Coddled Spriggan

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Coddled Spriggan

Coddled Spriggan is a Soulkin in South Shroud.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Bronze decorative egg icon1.png  Bronze Decorative Egg Other N/A ABasic 1
Silver decorative egg icon1.png  Silver Decorative Egg Other N/A ABasic 1
Gold decorative egg icon1.png  Gold Decorative Egg Other N/A ABasic 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
South Shroud (X:22, Y:23) 5
South Shroud (X:14, Y:33) 5
South Shroud (X:21, Y:29) 5
North Shroud (X:20, Y:18) 5
East Shroud (X:20, Y:21) 5
East Shroud (X:33, Y:21) 5
Central Shroud (X:28, Y:29) 5
Central Shroud (X:10, Y:17) 5
Central Shroud (X:15, Y:24) 5
Central Thanalan (X:15, Y:13) 5
Western Thanalan (X:14, Y:7) 5
Western Thanalan (X:19, Y:25) 5
Eastern Thanalan (X:26, Y:26) 5
Eastern Thanalan (X:19, Y:25) 5
Southern Thanalan (X:19, Y:25) 5
Southern Thanalan (X:14, Y:38) 5
Southern Thanalan (X:12, Y:23) 5
Northern Thanalan (X:16, Y:20) 5
Middle La Noscea (X:11, Y:15) 5
Western La Noscea (X:30, Y:30) 5
Upper La Noscea (X:31, Y:23) 5
Upper La Noscea (X:9, Y:21) 5
Upper La Noscea (X:14, Y:23) 5
Outer La Noscea (X:15, Y:9) 5
Outer La Noscea (X:23, Y:14) 5
Lower La Noscea (X:25, Y:15) 5
Eastern La Noscea (X:27, Y:29) 5
Eastern La Noscea (X:19, Y:32) 5
Mor Dhona (X:30, Y:4) 5
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:14, Y:26) 5
New Gridania (X:10.5, Y:10.8) 33
Central Shroud (X:11.8, Y:15.8) 33
Central Shroud (X:9.9, Y:16.7) 43


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Shelltered Eggsistence Sidequest 15 Nonotta
Deus Eggs Machina Sidequest 15 Jihli Aliapoh


Additional Information