Bereft of Hearth and Home
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Bereft of Hearth and Home
- Quest giver
- Pipin
- Location
- Rhalgr's Reach (X:8.4, Y:9.6)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 61
- Required items
- 1 Medical Supplies
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Fires Fade
- Next quest
Divide and Conquer
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 405 / 968 (41.8%)
Stormblood Progress: 26 / 162 (16%)
“Rhalgr's Reach is no longer safe, as Pipin well knows.
— In-game description
- Speak with Orella.
- Search the infirmary for medical supplies.
- Give the medical supplies to the Flame Courier.
- Rhalgr's Reach is no longer safe, as Pipin well knows.
Lyse: If it wasn't for her, it'd be me lying there... ...I wish it was.
Conrad: I'll recover. My injuries aren't serious—though that was clearly by choice and not happenstance. They meant to take me alive.
Alphinaud: Master Kemp seems quite shaken...
Alisaie: What can you do at a time like this other than curse the gods and your own powerlessness...
Accepting the Quest
Pipin: Our defeat was no near thing. It was total—a humiliation. We were powerless to withstand our enemy's assault. Pipin: But we cannot afford to dwell on our failure. As Alphinaud said, it is those who survived whom we must think of now. Pipin: Rhalgr's Reach is no longer safe. The imperials may have withdrawn, but they could return at any time to finish what they began. We dare not remain here. Pipin: Those who are not fit to make the journey to Castrum Oriens will need to be taken by chocobo carriage. Agreed? Pipin: Good. I shall oversee preparations for the carriages. In the meantime, I would have you scour the infirmary for any supplies that might prove useful during the journey.
Alphinaud: I will accompany Commander Kemp in one of the carriages.
Alisaie: We're to move the wounded to Castrum Oriens? Understood. I'll go and see if anyone requires assistance.
Conrad: No, no, I'd hate to be a burden...
Krile: We'll need to carry Y'shtola to the carriage. Could you give me a hand, Lyse?
Lyse: As if you need to ask!
Speaking with Orella
Orella: Forgive me, but it is imperative that I continue preparing medicines for the wounded. If you desire treatment, I must ask that you seek it elsewhere. Orella: Oh, I see... In that case, you are free to search the Barber and take that which you require. I would not have our people dying en route. Orella: I would assist you, but this process demands my undivided attention.
(Optional) Orella: Take whatever you require for your needs. I will replenish the stock after.
Giving the medical supplies to the Flame Courier
(If part of the Immortal Flames) Flame Courier: [GC rank] [Surname]. Marshal Tarupin said you might have something for me?
(If not part of the Immortal Flames) Flame Courier: Miss/sir. Marshal Tarupin said you might have something for me?
(Both) <Hand Over 3 Medical Supplies> Flame Courier: Twelve be praised. This should put the driver's hearts at ease. Tell the vice marshal we await his orders.
Krile: Y'shtola and the others are safely strapped in. Don't worry—I'll be by her side the entire time.
Alphinaud: Thank you, Krile.
Lyse: I'll walk alongside. They'll need protection in case the Garleans try anything. Lyse: Hang on. You're injured too, aren't you? Shouldn't you be in one of the carriages?
Conrad: I'm not so frail that I can't make the trip on my own. Besides, there's still work to be done here. I'll see you at the Wall when it's finished.
Pipin: As you wish. Then let us set forth at once. We shall move as quickly as our comrades' health allows. Pipin: To Castrum Oriens!