At the End of Our Hope
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At the End of Our Hope
- Quest giver
- Artoirel
- Location
- Coerthas Western Highlands (X:24, Y:25)
- Quest line
- Heavensward Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Reconnaissance Lost
- Next quest
Knights Be Not Proud
An Attractive Charm
- Patch
- 3.0
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 250 / 960 (26%)
Heavensward Progress: 9 / 138 (6.5%)
“Lord Artoirel seems loath to forgo any opportunity to locate the heretics' hiding place.
— In-game description
Solo Duty
You will enter a solo duty upon examination of the set of footprints at (X:24.6, Y:21.7).
- The first enemies for you to fight -- two Wild-eyed Swordsman fighters and a Cane-waving Heretic healer -- will appear after examining the third set of footprints within the duty (x:24.1, y:15.7). Focus down the healer first, then quickly defeat the other two.
- A Spineless Heretic lancer will soon join, having much more HP than the previous enemies. He will run away (to X:31 Y:11) after taking enough damage.
- It is recommended that you deal what damage you can during this time, but do not kill him, as he is the only clue to your next objective. It is possible to continue after killing him, but not preferable to following him.
- Enemies that spawn during this chase will stop following you after a short while. Ignore them and keep moving.
- The Spineless Heretic will lead you to the basement of a lone building. Four more enemies will spawn here: two swordsmen, a healer, and a Spell-weaving Heretic arcanist. As before, focus down the healer first, then the two swordsmen. You can then take down the beefier arcanist and lancer without distraction.
- Once all enemies in the basement are defeated, interact with the destination marker to complete the duty.
- Search for the heretics' trail north of Camp Riversmeet.
- Speak with Artoirel.
- Lord Artoirel seems loath to forgo any opportunity to locate the heretics' hiding place.
- Whatever trail the heretics left is all but certain to be obliterated by the next snowfall, and with it, any hope of tracking the heretics to their refuge. Accordingly, Lord Artoirel assigns you the unenviable task of following the trail alone, while he delivers the wounded knight to Falcon's Nest and rallies reinforcements. Plainly, the young lord is either supremely confident of your abilities, or eager to be rid of you. Begin your search in the area north of Camp Riversmeet, where the knight said the ambush took place.
- Within the secret lair hidden below Gorgagne Mills, you are reunited with an old foe: the Lady Iceheart. Before violence can erupt, however, Midgardsormr reveals himself to the heretic leader, who is shocked to see the ancient wyrm in your company. Momentarily sapped of her will to fight, she reveals that she too is blessed with the Echo, and that it allowed her to see the truth of the Dragonsong War through the eyes of Hraesvelgr, one of the first brood. As she shares this revelation, her voice swells with renewed conviction...but when you subsequently remind her of the indiscriminate slaughter committed by the Dravanians whom she helped to breach the wards, her doubts soon resurface. Though she will not forsake her cause, she swears to make things right. But how and when, she does not say...
- Moments too late, Lord Artoirel arrives with reinforcements, and the knights set about searching the area. They find no sign of any remaining heretics, however, nor of the Lady Iceheart, whom you allowed to escape.
- With the tiniest hint of respect, Lord Artoirel contemplates how difficult it must have been to establish an outpost in so remote a place. In any case, there is little reason to remain, and he seems eager to return to Falcon's Nest.
Optional Dialogue
Reconnaissance Party Knight: I...I can still fight... <cough> <wheeze>
Accepting the Quest
Artoirel: He has the right of it, Master/Mistress [Surname]. Whatever remains of the heretics' trail will be gone with the next snowfall. But we cannot very well leave our friend here... Artoirel: I will see him to Falcon's Nest and gather reinforcements. In the meantime, I would have you search the area to the north of the camp for signs of the attack. Should you pick up the heretics' trail, do not wait for me─follow it back to their lair forthwith, being sure to leave me some clear footprints. Artoirel: ...I realize that this plan may place you in considerable danger, but I see no alternative. Artoirel: Rest assured we will not be far behind. And [Forename]...thank you.
Optional Dialogue
Reconnaissance Party Knight: I...I can still fight... <cough> <wheeze>
Artoirel: Do not concern yourself with our wounded man. When he has caught his breath, I shall see him safely back to Falcon's Nest.
Searching for the heretics' north of Camp Riversmeet (Cutscene)
System: The tracks continue to the north...
Duty Dialogue
System: The tracks continue to the north...
System: The tracks continue to the north...
System: Follow the fleeing heretic.
Spell-weaving Heretic: N-No, I won't... Urrrgh!
System: Survey the heretic's hiding place.
Iceheart: Looking for me, I presume.
Midgardsormr: Ahhh, the child who glimpsed the truth.
Iceheart: No, it cannot be!
Midgardsormr: She/he cameth unto me, as didst thou. Midgardsormr: Alike in gifts, yet set upon different paths.
Iceheart: He speaks true, Warrior of Light. Like you, I have been blessed with the Echo. Iceheart: The visions terrified me at first. They came without warning. I wondered what I had done to deserve them... Iceheart: But I had no time to ponder such things once the Calamity came. Iceheart: The land turned against us, and in a matter of hours, Falcon's Nest was buried under ten fulms of ice and snow. We had no choice but to flee for Ishgard. Iceheart: We came to the wall, and while we searched for a way through, there was an avalanche. And then I was alone. Iceheart: So I set forth for Dravania. I knew full well what might happen were I found, but I could not survive on my own. Iceheart: I was found, of course─and not by a mere dragon, but by the great wyrm Hraesvelgr! Iceheart: And it was then that I knew why I had been given this gift, for with it I heard his voice, and saw the truth through his eyes! Iceheart: I was chosen to deliver this revelation to the people─to bring dragon and man together, as they once were, and should ever be!
<What will you say?> <Killing civilians won't bring them together!> <What of the innocents who died when you attacked Foundation?>
Iceheart: It wasn't supposed to be like that! You have to believe me! It was...beyond my control... Iceheart: Children taught to fear the skies, who saw their loved ones slaughtered... Iceheart: Yet the Dravanians─though they know where the fault truly lies─fell upon them with such fury...
Midgardsormr: Men die, and their children forget. But we are everlasting. To us, then is as now. Midgardsormr: Thou canst not comprehend the violation. The outrage. The fury.
Iceheart: I will make this right. Iceheart: I am neither a saint nor a savior─just another sinner. Yet I will not forsake this cause. I cannot. I will see this cycle broken and peace restored. Iceheart: I... We can do naught else, for we are now as one...
Artoirel: Master/Mistress [Surname]! Praise Halone, you are alive! We came as swiftly as we could, but I see we are too late... Artoirel: So they were lurking in the cellar of this farmhouse... Artoirel: 'Tis a pity Lady Iceheart escaped, but we must not let that detract from your accomplishment! We have them on the run! Artoirel: You have dealt our foes a telling blow this eve, my friend, and I shall see that your efforts are recognized.
Optional Dialogue
House Durendaire Knight: We are still searching the area, sir/miss, but the only heretics we have found thus far are the ones you left behind.
Speaking with Artoirel
Artoirel: Establishing an outpost in so remote a location could not have been easy. Tenacious devils.