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A Season for War

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A Season for War

Quest giver
The Azim Steppe (X:32.9, Y:27.7)
Quest line
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Required items
1 Whisperroot.png  Whisperroot
Experience 105,000
Gil 614
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Search for Lord Hien
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestAn Impossible Dream
Feature QuestPurbol Rain
Side QuestStranger Danger
Feature QuestWords Are Very Unnecessary
Side QuestWords Are Trivial
Side QuestWords Are Meaningless
Side QuestEnjoy the Silence

Main Scenario Progress: 447 / 968 (46.2%)


Stormblood Progress: 68 / 162 (42%)


Cirina does not usually depend on the kindness of strangers, but will gladly make an exception today.

— In-game description


Choose one of the following options:



  • Cirina does not usually depend on the kindness of strangers, but will gladly make an exception today.


Accepting the quest

Cirina: want to help me, is that it?
Cirina: I do not know what to say... Thank you, [Forename], thank you!
Cirina: The lumbering ones we must fell wander the plains to the west of Reunion. If we each harvest two, then we should have enough whisperroot.
Cirina: Return here when you have finished. Good luck!

Delivering the whisperroot to Cirina

Cirina: Welcome back, [Forename]. Have you brought the whisperroot?
<Hand Over 2 Whisperroot>
Cirina: Blessed is he who shows kindness to strangers, for with fortune does he ever ride.
Cirina: Will this quantity suffice? 
Masgud: It shall. The kinsai is yours.
Masgud: The gods favor you more than you know, child. Udgan rarely have need of such herbs, and so my stock is limited. Had you come a day earlier or later, I would have none for you. 
Cirina: Perhaps the gods guided me here, as they guided Grandmother. As they guided this woman/man from the West... 


Lyse: Hey! How goes the search? Any luck? 
Gosetsu: Ho, what fortune to meet a friend of the young master! 
Yugiri: Well met, Cirina. If you have an inkling as to the current whereabouts of Lord Hien, we should be most grateful for your assistance. 
Cirina: Oh, please... It is I who should be grateful. 
???: >> Hold! What is this!? I came first─you second! << 
Impetuous Warrior: Know you to whom you speak? All people of the Steppe should. Or have you fought so much that you have forgotten the face of your superiors? 
Derring-do Dandy: Superiors!? I spit on your superiority, little prince. Twisted and mad as sand devils, your kind are! 
Lyse: Those two don't seem to like each other very much... 
Cirina: Those boys are of the Oronir and Dotharl. The two strongest tribes. 
Cirina: The Children of Azim are destined to rule. So they declare to all who will listen. Their word is law─for now.
Cirina: Grand, flamboyant fighters...but deadly. Very deadly. He prances as a horse, as do his brothers after their many recent victories.
Cirina: The undying ones too are strong. Fearless and vicious, they often reigned in the past. Now, they are sorely tested. 
Cirina: Ah, the master of the markets. He is Qestir.
Cirina: To fight in Reunion is forbidden, and to break the peace is to be banished forever. This he says without words, for words are lies to the Qestir. They do not speak. 
Lyse: That's...interesting. And all these different tribes share the same lands, do they? No wonder it's tense... 
Derring-do Dandy: Hmph! I shall look for you on the field at the Naadam. Mark my words! 
Impetuous Warrior: Hah hah hah! As shall I! Mayhap I shall take eleven more Dotharl heads to make a dozen with yours. I look forward to the day. 
Yugiri: Their dispute will be settled at the “Naadam”? 
Cirina: A great battle held on the final day of the Tsagaan Sar.
Cirina: During this time, all bonds of hierarchy are broken. All Xaela are equal and free to prepare for the fight.
Cirina: The tribe which triumphs in the Naadam rules until the next Tsagaan Sar.
Cirina: Which, in these lands, is now. 
Yugiri: Ah, so that is what they call the custom. I presume your tribe will also be taking part? 
Cirina: Not all seek the Dawn Throne. Some are satisfied with their lot. 
Others, like the Qestir, have reason to remain neutral. 
Cirina: The Mol are lambs among wolves. Long were we content to remain apart and live quietly, but...
Cirina: Never mind that! You seek Hien, yes? I know where he may be.