Endwalker content

Collar Quartermaster

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Collar Quartermaster

Collar quartermaster.jpg

Wolf Collar Exchange
Male ♂
Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
Wolves' Den Pier (4.4,6.2)

Collar Quartermaster is a Miqo'te in Wolves' Den Pier.

Items for Sale


Item Type Rarity Level Cost
Hellhound war pick icon1.png   Hellhound War Pick
Hellhound shield icon1.png   Hellhound Shield
Gladiator's Arm
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound battleaxe icon1.png   Hellhound Battleaxe Marauder's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound faussar icon1.png   Hellhound Faussar Dark Knight's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound gunblade icon1.png   Hellhound Gunblade Gunbreaker's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound spear icon1.png   Hellhound Spear Lancer's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound scythe icon1.png   Hellhound Scythe Reaper's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound knuckles icon1.png   Hellhound Knuckles Pugilist's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound katana icon1.png   Hellhound Katana Samurai's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound sword breakers icon1.png   Hellhound Sword Breakers Rogue's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound twinfangs icon1.png   Hellhound Twinfangs Viper's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound longbow icon1.png   Hellhound Longbow Archer's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound handgonne icon1.png   Hellhound Handgonne Machinist's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound chakrams icon1.png   Hellhound Chakrams Dancer's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound staff icon1.png   Hellhound Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound grimoire icon1.png   Hellhound Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound tuck icon1.png   Hellhound Tuck Red Mage's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound round brush icon1.png   Hellhound Round Brush Pictomancer's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound cane icon1.png   Hellhound Cane Two-handed Conjurer's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound codex icon1.png   Hellhound Codex Scholar's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound planisphere icon1.png   Hellhound Planisphere Astrologian's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar
Hellhound pendulums icon1.png   Hellhound Pendulums Sage's Arm ABasic 1
Wolf collar icon1.png 10 Wolf Collar


Item Type Cost
Wolf Mark.png   Wolf Mark (4000) Currency Wolf collar icon1.png 1 Wolf Collar