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A Day in the Neighborhood

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A Day in the Neighborhood

Quest giver
The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:20.7, Y:28.2)
Quest line
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 221,760
Gil 931
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestInto the Dark
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestA Helping Hand
Side QuestBarking Up the Right Tree
Side QuestPlans Gone Awry
Side QuestLike Pulling Teeth
Side QuestTea Time
Feature QuestWhat We Do for Family

Main Scenario Progress: 588 / 960 (61.3%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 47 / 157 (29.9%)


Y'shtola is staring off into the distance, lost in thought.

— In-game description



  • Y'shtola is staring off into the distance, lost in thought.



Minfilia: I wish...I wish I'd never... 
Urianger: When Y'shtola first arrived in the First, she made swift work of the Cabinet of Curiosity. Her thirst yet unsated, she then journeyed hither seeking the wisdom of Ronka. 
Urianger: She found little in the way of welcome from the Blessed, however. 'Twas not until the great fire, where she denied the sin eaters a feast of aether, that she gained their trust. 
Urianger: Since then I have served as liaison 'twixt Slitherbough and the Crystarium, that she might be kept abreast of the others' efforts. 

Accepting the Quest

Y'shtola: I am not indifferent to Thancred's troubles. Nevertheless, I will not apologize for holding him to a higher standard after all these years. He has ever been a man of considerable resolve, and that is what I will continue to expect. 
Y'shtola: Though it heartens me to know that some of us remain ourselves in spite of our present circumstances. 
Y'shtola: I can but imagine how Alisaie and Alphinaud have changed since arriving here in the First.
< What will you say? > 
< Change is part of life. We can but hope it's change for the better. >
< Perhaps you should be concerned with how you have changed. >
< Change is part of life. We can but hope it's change for the better. >
Y'shtola: <sigh> You're right. And after my untoward remarks to Thancred, no doubt he thinks I changed for the worst. I will have to speak with him later.
< Perhaps you should be concerned with how you have changed. >
Y'shtola: I realize I am not as I was on the Source, but I cannot say I regret the decisions that allowed me to come this far. 
Y'shtola: Ahem. Returning to the matter at hand─I really must begin work on deciphering this tablet. In the meantime, perhaps you should take a look about Slitherbough. 
Y'shtola: If there is anything you need, pray speak with Runar at the plaza.
Y'shtola: I have instructed Runar to help you with anything you should require. 

Speaking with Runar (Cutscene)

Runar: Welcome, friend. Welcome! My apologies for our less-than-hospitable greeting earlier. 
Runar: Tell me, what is your name? From where do you hail?
Runar: From the Crystarium! I see. And this tablet you've brought may help us find the Lightwarden here in Rak'tika? 
Runar: Well, you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need. Come, let me show you around.
Minfilia: Would it be all right if I joined you? 
Runar: Of course, of course. Anything for the guests of our dear Master Matoya. 
Minfilia: Thank you. She means a great deal to the Night's Blessed, doesn't she? 
Runar: If not for her, we may have all perished in the great fire. 
Runar: With our priests slain and our home in ruins, we were at the mercy of the sin eaters. 
Runar: It was she who drove them back. And with her sage guidance, we were able to rebuild.
Runar: Before long she became a central figure in our community─a great oak within whose shadow many have come to find solace. 
Runar: That is not to say there were not those hesitant to grant an outsider such authority, myself included. 
Runar: Perhaps it is the smile in her eyes when she speaks of the sunless sea. I feel...whole again, now that she is with us, and I have no doubt the others feel the same.  
Runar: She is as much a part of the Night's Blessed as any of us, and we are grateful for all she does in service to the Dark.
Runar: But you did not hear this from me, yes? 
Runar: Now, you should know there are certain customs we ask guests to adhere to so long as they reside within Slitherbough.
Minfilia: To show reverence to the Dark? 
Runar: In a word, yes. But fear not, it is not too involved. 
Runar: Let us begin with something simple. Follow me.


Y'shtola: I will do what I can to decipher the tablet's contents as quickly as I can. Though I fear it will require time we can ill afford, even with Urianger's help.
Y'shtola: In my time here, I read through texts covering all manner of topics regarding the Ronkan Empire, but there was surprisingly very little pertaining to linguistics.
Y'shtola: I suspect they were lost in the chaos that ensued at the time of the Flood. If there were a word to describe such a terrible loss of knowledge, it is one we will now never know. 
Minfilia: I thought Master Matoya kept her room dark because she didn't need the light, but they're all like hers, aren't they... 

Speaking with Runar

Runar: Should you see any of our people come to this chamber, they have likely returned from a journey beyond the borders of Rak'tika. 
Runar: We use the water stored here to cleanse ourselves of the Light's impurity. 
Runar: A simple and perhaps peculiar custom, but it is one of our most important. 
Runar: Would you two kneel for just a moment, that I might rid you of the Light's impurity? 


Minfilia: We mustn't be rude to our hosts.
Runar: Please, this will only take a moment.

/kneeling before Runar



System: As Runar lightly sprays you with water, your skin begins to tingle. 
Runar: And with that, you have been cleansed of the Light's blighted touch. How do you feel? 
Minfilia: I'm not sure, to be honest. Not refreshed, exactly, but I do feel different. 
Minfilia: Has this water been treated in some way?
Runar: Only blessed by our priests. They are practiced in the arcane arts. As such, it is said their prayers imbue the water with a faint dark energy. 
Runar: A prickling sensation? No one has ever spoken of such a reaction before. 
Minfilia: I wouldn't say it was an unpleasant sensation, but I too felt something strange. 
Runar: Hmmm. The dark aspect of this water should have no discernible effect. Unless...
Runar: By the gods! Master Matoya was right─you are sin eaters!
Runar: I jest, I jest. What you felt was likely no more than the chill of the water. 
Runar: Perhaps now would be a good time for you to acquaint yourselves with the people of Slitherbough. 
Runar: For that, I must teach you a customary greeting. 
Runar: Allin tuta. In the language of Ronka, it is one of several ways one might say “good evening.” 
Runar: The world is not as safe as it once was, and this greeting lets us quickly discern friend from foe. 
Minfilia: Is there a handshake or gesture we should know too? I would hate to offend anyone. 
Runar: You need not worry. Merely speak the words “allin tuta,” and they will know you as friends of the Blessed. 
Runar: I will await your return here. Now go. They are like to be heartened by your knowledge of our ways. 
Runar: No need to be shy, my friend. The Blessed are a warm and welcoming people. 

With the chat in Say, entering "allin tuta" to greet the residents of Slitherbough

Placid Elder: ... 
"allin tuta" 
Placid Elder: ... 
System: The elderly woman smiles warmly. 
Placid Elder: ...
Vondia: I've no business with strangers. 
"allin tuta" 
Vondia: Ah, a newly come traveler. Allin chi'si, and welcome to Slitherbough. 
Vondia: You must forgive us if we seem strangely reserved. We are a quiet and taciturn people. 
Vondia: Silent and serene as the sunless sea. The quiet makes it easy to discern the presence of eaters and other dangers here in the woods.
Vondia: Tread lightly friend, and may the shadows keep you.
Asgeir: Away with you. 
"allin tuta" 
Asgeir: Allin chi'si. Welcome, friend. I take it you will remain in these woods for some time, yes? 
Asgeir: Be wary of these woods, you will find poison in near everything you see. But fear not─our medicinal tea will keep you healthy. Ask and it is yours.
Asgeir: You are more than welcome to our medicines, friend. You need only ask.  
Runar: I hope your stroll about Slitherbough proved enlightening.

Speaking with Minfilia

Minfilia: Everyone was so kind and gracious...
Minfilia: I was nervous at first, but already I'm starting to feel at home. 
Minfilia: There is still much I have to learn about the Night's Blessed, but their faith and strength of will is nothing short of inspiring. 
Minfilia: I can see now how they've built such a thriving community...