Stormblood content

Apa (Mob)

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These potent spirits can oft be found prowling the shallows of Yanxia's One River, manipulating the waters around them to take on the form of bathing maidens. Drawn to their beauty, men will approach the elementals, only to be drawn beneath the waves, never to rise again. Why the apas have no desire for the souls of women, however, remains an enigma.

— In-game description

Apa is an Elemental in The Ruby Sea.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Water sprite core (the core of life) icon1.png  Water Sprite Core Key Item N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Ruby Sea (X:17, Y:35) 63


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
The Core of Life Sidequest 63 Mine