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Broken Mountain

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Broken Mountain

NPC Broken Mountain.jpg

Male ♂
Roegadyn (Hellsguard)
Upper La Noscea (30.2,21.8)
Curious Gorge (brother)

Broken Mountain is a Roegadyn in Upper La Noscea.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Duty and the Beast Job quest 52 Broken Mountain
The Bear Necessity Job quest 54 Broken Mountain
Pirates of Shallow Water Job quest 56 Broken Mountain
Slap an' Chop Job quest 58 Broken Mountain
And My Axe Job quest 60 Broken Mountain
Field Training Job quest 63 Broken Mountain
When Push Comes to Shove Job quest 65 Broken Mountain
Going the Distance Job quest 68 Broken Mountain

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
How to Train Your Warrior Job quest 56 Storm Captain
Curious Gorge Meets His Match Job quest 60 Curious Gorge
The Heart of the Problem Job quest 70 Curious Gorge
Once, Twice, Three Times a Warrior Sidequest 80 Curious Gorge


Zone Coordinates Level range
Upper La Noscea (X:30.2, Y:21.8)
Western La Noscea (X:2, Y:2)

Additional Information

The elder brother of Curious Gorge. Protective and supportive of his younger sibling, Broken Mountain shares the same dream of restoring the way of the Warrior to prominence. His dedication and prowess have been proven through his almost entirely solitary efforts at deciphering his ancestors' writings, as well as his mastery of the techniques thus revealed. Broken Mountain left his brother behind to spread word of the Warrior across Eorzea, but his pilgrimage has been plagued with unrelenting difficulty. Owing to Curious Gorge's propensity for injuring himself during training, Broken Mountain has also endeavored to master rudimentary conjury from their settlement's healer.


During the time he spent in Eorzea, Broken Mountain succumbed to his Inner Beast, flying into a blind rage and terrorizing the people of Wineport. It wasn't until his brother and the Warrior of Light defeated him in combat that he was brought back to his senses. Shortly after, he helped the Warrior of Light stop Broken Mountain from being consumed by his Inner Beast. He vowed to aid his brother in restoring the damage that he had done, and unlock the secrets of mastering the Inner Beast and sharing his ancestor's techniques.

Some time later, Broken Mountain and Curious Gorge both worked hard to study the ancient texts of their homeland. Though Broken Mountain worked hard to master their technique, Curious Gorge was struggling with doubts that left him unable to do his duty and defend people. However, when the Kobold and the Sahagin attacked Limsa Lominsa, the brothers joined together to fend off the attack, with Broken Mountain using the spells of a Scholar. Impressing Eynzahr of the Maelstrom, they were both invited to train the soldiers in the ways of the Warrior.

Broken Mountain took part in the friendly battle against Wyrnzoen and his Marauders. After their victory, the Au Ra Marauder Dorgono lost herself to her Inner Beast. Broken Mountain and the Warrior of Light battled against her to subdue her after she sent the other combatants flying. Once she was returned to her senses, she introduced herself and revealed that she was of the Qerel clan. Upon learning that the Inner Beast can be controlled, she joined Broken Mountain to train as a Warrior, since Curious Gorge felt as though he would need to train harder before he could train anyone.

In an attempt to train Dorgono in the ways of the Warrior, he sent her on several missions with the Warrior of Light to defend the various ports and towns around Vylbrand, eventually sending her and Curious Gorge on a mission to stop the Mamool Ja from attacking Wineport. Though they manage to defeat them, they wound Curious Gorge. Dorgono manages to master her Inner Beast. She returns to the Azim Steppe, with Curious Gorge following her.

Some time later, Broken Mountain falls victim to a strange ailment that has rendered his Inner Beast inert. When Dorgono's father came with her to Eorzea, he treated this ailment, not only enabling the use of Broken Mountain's Inner Beast, but leaving him feeling stronger as a result.