Alumina Salts

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Alumina Salts

Item type
Key Item

A fine-grain form of the mineral alumina found in the stomach of the dhorme chimera. It is believed the creature grinds chunks of alumina ore with its powerful jaws and swallows the resulting powder to use as a catalyst for its fiery breath.

— In-game description



Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Relic Reborn (Curtana) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Sphairai) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Bravura) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Gae Bolg) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Artemis Bow) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Thyrus) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Stardust Rod) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Omnilex) Feature quest 50 Gerolt

Dropped By

Creature Level Race Clan Location
Dhorme Chimera 50 Chimera Dungeon creature A Relic Reborn: The Chimera

Used For


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Gae Bolg) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Omnilex) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Artemis Bow) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Curtana) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Thyrus) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Bravura) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Stardust Rod) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Sphairai) Feature quest 50 Gerolt