscar: I'll ask Commander Hext to assign a squad to patrol the Saltery's harvesting and fishing spots. And I'll be sure to tell them what you told me! 
Alphinaud: Pray leave the administrative tasks to me. General Aldynn will be waiting.

Waiting inside the gate to the Ala Mhigan Quarter (Cutscene)

Raubahn: Apologies for the wait. 
Raubahn: People are screaming for the Butcher's blood again. No sooner have we broken up one mob than another forms. Thankfully, all have been amenable to reason...thus far. 
Raubahn: But it is no concern of yours. 
Raubahn: We must speak of the men Arenvald and his comrades apprehended in the Peaks. 
Pipin: By their uniforms, the captives were first judged to be imperial troops...but after further investigation, their true identities came to light.  
Pipin: I daresay you remember Yuyuhase and Laurentius─the fugitives who conspired with Captain Ilberd in the Crystal Braves' betrayal. 
Pipin: Aye, would seem they followed him all the way to the Wall. It was they who orchestrated the slaughter of the Resistance fighters prior to the Griffin's infernal ritual. 
Raubahn: Were it in your hands, how would you punish these men? 
< What will you say? >
< Their lives would be forfeit. >
< Execution is not the answer. >
< Their lives would be forfeit. >
Raubahn: Hear, hear. There is no more fitting sentence for the perpetrators of such a massacre. And that is but one of their crimes.  
< Execution is not the answer. >
Raubahn: You would spare these animals? Yours is a more merciful brand of justice than mine.
Raubahn: In any event, I thank you for your honesty. When the time comes for the Alliance to pass judgment, I'll see that your opinion is heard.  
Raubahn: Well, that concludes our business here, but there is more I would say. Walk with me. 
Raubahn: I bear a share of the blame for Ilberd's atrocities. Had I openly supported the cause of Ala Mhigan liberation, he might not have felt driven to do what he did... 
Raubahn: Things could have been different, and I'm sorry they aren't. 
Raubahn: But even after all that has happened, my homeland is free. With the Scions and the Alliance at their side, my countrymen have reclaimed what many thought lost forever. 
Raubahn: Under her new leadership, I have every confidence that Ala Mhigo will emerge from the shadow of the Empire and rise once more to greatness. 
Raubahn: Which means my work here is done. Soon, I will return to Ul'dah, and take my place at the sultana's side. 
Pipin: Father... 
Raubahn: I'll not deny there's a part of me that wants to stay... 
Raubahn: The same part that contemplated renouncing my rank and joining you as a wandering sellsword. 
Raubahn: But I pledged my blade to Nanamo. And I will not betray that oath. 
Pipin: Is this truly what you want, Father? 
Raubahn: It is. Ever has my sword been hers to command, and ever shall it remain. 
Raubahn: Thank you for lending an ear. When all the rest are clamoring for me to stay, I trust you'll send me on my way.


Pipin: Arenvald seems flustered. Something is amiss... 
Arenvald: I was just on my way to the Saltery─it's lucky I saw you!

Speaking with Raubahn

Raubahn: That took longer than I intended, but at least you know where I stand. 
Raubahn: Now that's settled... 
Arenvald─what news? 
Arenvald: We may have a problem, sir. 
Arenvald: A group of Ananta has arrived at the main gates. And I don't mean the Vira. These are Qalyana─the ones that summoned the primal. 
Arenvald: They're insisting they be allowed to attend the council. Lyse is trying to reason with them, but she may need help... 
Pipin: Hmm... An invitation was extended to all of the native beast tribes...but we assumed the Qalyana would refuse it out of hand. 
Raubahn: We had best go and see for ourselves. Pipin, take command of our forces and be ready for battle. 
Raubahn: [Forename]─you've dealt with these Qalyana before. I'd have you at my side.

Speaking with Lyse (Cutscene)

Lyse: [Forename]! Raubahn! Gods, it's good to see you... 
Shanti: Ah! The ssslayer has come. 
Shanti: We have not forgotten how you sssinned againssst the Lady of Blisss...but we did not come here to shed blood. 
Shanti: You claim to ssseek harmony with all who call Gyr Abania home. If thisss is truly your wish, you will welcome usss as envoys of the Ananta! 
Lyse: It is our wish, and you are welcome. But we cannot condone the summoning of primals. 
Lyse: If you want to enter the palace, I must ask that you first surrender any crystal jewelry. You have my word that it will all be returned to you when the meeting is over. 
Shanti: ...We will do as you asssk─but you will not have our weapons. We are not ssso foolish as to place ourssselves entirely at the mercy of our tormentors... 
Resistance Captain: I reckon that's the closest we're going to get to a compromise. And we will have people standing guard... 
Raubahn: Aye, let them keep their swords. 
Shanti: Then we have an agreement. Lead the way to your meeting chamber. 
Raubahn: Why do I have the feeling we've welcomed a viper into our midst...?