An Antidote for Anarchy
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An Antidote for Anarchy
- Quest giver
- Loashkana
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:8.9, Y:13.5)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 100
- Required quest
Downed by the River
- Requirements
- Gil
- Previous quest
Downed by the River
- Next quest
Picking Up the Torch
- Patch
- 7.0
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“Loashkana is anxiously awaiting word form Costa del Sol.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
Unbound: Ellerete Venomheart
You will be accompanied by Loashkana the Leal during this battle.
- Tricky Tonic: Ellerete applies several buffs to herself, increasing her damage dealt, decreasing damage taken, and giving regen. These buffs are inconsequential.
- Stinging Anguish: Room-wide magical damage and inflicts an indefinite stack of
bleeding to both you and Loashkana. Use Esuna on yourself and Loashkana to remove.
- Stinging Malady: Three telegraphed conal AoEs along with targeted conal AoEs hitting both you and Loashkana. Move away from her in a safe zone. This will also inflict a 1-minute
HP Recovery Down to both you and Loashkana, which should be cleansed with Esuna.
- Tricky Tonic: Ellerete will apply more stacks of the buffs to herself.
- Bewildering Blight: Spread marker AoEs on you and Loashkana, inflicting magical damage and a 15-second
Temporary Misdirection, causing you to move in the current direction of the spinning hand when using a movement key.
- Ellerete will jump to one edge of the arena and use Skineater Surge, a 180 degree frontal cleave, so position the arrow and move to the safe spot. If on sage, can also use Icarus to Loashkana once she reaches the safe zone.
- Sting of the Scorpion: Room-wide magical damage and inflicts an indefinite stack of
bleeding to both you and Loashkana that can be removed with Esuna. In addition, spawns three Poison Clouds around the arena. These will explode as telegraphed large point-blank AoEs (Burst).
- Ellerete will become untargetable, and Kokonowa the Callous will summon a K-A Model Mammet and K-R Model Mammet, which should be defeated. Upon defeating each, they will explode in a telegraphed point-blank AoE that will knock up and damage Ellerete. She will become targetable again after one mammet is defeated. They will also begin to enrage with Self-destruct after a certain period of time.
- Ellerete will give herself another three more stacks of buffs with Tricky Tonic.
- Sting of the Scorpion: Now also spawns two Poison Clouds.
- Stinging Deception: Inflicts
Delusions, causing the Poison Clouds to appear as clones of Ellerete. They will jump around the arena in a triangular formation a few times, then all begin to cast Skineater Surge. The real Ellerete will be glowing pink, so get behind her. The fake Elleretes will turn back into the Poison Clouds and explode as point-blank AoEs.
- Fester: A telegraphed magical tankbuster on Loashkana.
- Kokonowa will summon eight untargetable defective K-B Model Mammets, who will begin to chase him around. The mammets will end up in a spiral pattern and begin to Self-destruct, indicating nine sequential telegraphed circle AoEs in the order they stop moving.
- Scorn of the Scorpion: Room-wide magical damage and inflicts an indefinite stack of
bleeding to both you and Loashkana that can be removed with Esuna. Ellerete will become untargetable, while a targetable Suffocating Cloud will appear. This add will begin to spawn four expanding pools of poison. Stepping in these will inflict
- Loashkana will charge a limit break to defeat the Suffocating Cloud.
- Ellerete will target her with Tri-disaster, a five-hit stack marker AoE dealing magical damage. Use healing and mitigation cooldowns.
- After Loashkana defeats the cloud, Ellerete will attempt to use Tricky Tonic to buff herself again, but will instead be inflicted with several deleterious statuses. The battle will then end.
- Speak with Loashkana at Raincatcher Gully.
- Speak with Loashkana.
- Speak with Loashkana again.
- Speak with Wyssulm in Aleport.
- Speak with Nyipine in Tuliyollal.
- Loashkana is anxiously awaiting word from Costa del Sol.
- Mere moments after greeting Loashkana, a messenger from Costa del Sol rushes in with an urgent report: the Unbound have infiltrated Brayflox's Longstop with their small army of mammets, and the goblin is in desperate need of assistance. With little time to waste, the two of you hasten to Raincatcher Gully.
- A panicked Brayflox claims that Ellerete and Kokonowa mean to target Mudstop Watergush─one of the main sources of freshwater on Vylbrand─and Loashkana is keen to give chase as soon as possible. Once your preparations are complete, she bids you speak with her to commence the battle for the Longstop.
- In the depths of the Longstop do you find Ellerete and Kokonowa preparing to enact their wicked plan. Before the miscreants succeed, you must make haste and reclaim the Heartsting with Loashkana.
- Though the poisons were potent and the mammets merciless, you and Loashkana emerge victorious in the battle with Ellerete and Kokonowa, and the Unbound thieves are blasted away in a convenient gobbiebomb-related accident. With her people's heirloom safely in hand, Loashkana eagerly looks in your direction, hoping to express her thanks for your efforts in the battle.
- Brayflox's home is freed from its Unbound influence, and the goblin joyfully conveys her gratitude to you and Loashkana. Though the Heartsting is safe once more, Loashkana is well aware that her sojourn in Eorzea shall soon come to an end, and she wishes to say her farewells to Wyssulm and Zerig.
- As Wyssulm and Zerig reflect on their adventure with Loashkana, the two resolve to grow stronger, that they might one day cross the western seas and reunite in Tural. Her final tasks in Eorzea ended, Loashkana sets her sights back home, and requests your presence at Xbalyav Ty'e to report your shared success to Nyipine.
- Loashkana has much on her mind as she contemplates her time in Eorzea. She has witnessed new possibilities for the Heartsting─both helpful and harmful─and informs Nyipine that their people must explore new avenues of poison resistance should the heirloom ever fall into the wrong hands again. Before that discussion can truly begin, however, the journey home must take precedence, and with a final good-bye, Loashkana expresses her gratitude for the peace you have returned to her people.
Accepting the Quest (cutscene)
Loashkana: Hello there, Forename. I've been on the lookout for anyone from Costa del Sol, but...nothing yet. Loashkana: Perhaps we should travel over there ourselves, just in case─
???: Master/Mistress Forename! Mistress Loashkana!
Gegeruju's Attendant: Forgive me the sudden entrance, but I bring a message from Master Gegeruju. Your quarry has been sighted in eastern La Noscea.
Loashkana: Oh! Well, I'm glad I didn't leave early... Loashkana: Thank you for bringing word! Where in eastern La Noscea were they last seen?
Gegeruju's Attendant: Master Wheiskaet but recently received a report from Mistress Brayflox─a trusted associate of his. Gegeruju's Attendant: We're told a number of “inbreakers with fightytools and tinkerdolls” infiltrated her Longstop. Gegeruju's Attendant: We have little doubt the “inbreakers and tinkerdolls” she speaks of are Ellerete and her troupe.
Loashkana: I see... Then we'd best find this Brayflox, and soon.
Gegeruju's Attendant: Indeed. You're like to find her by the entrance to her Longstop in Raincatcher Gully. My master and his associates wish you good hunting.
Loashkana: We should get a firsthand account from Brayflox, as well─perhaps she'll have more to tell. Let's be off, Forename!
Optional Dialogue
Brayflox Alltalks: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Uplander gobbiefriend returns to Longstop!
Speak with Loashkana at Raincatcher Gully
Loashkana: So this is Brayflox! I told her she reminded me of a Moblin, but I got a bit of a scolding for that... “Not Mobbies,” she said, “gobbies!”
Brayflox Alltalks: Yes, gobbies! And gobbies require hand-lending to backstrike at inbreakers. Inbreakers bring bigflock of tinkerdolls to search for watergush!
Loashkana: Watergush... Does Ellerete mean to poison the island's water source!? Loashkana: This must be why they were researching the rivers... If the toxins are strong enough, anyone─or anything─that draws near the water would grow terribly ill! All of Vylbrand would fall into disarray!
Brayflox Alltalks: Poisonmakes no good for gobbieflock. No good for Vylbrand! Narrowhearts in need of many punishings!
Loashkana: ...This goes far beyond trickery. We must end Ellerete's ambitions here and now! Loashkana: I doubt she'll come quietly, and she has the Heartsting at her disposal. But with your aid, Doctor, I know we can take it back. As soon as you're ready, we'll storm the Longstop!
Speak with Loashkana
Loashkana: Well...this is it! Ready to storm the Longstop, Forename?
Loashkana: There they are!
Ellerete: Oooh, I knew bringing those bits and bobs for battle was a good idea! If you're after some manner of surrender with heartfelt embraces and handing over of magicked heirlooms, you've come to the wrong Longstop, my dear.
Loashkana: You monster... You plan to poison every waterway in Vylbrand, don't you?
Ellerete: But of course! The trick is to let the poison stew for a few bells. With a healthy helping of those tantalizing toxins and a dollop of advanced alchemical processes...poof! This eyesore of an island will get a taste of my finest work yet! Ellerete: My latest masterpiece neither dissipates nor evaporates, and no amount of inherent immunity can save you from its influence! It may be safe to the touch, but one tiny sip will have you begging for mercy!
Kokonowa: That's no jest, by the way. I won't begin to describe what manner of havoc the experimental doses wreaked on me...but I will look forward to seeing how it affects the general populace.
Ellerete: Oh, yes! The residents of Limsa Lominsa and its adorable little hamlets rely on this water. So very many people, blissfully unaware of what's to come... Ellerete: And every single one of those wretches will be at the mercy of our malice... Every! Single! One!
Loashkana: If she unleashes those toxins into the waterways, this is going to end up far worse than Bronze Lake...
What will you say? > Playtime's over, Ellerete! > The only wretches I see here are you two. > ...
Ellerete: Your precious scorpion once hunted prey with these poisons, yes? Perhaps I should learn from its example and revel in the thrill of the chase!
Kokonowa: I suspect that's my cue to back away. I'd rather watch the chaos unfold from a safe distance.
Ellerete: These venomous gifts keep on giving... My very aether is infused with their essence! Ellerete: So now, my dears... Ellerete: It's time I hunt you for a change!
Solo Instance
Loashkana the Leal: I'll lead the charge, Forename! You focus on healing!
Ellerete Venomheart: My dear, sweet faerie apple... I'm afraid you've soured on me. Prepare to perish! Ellerete Venomheart: Pesky pest problems call for alchemical solutions! Ellerete Venomheart: Gods, that's bitter! Ellerete Venomheart: Hee hee! A little poison never killed any─ Oh, wait. I lied. Ah, well!
System: Cast Esuna to cleanse the Heartsting's poison!
Loashkana the Leal: Ugh! We'll need this cleansed, and quickly!
Ellerete Venomheart: For my next trick, I give you...a venomous gift to hurt what heals you! Ta-daaa!
Cast Esuna to cleanse the Heartsting's poison!
Loashkana the Leal: Such terrible power...
Ellerete Venomheart: Time to break out the Ellerete special!
Kokonowa the Callous: Those tonics are bound to take their toll if she's not careful...
Ellerete Venomheart: Ooh, I know! Why don't we set your heads a-spinning? Ellerete Venomheart: Ahaha! What a marvelous mess you're in! If you don't hurry, it'll only get messier...
Loashkana the Leal: E-Everything's spinning...
Ellerete Venomheart: The hunt's only just begun, my dears! I've plenty more where that came from.
Cast Esuna to cleanse the Heartsting's poison!
Ellerete Venomheart: Augh! M-My head...
Kokonowa the Callous: I grow weary of your tenacity. Mammets, to your positions!
Ellerete Venomheart: <sob> I don't feel so good...
Loashkana the Leal: Nothing we can't handle. Let's turn them into scrap metal!
Ellerete Venomheart: So very...woozy... Ellerete Venomheart: <pant> <pant> Ellerete Venomheart: Wha─!?
System: Kokonowa the Callous: Oh, for the love of... Pull yourself together, Ellerete!
Ellerete Venomheart: Aaah! Ellerete Venomheart: I-I'll be fine! Just a few more draughts... Ellerete Venomheart: <retch> Urgh...
System: Cast Esuna to cleanse the Heartsting's poison!
Ellerete Venomheart: Can you withstand this, I wonder!? Ellerete Venomheart: Catch me if you can! Ellerete Venomheart: Catch me if you can! Ellerete Venomheart: Catch me if you can!
Loashkana the Leal: That one! That's the real Ellerete!
Kokonowa the Callous: <sigh> Desperate times, as they say... I'll summon the defective mammets.
Loashkana the Leal: Does he ever run out of mammets!?
Ellerete Venomheart: I'm sorry, the what!?
Kokonowa the Callous: No! N-Not me! Kokonowa the Callous: Faulty little shites!
Ellerete Venomheart: What in the hells are you doing!?
Kokonowa the Callous: Initiating self-destruct protocol, that's what!
Ellerete Venomheart: C-Call them off! Call them off, dammit!
Kokonowa the Callous: Phew... That was close.
Loashkana the Leal: Oh, dear... Run, Forename!
Ellerete Venomheart: Aaah!
Kokonowa the Callous: ...Oh.
Ellerete Venomheart: I'll handle the rest, Kokonowa! Be a good little goldsmith and sit this out!
Kokonowa the Callous: If you insist...
Cast Esuna to cleanse the Heartsting's poison!
Ellerete Venomheart: Ahaha! Poison here, poison there, poison, poison, everywhere!
Loashkana the Leal: Leave this to me, Doctor. Just keep an eye on Ellerete!
Ellerete Venomheart: Stubborn worms! I will end you─do you hear me!? Ellerete Venomheart: <pant> <pant>
Loashkana the Leal: Taste the fury of the mountains!
Ellerete Venomheart: You are rotten to the core! Why do you persist!? Ellerete Venomheart: Godsdamn it all... Ellerete Venomheart: No, no, NO! My tonics... They've betrayed me! Ellerete Venomheart: Urgh... I-I can't move.
Kokonowa the Callous: We must retreat before it's too late...
Loashkana the Leal: Return the Heartsting─now.
Ellerete Venomheart: <sob> I don't feel so good...
Kokonowa: Enough, Ellerete! We must escape while we still can─a smoke bomb, quickly!
Ellerete: Ugh...fine! Have it your way...
Kokonowa: W-Wait! That's a goblin-made─
Ellerete: No, no, NOOOOOO! You'll rue the day you made enemies of the Unboooooouuund!
Loashkana: She's left quite the mess behind her. Nothing the Heartsting can't detoxify, though. Let's hurry and clear away the poison.
Wheiskaet: There you are, Forename. We came running once we heard the explosion, but I'm pleased to see you're none the worse for wear.
Loashkana: Ellerete and Kokonowa picked up the wrong explosive. We should consider ourselves fortunate that goblin bombs resemble Unbound smoke bombs!
Brayflox Alltalks: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Gobbiebooms and friendlyfaces win the day! Inbreakers go flying skyward!
Wheiskaet: We made our rounds of the Longstop, as well. The enemy mammets patrolling the place have all gone lifeless. Wheiskaet: Your treasure is safe, I trust?
Loashkana: Yes, thanks to Forename's support!
Wheiskaet: Very good. Should those troublemakers survive the impending fall, they won't pose the same threat without it. Wheiskaet: If they do happen to show their sorry faces 'round here again, I've notified the Yellowjackets to be on the lookout for them. They send their regards─and their deepest gratitude, of course.
Optional Dialogue
Brayflox Alltalks: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Bigthanks to uplander! Many, many bigthanks!
Speak with Loashkana again
Loashkana: The Heartsting is safe again... Thank you for everything, Forename. Loashkana: And thank you too, Brayflox! We might not have found Ellerete and Kokonowa without you.
Brayflox Alltalks: Pshhh... Shkohhh... Brayflox happygives hand-lending! Important for all goodgobbies to offer hand-lending to fellow gobbiefriends.
Loashkana: Hee hee! It's an honor to be counted among your gobbiefriends. Loashkana: Now, as eager as I am to get the Heartsting safely back to Tural, I'd like to say my good-byes to everyone here first, if that's all right. Loashkana: Wyssulm and Zerig deserve to know how everything transpired in the end, for one thing. Shall we make our way to Aleport?
Optional Dialogue
Loashkana: I'm relieved our troubles are over, but...I've never been good at farewells.
Zerig: Forename! It's good to see you and Miss Loashkana well.
Speak with Wyssulm in Aleport (cutscene)
Wyssulm: Well met, you two! How fares the hunt for Ellerete? Wyssulm: Sent them flying, did you!? Now those are what I call good tidings. Wyssulm: To think they'd confuse a goblin explosive for their own smoke bombs... Hah! Serves them right, I say.
Zerig: With Miss Loashkana's heirloom returned, we can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Zerig: I, for one, am pleased there will be no more risk of poisoned elixirs... I wouldn't have wished those hiccups on my worst enemy.
Wyssulm: By the by, Miss Loashkana, I knew you traveled far to get here, but I didn't realize you hailed from Tural! That's quite a voyage... Will you be heading home soon?
Loashkana: Yes, that's right. Vylbrand is a fascinating place, but my village is probably worried sick about me...and the Heartsting too, of course!
Wyssulm: Though your time here was short, you'll be sorely missed.
Zerig: We still have much to learn, but one day, perhaps we might find our way to Tural as well.
Loashkana: Oh, that would be wonderful! And when you do, I'll look forward to hearing all about your adventures!
Wyssulm: And you! We had a feeling you were no ordinary adventurer... Imagine our surprise when we learned you were the savior of the realm himself!
Wyssulm: One of our Yellowjacket acquaintances boasted about meeting the Warrior of Light while investigating the serial poisonings, and that's when it dawned on us... She sends her regards, by the way. Wyssulm: We've malms to go before we reach your lofty heights, but gods willing, we'll try to rise to the challenge.
Zerig: Indeed. You've given me much to aspire to as a fellow healer, and I shall do my utmost to follow your shining example.
Wyssulm: Be well, you two, and may we meet again on distant shores!
Loashkana: Thank you both for your help... I'll never forget it. Loashkana: It's time I returned to Tuliyollal. It would mean the world to me if you'd come too, Forename. I wouldn't want to report our success to Nyipine without you!
Optional Dialogue
Wyssulm: Sooner or later, we'll be taking our adventures elsewhere... And when we do, I hope we'll cross paths with you!
Zerig: You are an inspiration to healers the realm over, Doctor. Together with Wyssulm, I hope to dedicate what ability I have to aiding those around me, as you have helped us.
Speak with Nyipine in Tuliyollal (cutscene)
Nyipine: Loashkana! And Forename as well! Your combined presence here can only mean one thing...
Loashkana: Forename and I have brought the Heartsting home!
Nyipine: So you have, so you have! I regret that I could not assist you, but I am relieved that all is well. Nyipine: Words cannot express my gratitude to you both.
Loashkana: Taking back the Heartsting was no easy task, but I learned a great deal on my journey to Eorzea. Loashkana: One of the Unbound─a man called Kokonowa─possessed an inherent immunity to poison, built up by years of regularly ingesting small amounts. Loashkana: Rather than relying solely on the scorpion's gifts to detoxify us, perhaps we might learn from those traditions and build up a stronger immunity of our own... Loashkana: It would be prudent to prepare ourselves in case something like this ever happens again. If we're to continue living among the deadly, perhaps it's time we found new ways to overcome the challenges we face. Loashkana: Throughout my life in the village, I thought I knew everything there was to know about the Heartsting. But I now understand that the scorpion's gifts can easily become a curse in the wrong hands. Loashkana: Its power can poison a single water source─threaten countless lives─on a whim! Loashkana: Yet at the same time, its detoxifying powers can save just as many. Loashkana: I began to wonder... Could the Heartsting provide succor outside our village? Should it? Or will the risks prove too great?
Nyipine: Excellent questions, all. Knowing what the Heartsting is capable of outside our borders, we must consider this carefully, for the future of our people. Nyipine: I am certain your father will wish to speak more of it upon our return.
Loashkana: As you can see, our community has much to consider if we're to keep thriving! But for the moment, I'm simply glad the Heartsting is back in Tural...and I can't thank you enough for your help. Loashkana: Until I met you, I'd never hunted alongside a healer, but knowing I had your support filled me with courage. Yours is a heartening presence─one I'm going to miss dearly! Loashkana: You have my gratitude and my trust, Doctor. Now and forever. Loashkana: But as much as I'd like to, I won't keep you any longer. Nyipine and I have a long trek home. Loashkana: I wish you all the best, and I hope─no, I know─we'll meet again someday!