Black Mage Guide/A Realm Reborn
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- See also: Black Mage and Guides
These ability rotations is based on a level 50 Black Mage.
Single Target
Thunder II -> Fire III -> Fire (until under 1000 MP) -> Blizzard III
- Thundercloud procs should be cast immediately and should always be Thunder III.
- Firestarter proc should be cast immediately, unless you're entering Umbra phase, in which case you should use your normal filler spell (usually Thunder II) until full MP, then use your Firestarter proc.
Tips and Tricks
- Always be casting. While there are some times when interrupting your casting is necessary, some players cancel a casting in order to cast a proc'd ability. Cancelling spells already in progress is always DPS loss and should be avoided unless you need to move and avoid damage.
- The normal Black Mage rotation consist of 4 castings of Fire before you drop below the amount of MP needed to cast both Blizzard III and Thunder II. Any further casting of Fire after the fourth will result in an insufficient amount of MP to get through an Umbral phase uninterrupted.
- In presence of Scholar or by using Food or Materia, it is possible to raise your Piety to 251 or higher. It gives you enough MP to cast 5 Fire spells and continue your rotation without pause. It results in a 2.5% increase in DPS.
- During portions of fights where movement is required, default to Scathe until you've arrived at your new destination or use Swiftcast to keep up your current rotation.
- If due to a Thundercloud proc you have plenty of time left on your Thunder DoT, use Blizzard as filler during Umbra phase. Also use Blizzard or Scathe on mobs that won't live long enough to justify Thunder.
- Many Black Mage guides say use Swiftcast on cooldown. This will grant a magical dps increase in total but remove the chance to use Swiftcast for utility or in emergencies. Use at your discretion but if you choose to use it try to use it when hardcasting spells, especially tier 3 spells.
- When sitting on a Firestarter proc in Umbra phase, use Transpose before casting Fire III to give yourself a nice damage boost. You'll do more and still be at full MP.
Multiple Targets (AoE)
Fire III -> Fire II (Until just above 266 MP) -> Flare -> Transpose -> Fire III as soon as you get an MP tick and repeat from Fire II.
- Flare requires a minimum of 266 MP to cast. Make sure your final Fire II does not force you below 266 MP.
Tips and Tricks
- Double Flare. Using both Convert and Swiftcast abilities, it's possible to cast 2 Flare spells within a couple seconds of each other. This technique is very effective at leveling groups of mobs quickly. Simply follow your first Flare with Convert -> Swiftcast -> Flare and continue your rotation. A Triple Flare can be done with the help of a Mega-Ether which will give you 270 MP, just enough for a third Flare.
- Vary your rotation to suit your situation. Don't continue an AoE rotation when only 2 mobs left, when you're grabbing aggro and don't use Flare if your target will die before the cast finishes.