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A Tale of a Tail

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A Tale of a Tail

Quest giver
Kenn Beq
Il Mheg (X:30.6, Y:6.6)
Required quest
Main Scenario QuestA Resounding Roar
Required items
1 Green glider tail icon1.png  Green Glider Tail
Experience 54,000-57,240
Gil 804

Kenn Beq is feeling every one of his years.

— In-game description



  • Kenn Beq is feeling every one of his years.


Accepting the Quest

Kenn Beq: Ah, if it isn't a young one, fairly bursting with vigor. Will you not hear the plea of this tired old amaro?
Kenn Beq: To the south of Wolekdorf, there abide winged lizards known as green gliders. I would be grateful if you hunt one and bring me its tail.
Kenn Beq: As many winters as I've seen, I no longer have the agility to chase them down. Rest assured you will not go unrewarded for your troubles.
Kenn Beq: Green gliders are known to inhabit the area to the south of here. If you could bring me its tail, I would be grateful.

Delivering the green glider tail to Kenn Beq

Kenn Beq: Ah, the young one returns from the hunt.
<Hand Over Green Glider Tail>
Kenn Beq: Oho, such a plump, juicy tail this is! Thank you, thank you. These are a favorite of mine.
Kenn Beq: Before I came to be here, I was in Lakeland. There I lived amidst men for many years.
Kenn Beq: In the time before the Flood, a great battle was joined at the Source. With my master upon my back, I charged into the fray against the forces of the Shadowkeeper.
Kenn Beq: Countless many fell that day. Though I was fortunate to escape with my life, I did not escape wholly unscathed, taking grievous wounds at the hands of enemy soldiers who had assumed wolf-like forms.
Kenn Beq: Such were my injuries, it was believed I would never walk again, never mind fly. Yet my master never forsook me. He nursed me back to health, feeding me a nutritious diet of green glider tails, and I eventually made a full recovery.
Kenn Beq: Seeing the tail now, I cannot help but be reminded of those golden days. The days I spent with the elvenfolk. Thank you, young one, for giving me the chance to relive them.