Automaton Queen
Automaton Queen
“Deploys an Automaton Queen to fight at your side.
Potency of Automaton Queen actions increases as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
Battery Gauge Cost: 50
Duration: 12s
Consumes Battery Gauge upon execution. Shuts down when time expires or upon execution of Queen Overdrive.
Shares a recast timer with Queen Overdrive.— In-game description
Automaton Queen is an action unlocked at level 80. It is available for Machinist.
Related traits
- Promotion (Lv. 80) - Upgrades Rook Autoturret and Rook Overdrive to Automaton Queen and Queen Overdrive respectively.
- Queen's Gambit (Lv. 86) - After executing Pile Bunker, the Automaton Queen will also execute Crowned Collider.
Related actions
“A far cry from an autoturret, this anthropoid automaton was created using the technology of the Holy See's automated knights and designed to excel at both strategic decision-making and hand-to-hand combat. The war machine is also equipped with such abilities as Pile Bunker and Crowned Collider (enhancements responsible for furthering the technology of pile drivers and aetheromatic augers, respectively), making it alarmingly powerful to boot.
— Encyclopædia Eorzea Volume III, p. 248
Patch 6.2 (2022-08-23):
- The Automaton Queen will now always attack the first target the player attacks after it is summoned.
- Duration no longer increases to a maximum of 20 seconds and is now fixed at 12 seconds.
- Potency of Automaton Queen actions now increase as Battery Gauge exceeds required cost at time of deployment.
Patch 5.0 (2019-07-02): Added.