Barnabaix is an Elezen in The Diadem. He was once a crewmember of the Bounty. Torn apart by the winds of the Diadem, however, the airship crashed, and the crew that survived constructed a camp from the wreckage. In the days since, the coming and going of travelers has made the small isle a proper outpost, where Barnabaix spends his days helping adventurers rest, resupply, and–if needed–retreat.
Though unconfirmed, this may be the same Barnabaix who worked for Sunsilk Tapestries prior to the Calamity.
Quests Started
Quest Giver
Quests Involved In
Quest Giver
Additional Information
Barnabaix: Our ship, the Bounty, was torn apart by the winds of the Diadem. Though we survived the crash, others were not so fortunate... and in the days that followed, still others fell victim to the beasts which roam these isles.
Barnabaix: At the time, we thought we might have to spend the rest of our lives here, which is why we set about constructing this camp from the wreckage.
Barnabaix: These days, there's no shortage of travelers, be they adventurers or sky pirates. With their help, we've managed to transform this place into a proper outpost, where expeditions can rest and resupply–and retreat, should they find themselves overmatched.