Between Sleep and Death
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Between Sleep and Death
- Quest giver
- Tentoawa
- Location
- Foundation (X:12.0, Y:10.2)
- Quest line
- Dawntrail Role Quests
- Level
- 94
- Requirements
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- Gil
- Previous quest
Sleepless in Ishgard
- Next quest
Beacon in the Darkness
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- 7.0
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“Tentoawa has a worried expression on his face.
— In-game description
- Speak with Redwald at Falcon's Nest.
- Speak with Tentoawa.
- Survey Gorgagne Mills and defeat any enemies that appear.
- Aid the House Durendaire scout.
- Defeat the thugs.
- Aid Tentoawa.
- Speak with Firmalbert in Ishgard.
- Tentoawa has a worried expression on his face.
- Tentoawa asks your advice about a letter he plans to write to Loazenikwe, and after some words of encouragement he reveals that the effect of the cradle may soon wear off and after it does, he must sleep. You ponder the implications of this before Firmalbert arrives to inform you that more Temple Knights have been found asleep while on guard duty. Tentoawa finds this obsession with shaming the knights peculiar, and suggests that following them might be an effective way to track down Leophyne. As luck would have it, Firmalbert knows that a group of Temple Knights is even now joining knights from House Durendaire to patrol the ruins of Gorgagne Mills. You decide to assist them, and Firmalbert instructs you to speak with Redwald before departing for the mills.
- Redwald listens to your story attentively and informs you that a group of knights has already left for the Gorgagne Mills. If you set out now, you may reach them before they run afoul of any sleep-inducing relics.
- You arrive at the entrance of Gorgagne Mills to see Tentoawa kneeling before a trio of insensate knights. While they appear unharmed, Tentoawa warns you to be on the lookout for Leophyne, and instructs you to search the nearby building for any more members of the party.
- As you explore the dilapidated building, you hear a yell from the basement. Following the source of the sound, you encounter two House Durendaire scouts being accosted by a pair of thugs. You quickly dispatch the interlopers, but the scouts seem shaken by the incident. A helping hand ought to get them on their feet.
- The House Durendaire scouts thank you before urging you to go stand guard with the Temple Knights. As you exit the building into the endless snow, you see an approaching woman whose scar marks her as Leophyne. After a heated exchange, Tentoawa draws his weapon, but soon falls victim to the artifact's influence, collapsing into a deep sleep. Leophyne appears energized, and after a few cryptic words, leaves her thugs to finish off you and the dazed knights.
- The thugs fall to your might, and while the knights seem to be regaining their senses, Tentoawa remains motionless. Perhaps a shake can rouse him awake.
- Despite your best efforts, Tentoawa's slumber remains absolute. The Temple Knights offer to carry him to the Congregation, where Firmalbert awaits to hear what transpired at Gorgagne Mills.
- Firmalbert assures you that Tentoawa will be safe under guard until he awakens. In the meantime, he is resolved to find out where Leophyne is hiding and to end her scheme to turn the Temple Knights into a laughingstock.
- ※The next role quest will be available from Firmalbert upon reaching level 96 in any tank class.
Speak with Tentoawa
Tentoawa: Ah, just the person I wanted to see. I'd like to ask your advice on a certain matter, if you don't mind. Tentoawa: It's been a while since my last letter to Loazenikwe. I wanted to wait until I discovered something worth sharing to write her, but we're still completely in the dark. I don't want her to worry, but I don't know what to tell her.
What will you say? >Tell her you're in good spirits─that will suffice. >Whatever you write, don't make her wait too long.
<Tell her you're in good spirits─that will suffice.> Tentoawa: ...You might be right. Silence might make her think that something terrible has happened.
<Whatever you write, don't make her wait too long.> Tentoawa: Good advice, as usual. I wish we had even a single thread to grasp, but an unexciting letter is better than none at all.
Tentoawa: All right, I'll start right away. I may not have much time left... Tentoawa: Oh, don't misunderstand─it's nothing so grave as that! It's just...the last time I used the cradle was just before it was stolen. Tentoawa: Luckily, I'm still as alert as I've ever been, but it won't be long until I must dream like any other. Tentoawa: That will give Leophyne free rein while I'm helpless in bed. There is no quarry more dangerous than one who doesn't sleep. We have to see this through before that happens.
Firmalbert: Master Surname, Master Tentoawa. We have received reports that several groups of Temple Knights have fallen afoul of what can only be your stolen artifact.
Tentoawa: Several? Let me guess─they were all guarding someone else.
Firmalbert: You would be correct. Firmalbert: It is the duty of a knight to protect those who cannot protect themselves. If we fail at even that most basic function, then our honor means nothing. Firmalbert: As if the incident near Camp Dragonhead was not shameful enough, the knights in these most recent attacks were left in...quite compromising positions. Firmalbert: Yet the weight of embarrassment is a trifle compared to the guilt we would bear if any innocent came to harm. The Fury was merciful in that respect, but we would rather not see these incidents repeat. Firmalbert: Still, while the Temple Knights must work to repair their reputation in the days ahead, 'tis a far cry from bringing Ishgard crumbling to its knees. Truth be told, the methods of this Passage of the Unbound leave me mystified. Firmalbert: Still, while the Temple Knights must work to repair their reputation in the days ahead, 'tis a far cry from bringing Ishgard crumbling to its knees. Truth be told, the methods of this Passage of the Unbound leave me mystified.
What will you say? >Perhaps she gets her jollies seeing people humiliated. >She may be testing the limit of the artifact's powers.
<Perhaps she gets her jollies seeing people humiliated.> Firmalbert: Hmm... Many among the knights have suggested the same. Leophyne may be part of this esoteric order, but she has ever been one to put her own interests first and foremost. Tentoawa: The cradle is a tool of peace, yet Leophyne uses it for childish pranks! She makes a mockery of its sacred power...we have to get it out of her clutches!
<She may be testing the limit of the artifact's powers.> Firmalbert: Then you suggest she has a greater purpose in mind for it, and these incidents are simply a prelude... We cannot discount that theory, I admit. We shall remain vigilant.
Tentoawa: There's no telling how much chaos she can sow if left unchecked. We have to do everything we can to get the cradle out of her clutches! Tentoawa: And to do that, we have to start asking the right questions. This new information makes me wonder─why has she focused her attention on the Temple Knights?
Firmalbert: I have pondered the same. Posted at Camp Dragonhead are knights from many houses of repute, including House Fortemps. Firmalbert: Being a former Temple Knight herself, Leophyne doubtless knows their habits and training. Perhaps that makes it easier for her to exploit their weaknesses.
Tentoawa: Then if we follow the knights, we may pick up her trail. It's not ideal, but it's the best we have to go on.
Firmalbert: Well... A large contingent of knights has but recently been dispatched to Coerthas. Firmalbert: You remember Gorgagne Mills, yes? It has lain abandoned ever since the heretics were driven from it. Firmalbert: Yet there is ever the risk that unsavory elements might infest it once again. Thus have the Temple Knights planned joint patrols of its premises with other contingents. If you speak with Ser Redwald at Falcon's Nest, I am certain he would be glad to have you along.
Speak with Redwald at Falcon's Nest (cutscene)
Redwald: Is that Master Surname I see? Of course, you are ever welcome in Falcon's Nest. Yet I believe I do not know your companion here... Redwald: Indeed, whispers of the Temple Knights' humiliations have reached us even here. Falling asleep while on duty...I dared not believe the stories, but it seems there was truth in them after all.
Tentoawa: They fell asleep, true, but it wasn't their fault. We suspect they fell victim to an enemy wielding a powerful artifact.
Redwald: Now, the rumors failed to mention anything like that. If it can lull even trained warriors to sleep, then we must treat it as a serious threat. Redwald: Nevertheless, if one knight falls, another is always at the ready to take their place. So long as this artifact cannot put an entire regiment under its spell, I believe we are well positioned to combat it.
Tentoawa: Interesting. The idea of your allies falling in battle doesn't seem to disturb you at all. Where I hail from, a single warrior is responsible for the safety of his entire village.
Redwald: Make no mistake, we do not doubt our allies' mettle, and we mourn every loss. Yet each man and woman here knows that if they must quit the battle, another sword just as fierce will take their place.
Tentoawa: To know that an ally is at your back...it would allow you to fight with abandon.
Redwald: Now, you believe this Leophyne might take interest in our activities at Gorgagne Mills, yes? A party has already left, accompanied by a group of Temple Knights. Redwald: If your suspicions are correct, then they are at risk. I would ask that you follow in their tracks and ensure they have not fallen victim to foul play. Redwald: The mills can be found to the north, just across the Black Iron Bridge. The party should be arriving there soon, conditions permitting.
Tentoawa: We have to reach them before Leophyne does!
Optional Dialogue
Redwald: I can only hope that all is well, but having you there would do much to set my heart at ease.
Speak with Tentoawa
Tentoawa: We're too late! They're fast asleep! Tentoawa: But Redwald gave the impression there were more... These knights must have been the lookouts. Tentoawa: We should awaken them, but keep your eyes peeled for Leophyne. I'll rouse these ones─Forename, you search that building yonder.
Optional Dialogue
Tentoawa: They haven't been left in embarrassing positions, but this bears Leophyne's mark all the same. Tentoawa: I'll rouse this lot awake. Doctor, you search that building over there!
Survey Gorgagne Mills and defeat any enemies that appear
Frightened Voice: Wh-Who the hells are you!? How'd you get past the guards!?
Aid the House Durendaire scout
House Durendaire Scout: It's...It's you! Thank the Fury you arrived when you did! Those thugs struck when our backs were turned... House Durendaire Scout: I assumed the Temple Knights were protecting the entrance, so I wasn't as cautious as I should've been. Were...Were they killed? House Durendaire Scout: Sleeping!? I've heard the stories, of course, but I didn't think they were true... House Durendaire Scout: Whomever is behind this, I'm sure they didn't count on you showing up. For now, we shall tend to our wounds and then finish our inspection here. Master Forename, I ask that you join the knights outside and wait until we're finished.
Menacing Woman: Ah, as I thought. Just when I was becoming bored, I sighted a familiar face among these slumbering knights. I simply had to come and make sure it was you.
Tentoawa: You've finally found the courage to show yourself! Hand over the cradle now, and I won't kill you!
Menacing Woman: What did they call you, again? “The Wide Eye.” You must have had quite the journey to come this far.
Tentoawa: Be careful, Forename! This is our quarry─the thief who stole the Cradle of the Sleepless. This is Leophyne!
Leophyne: That is your ally? Ware their nimble hands. They may seek your artifact for themselves. Leophyne: It matters not, I suppose. Before you both throw your lives away, I suggest you think for a moment. Is the cause you fight for worth the sacrifice? Leophyne: So few of us know true freedom. If there is aught you would grasp with your own hands, do so before they wither and your eyes shut for the last time. Leophyne: The codes and rules that would bind men are mere illusions. Open your eyes─truly open them─and you shall see a path all your own. Only a fool would waste their life in the struggle of another.
Tentoawa: Quit spouting nonsense!
Leophyne: Nonsense? Perhaps. I am here because of another, after all─Apyaahi, who came to me at the height of my debauchery and welcomed me into her devious brotherhood. She guided me to great power, yes, and now I lead others upon the unbound path. Leophyne: Yet truth be told, I have little interest in seeing where it ends. To tear down the world's nations─Ishgard among them─and usher the world into... Well, what does it matter? Leophyne: Yet I do derive great pleasure in shaming the Temple Knights. In seeing the snickers and jeers deflate their pompous stride as they walk down the streets. If this artifact can hasten their fall from grace, I believe I shall keep it.
Tentoawa: I know the path I walk─the one that leads to your downfall! Tentoawa: And I won't abandon it. I'll take the cradle back. Tentoawa: And then I'll... Tentoawa: I'll...
Leophyne: Oh, dear. You seem to have lost your train of thought. I know you cannot hear me, but if you want your artifact back, I might suggest stealing it from me while I'm asleep. But considering the burden I have just passed to you, that opportunity may not come for some time yet! Leophyne: Why, I feel absolutely transcendent. To think the shackles of fatigue weighed so heavily... Leophyne: Alas, it appears the artifact needs its own repose of sorts. No matter─I have learned more than enough to take my next step. Leophyne: See to it that this lot is disposed of─'tis the least you can do for the freedom I have given you.
Aid Tentoawa
System: Try as you might to rouse Tentoawa, he seems completely detached from the waking world.
House Durendaire Scout: It looks like you've saved us twice today. Thank you. House Durendaire Scout: But what of him?
Bewildered Temple Knight: Fast asleep...just as we were. Could this be what Ser Firmalbert warned us of in his report? Bewildered Temple Knight: ...I see. Then those stories are more than just wicked rumors. I suppose there is some small comfort in the fact that our enemy tipped their hand without causing loss of life.
Resolute Temple Knight : While the drowsiness made my eyes heavy, my ears could not mistake Leophyne's arrogant voice. If she would not scruple to attack former comrades-in-arms, then she has fallen farther than I had dared imagine.
Bewildered Temple Knight: Yet we bear the blame for allowing her to get the upper hand, and in so doing put innocent lives in danger. Another black mark on our order... Resolute Temple Knight : 'Twas only thanks to you and your companion's efforts that the snow was not stained red this day. At the very least, allow us to carry him to the Congregation.
House Durendaire Scout: Our work here is done, so we shall accompany them as far as Falcon's Nest. Forename, pray return to Ishgard and look after your friend.
Speak with Firmalbert in Ishgard
Firmalbert: Full glad I am to see you well, Master Surname. I understand you come fresh from an encounter with none other than Leophyne. Firmalbert: Master Tentoawa now rests on the second floor. We shall stand vigil by his side every moment until he opens his eyes again. Firmalbert: We should not have long to wait, but if you wish to check on him, please do so at your leisure. Firmalbert: There is another matter to discuss. Just before your departure to Gorgagne Mills, it seems there was another incident. Firmalbert: A group of criminals were released from their cells, their guards found in a deep sleep. Doubtless Leophyne was behind this. Firmalbert: And doubtless the ruffians you clashed with were these selfsame criminals. Leophyne is gathering those who bear a grudge against the Temple Knights to her side, and using this animosity to her advantage. Firmalbert: We now know for certain that Leophyne is the mastermind of these attacks, and that her aim is to chip away at the very foundation of the Temple Knights─our honor. Firmalbert: When I shared these revelations with my superiors, 'twas decided that none would speak publicly of the artifact and its powers. Firmalbert: The Passage of the Unbound seeks to overthrow the nations of the world. One obvious method to achieve this goal would be to stoke the flames of unrest among the commonfolk, thus sinking Ishgard into a mire of chaos and distrust. Not unlike the blasphemies of the Final Days... Firmalbert: So long as these failures are placed squarely on the shoulders of the Temple Knights, we can avoid fomenting a more abiding mistrust in the nation's very core. For Ishgard's peace, I would gladly suffer any disgrace! Firmalbert: The question remains as to whether we can apprehend Leophyne before she tears our reputation to tatters. While Master Tentoawa slumbers, it falls to us to search for clues that might point towards her whereabouts.