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Female ♀
Elezen (Wildwood)
Old Sharlayan (15.7,7.2)
Louisoix (father-in-law)
Fourchenault (husband)
Alphinaud (son)
Alisaie (daughter)
Voiced by (JP)
Rie Tanaka
Voiced by (EN)
Gemma Whelan
Voiced by (FR)
Christèle Billault
Voiced by (DE)
Ilka Teichmüller

Ameliance Leveilleur is an Elezen in Old Sharlayan.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Mother's Love Feature quest 80 Ameliance

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Estate Visitor Main Scenario quest 80 Alisaie
Of Mothers and Merchants Feature quest 80 Meryld

Custom Deliveries

Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Aetheroconductive quill icon1.png  Aetheroconductive QuillCollectable Aetheroconductive feather icon1.png  Aetheroconductive FeatherCollectable Inksquid icon1.png  InksquidCollectable
Level 2 Aetheroconductive focus icon1.png  Aetheroconductive FocusCollectable Aetheroconductive focus materials icon1.png  Aetheroconductive Focus MaterialsCollectable Seedtoad icon1.png  SeedtoadCollectable
Level 3 Luncheon coffer icon1.png  Luncheon CofferCollectable Luncheon coffer materials icon1.png  Luncheon Coffer MaterialsCollectable Auroral clam icon1.png  Auroral ClamCollectable
Level 4 Aetheroconductive mammet icon1.png  Aetheroconductive MammetCollectable Aetheroconductive mammet materials icon1.png  Aetheroconductive Mammet MaterialsCollectable Holier-than mogpom icon1.png  Holier-than MogpomCollectable
Level 5 School supplies icon1.png  School SuppliesCollectable School supply materials icon1.png  School Supply MaterialsCollectable Chalky coral icon1.png  Chalky CoralCollectable


"Safe travels, my children. Eat well, stay warm, and keep your friends close."

Mother to Alphinaud and Alisaie, this forty-year-old Elezen hails from a line of academics who have distinguished themselves in myriad fields, the magical arts chief among them. For generations her family has operated private institutions of learning, including in Sharlayan's Dravanian colony, where seekers of knowledge proved a healthy source of income as the settlement flourished. Like many of her forebears, Ameliance entered the Studium to study magic, and it was there that she met her husband Fourchenault, then a pupil of somanoutics. Being scions of two of Sharlayan's most influential families, the couple garnered admiration and envy both. Today, Ameliance watches over her beloved children from afar, proud of the fine individuals they have become, yet ever ready to extend a hand in support. In her spare moments, she may be found penning them letters on the stationery she so loves to collect.

— Encyclopaedia Eorzea Volume III, p. 174


Crafting Deliverables

  • Aetheroconductive Quill
  • Aetheroconductive Focus
  • Luncheon Coffer
  • Aetheroconductive Mammet
    • As you know, mammets are invaluable tools for helping students gauge their capacity for aetherial manipulation. Everything from their clothes down to their very cores must be highly conductive to aether if we are to observe clear results. Now, if you will allow me to inspect...
    • I...I am at a loss for words. This is simply outstanding! Should students grow accustomed to such immaculate craftsmanship, I fear nothing less will ever satisfy them again. I shall take great pains to explain the unique circumstances under which this has been commissioned.
  • School Supplies

After weekly turn-ins

  • Cutscene 1
Forgive me, <name>, but do you have a moment?  Lest you worry, it is nothing serious.  I merely wish to offer a word of thanks.
You have proven to be not only an exceptional business partner, but also a dear friend.  Not only to me, but Alphinaud, Alisae, and even my husband Fourchenault.
Time and again you have risked everything to protect those dearest to me, and no matter how great the peril, you have always given me hope that they would return home.
To put it simply, I've come to think of you as part of the family.  I know better than to ask you not do anything reckless -- I expect you will always do what you must.  But if I may make one request, it would be that you visit after your grand adventures, if only for my peace of mind.
Oh, but look at me, prattling on.  I had better let you go.  Take care, <name>, and remember -- you are always welcome here.