A Day in the Neighborhood
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A Day in the Neighborhood
- Quest giver
- Y'shtola
- Location
- The Rak'tika Greatwood (X:20.7, Y:28.2)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 74
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Into the Dark
- Next quest
A Helping Hand
Barking Up the Right Tree
Plans Gone Awry
Like Pulling Teeth
Tea Time
What We Do for Family
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 588 / 960 (61.3%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 47 / 157 (29.9%)
“Y'shtola is staring off into the distance, lost in thought.
— In-game description
- Speak with Runar.
- Speak with Runar.
- /kneel before Runar.
- With the chat in Say, enter "allin tuta" to greet the residents of Slitherbough. 0/3
- Speak with Minfilia.
- Y'shtola is staring off into the distance, lost in thought.
Minfilia: I wish...I wish I'd never...
Urianger: When Y'shtola first arrived in the First, she made swift work of the Cabinet of Curiosity. Her thirst yet unsated, she then journeyed hither seeking the wisdom of Ronka. Urianger: She found little in the way of welcome from the Blessed, however. 'Twas not until the great fire, where she denied the sin eaters a feast of aether, that she gained their trust. Urianger: Since then I have served as liaison 'twixt Slitherbough and the Crystarium, that she might be kept abreast of the others' efforts.
Accepting the Quest
Y'shtola: I am not indifferent to Thancred's troubles. Nevertheless, I will not apologize for holding him to a higher standard after all these years. He has ever been a man of considerable resolve, and that is what I will continue to expect. Y'shtola: Though it heartens me to know that some of us remain ourselves in spite of our present circumstances. Y'shtola: I can but imagine how Alisaie and Alphinaud have changed since arriving here in the First.
< What will you say? > < Change is part of life. We can but hope it's change for the better. > < Perhaps you should be concerned with how you have changed. >
< Change is part of life. We can but hope it's change for the better. > Y'shtola: <sigh> You're right. And after my untoward remarks to Thancred, no doubt he thinks I changed for the worst. I will have to speak with him later.
< Perhaps you should be concerned with how you have changed. > Y'shtola: I realize I am not as I was on the Source, but I cannot say I regret the decisions that allowed me to come this far.
(Both) Y'shtola: Ahem. Returning to the matter at hand─I really must begin work on deciphering this tablet. In the meantime, perhaps you should take a look about Slitherbough. Y'shtola: If there is anything you need, pray speak with Runar at the plaza. (Optional) Y'shtola: I have instructed Runar to help you with anything you should require.
Speaking with Runar (Cutscene)
Runar: Welcome, friend. Welcome! My apologies for our less-than-hospitable greeting earlier. Runar: Tell me, what is your name? From where do you hail? Runar: From the Crystarium! I see. And this tablet you've brought may help us find the Lightwarden here in Rak'tika? Runar: Well, you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you need. Come, let me show you around.
Minfilia: Would it be all right if I joined you?
Runar: Of course, of course. Anything for the guests of our dear Master Matoya.
Minfilia: Thank you. She means a great deal to the Night's Blessed, doesn't she?
Runar: If not for her, we may have all perished in the great fire. Runar: With our priests slain and our home in ruins, we were at the mercy of the sin eaters. Runar: It was she who drove them back. And with her sage guidance, we were able to rebuild. Runar: Before long she became a central figure in our community─a great oak within whose shadow many have come to find solace. Runar: That is not to say there were not those hesitant to grant an outsider such authority, myself included. Runar: Perhaps it is the smile in her eyes when she speaks of the sunless sea. I feel...whole again, now that she is with us, and I have no doubt the others feel the same. Runar: She is as much a part of the Night's Blessed as any of us, and we are grateful for all she does in service to the Dark. Runar: But you did not hear this from me, yes? Runar: Now, you should know there are certain customs we ask guests to adhere to so long as they reside within Slitherbough.
Minfilia: To show reverence to the Dark?
Runar: In a word, yes. But fear not, it is not too involved. Runar: Let us begin with something simple. Follow me.
Y'shtola: I will do what I can to decipher the tablet's contents as quickly as I can. Though I fear it will require time we can ill afford, even with Urianger's help. Y'shtola: In my time here, I read through texts covering all manner of topics regarding the Ronkan Empire, but there was surprisingly very little pertaining to linguistics. Y'shtola: I suspect they were lost in the chaos that ensued at the time of the Flood. If there were a word to describe such a terrible loss of knowledge, it is one we will now never know.
Minfilia: I thought Master Matoya kept her room dark because she didn't need the light, but they're all like hers, aren't they...
Speaking with Runar
Runar: Should you see any of our people come to this chamber, they have likely returned from a journey beyond the borders of Rak'tika. Runar: We use the water stored here to cleanse ourselves of the Light's impurity. Runar: A simple and perhaps peculiar custom, but it is one of our most important. Runar: Would you two kneel for just a moment, that I might rid you of the Light's impurity?
Minfilia: We mustn't be rude to our hosts.
Runar: Please, this will only take a moment.
/kneeling before Runar
System: As Runar lightly sprays you with water, your skin begins to tingle.
Runar: And with that, you have been cleansed of the Light's blighted touch. How do you feel?
Minfilia: I'm not sure, to be honest. Not refreshed, exactly, but I do feel different. Minfilia: Has this water been treated in some way?
Runar: Only blessed by our priests. They are practiced in the arcane arts. As such, it is said their prayers imbue the water with a faint dark energy. Runar: A prickling sensation? No one has ever spoken of such a reaction before.
Minfilia: I wouldn't say it was an unpleasant sensation, but I too felt something strange.
Runar: Hmmm. The dark aspect of this water should have no discernible effect. Unless... Runar: By the gods! Master Matoya was right─you are sin eaters! Runar: I jest, I jest. What you felt was likely no more than the chill of the water. Runar: Perhaps now would be a good time for you to acquaint yourselves with the people of Slitherbough. Runar: For that, I must teach you a customary greeting. Runar: Allin tuta. In the language of Ronka, it is one of several ways one might say “good evening.” Runar: The world is not as safe as it once was, and this greeting lets us quickly discern friend from foe.
Minfilia: Is there a handshake or gesture we should know too? I would hate to offend anyone.
Runar: You need not worry. Merely speak the words “allin tuta,” and they will know you as friends of the Blessed. Runar: I will await your return here. Now go. They are like to be heartened by your knowledge of our ways. (Optional) Runar: No need to be shy, my friend. The Blessed are a warm and welcoming people.
With the chat in Say, entering "allin tuta" to greet the residents of Slitherbough
Placid Elder: ... "allin tuta" Placid Elder: ... System: The elderly woman smiles warmly. (Optional) Placid Elder: ...
Vondia: I've no business with strangers. "allin tuta" Vondia: Ah, a newly come traveler. Allin chi'si, and welcome to Slitherbough. Vondia: You must forgive us if we seem strangely reserved. We are a quiet and taciturn people. Vondia: Silent and serene as the sunless sea. The quiet makes it easy to discern the presence of eaters and other dangers here in the woods. (Optional) Vondia: Tread lightly friend, and may the shadows keep you.
Asgeir: Away with you. "allin tuta" Asgeir: Allin chi'si. Welcome, friend. I take it you will remain in these woods for some time, yes? Asgeir: Be wary of these woods, you will find poison in near everything you see. But fear not─our medicinal tea will keep you healthy. Ask and it is yours. (Optional) Asgeir: You are more than welcome to our medicines, friend. You need only ask.
(Optional) Runar: I hope your stroll about Slitherbough proved enlightening.
Speaking with Minfilia
Minfilia: Everyone was so kind and gracious... Minfilia: I was nervous at first, but already I'm starting to feel at home. Minfilia: There is still much I have to learn about the Night's Blessed, but their faith and strength of will is nothing short of inspiring. Minfilia: I can see now how they've built such a thriving community...