Courting Cooperation
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Courting Cooperation
- Quest giver
- Urianger
- Location
- Il Mheg (X:8.5, Y:17.0)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 72
- Required items
- 1 Sharlayan Box
1 Boxed Hawker - Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Unto the Truth
- Next quest
The Key to the Castle
An Artist's Tale
Counting Pixies
A Rosy Problem
The Path to Popularity
- Patch
- 5.0
Main Scenario Progress: 574 / 960 (59.8%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 33 / 157 (21%)
“Urianger fixes you with his gaze.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- Use the Sharlayan box to capture a weakened hawker.
- Deliver the boxed hawker to Urianger.
- Speak with Sul Uin.
- Urianger fixes you with his gaze.
Minfilia: Oh...er, no need to worry about me. I'm quite familiar with the manor. Minfilia: During our wanderings, Thancred and I would often return here. It's where I imbue his ammunition.
Thancred: We will be much bolstered for Urianger's company.
Accepting the Quest
Urianger: My friend. Ere I speak of the task at hand, there is a question I would pose to thee. Urianger: What thinkest thou...of mine appearance?
< What will you say? > < Did you take up astrology? > < Did you lose weight? > < I didn't recognize you at first. >
< Did you take up astrology? > Urianger: Indeed. Though the night be lost, behind the shroud of blinding light, doubt not but that the stars shine still. Urianger: I have chosen to avail myself of their guidance, that I might navigate the sea of uncertainty that stretcheth before us. For a blessing, my prior studies of astrology did provide me with adequate grounding in the art.
< Did you lose weight? > Urianger: Did I...lose weight? If 'tis of flesh thou speakest, I cannot rightly say. However, in taking up astrology, I may have shed with some yalms of fabric. My present attire better suiteth the art. Urianger: Though the night be lost, behind the shroud of blinding light, doubt not but that the stars shine still. I have chosen to avail myself of their guidance, that I might navigate the sea of uncertainty that stretcheth before us.
< I didn't recognize you at first. > Urianger: Come now, 'tis scarce the first time thou hast beheld these fair features. Lest thou wonderest, I have taken up astrology. My present attire better suiteth the art. Urianger: Though the night be lost, behind the shroud of blinding light, doubt not but that the stars shine still. I have chosen to avail myself of their guidance, that I might navigate the sea of uncertainty that stretcheth before us.
(All) Urianger: But enough of myself. Let us now speak of our task. Urianger: As I did mention, if we are to enter Lyhe Ghiah, we must needs gain the pixies' cooperation. Urianger: This is a simple matter of presenting unto them a suitable gift. I shall procure a selection of viands that shall please their palates. Thancred, pray assist me in this endeavor. Urianger: Meanwhile, [Forename], I bid thee obtain that which will please their eyes. In these parts, there abideth a vilekin known for its beauteous wings: the hawker. I shall lend thee a receptacle within which thou mayest capture a weakened specimen.
Thancred: There's no avoiding chores, is there? Far better under Urianger than the pixies, of course.
Urianger: Thou shouldst find a hawker nearby. Pray use the receptacle I have lent thee to capture a weakened specimen.
Delivering the boxed hawker to Urianger
Urianger: Thou art returned. Wert thou able to capture a hawker? <Hand Over Boxed Hawker> Urianger: Ah, a truly magnificent set of wings. I shall treat them at once to make fast their vibrant colors. Urianger: Thancred too should return anon, upon which I shall ready all the items for presentation. Pray take thine ease meanwhile.
Urianger: 'Tis done. The pixies shall be well pleased with these gifts. Urianger: Ah, lest I forget... Urianger: White auracite, newly forged for thy use. Urianger: Our mission being to thwart a Rejoining, we will most assuredly cross paths with those who crave the contrary. Our eternal enemies. Urianger: Thus did I choose to abide in this aether-rich land, the better to fashion a trap for the Ascians' essence.
Minfilia: May I come in now?
Thancred: You may indeed─assuming you've finished.
Minfilia: I did as you asked.
Thancred: That's my girl. Thank you. Thancred: I should probably explain. Though my body remained behind in the Source, its limitations saw fit to accompany me. Which is to say, I cannot manipulate aether. Thancred: I took up the gunblade for its defensive advantages, but on account of my little impairment, I cannot imbue the ammunition myself. Luckily for me, Minfilia has quite a talent for it.
Urianger: Minfilia. Once we set forth, we are not like to return for some while. If thou wouldst choose tomes to take with thee, let it be now.
Minfilia: Really? May I?
Urianger: Of course, my dear. Yet have care thou dost not add overmuch to thy burden, lest I incur Thancred's ire.
Urianger: Hast thou spoken to [her/him] of thine encounter with the Minfilia of eld?
Thancred: Well, I suppose now is as good a time as any. Thancred: As you know, I freed young Minfilia from captivity in Eulmore some three years past. Thancred: Not long after, the two of us journeyed to the south of Amh Araeng. To the edge of the Empty, where the Flood was halted. Thancred: 'Twas there that she awakened. The Minfilia of old. My Minfilia...
Echo Vision
Thancred: Tell me, tell me! What must I do to bring you back!?
Oracle of Light: My dearest Thancred... As I am now, I am no different from an Ascian. This child is but a vessel. Oracle of Light: One of many I have used, that I might spread word of Her enduring blessing and preserve the flame of hope. Oracle of Light: In my name, each has died never having lived her own life. Oracle of Light: I have taken enough from these children. I will take no more.
Thancred: But what of your suffering? Your sacrifice!? This isn't fair! Thancred: I will not stand for it─I cannot! There must be something we can do. Tell me!
Oracle of Light: Should the day come when this child grows weary of fighting, and wishes to cast it all aside... Oracle of Light: Then shall I take up her burden. Oracle of Light: But should she wish instead to become the master of her own destiny... Oracle of Light: Then shall I bequeath to her my all. Oracle of Light: Imbued with the strength that I reserve for rebirth, she may come to wield my powers as her own.
Thancred: And what of my wishes!? What of F'lhaminn's!? What of all the people who love and care for you and want nothing more than to see you again!?
Oracle of Light: It is not their decision to make. Oracle of Light: It is hers. This child's. This Minfilia's. Oracle of Light: You have ever watched over me, Thancred. Oracle of Light: Now I ask that you do the same for her. Protect her. Teach her. Stand by her as you stood by me. Oracle of Light: There is much and more she does not know. She needs a guide to show her the ways of the world, or she will never find her own path. Oracle of Light: When the time comes, you will find me here. Until that day...
Thancred: Minfilia, wait!
Minfilia: What...what happened?
Echo End
Thancred: ...And then she was gone. Minfilia─the girl─claims to have no recollection of any of it. Thancred: I've told her many things─where we came from, what we fight for. But of that day, I have not spoken.
< What will you say? > < How do you want this to end? > < ... >
(Both) Urianger: With the coming of another possessed of the blessing of Light, the First hath begun to rise up in defiance of its fate. Urianger: The question remaineth, however... Who shall take up the flame of hope which Minfilia hath borne for so long? Whether we will it or no, the choice must soon be made.
Minfilia: I'm sorry I took so long. It was so hard to choose. In the end, I settled on just the one.
Urianger: That is well. Now, if all is in order, let us set forth for Lydha Lran.
Urianger: As much as I should like to savor the reunion with Master Alphinaud and Mistress Alisaie, it must wait. I have taken the liberty of presenting our gifts unto the pixies; let us see how well they are received.
Minfilia: I dare not ask what happened in our absence...
Thancred: When you have a moment, be sure to show your appreciation to the twins. They've endured a great deal on our behalf...
Alphinaud: You couldn't have returned at a better time. The pixies had just decided that it would be amusing to have Alisaie and I exchange outfits...
Alisaie: Ahaha, thank the gods you arrived when you did! Any later, and I don't think I would've been able to live it down!
Speaking with Sul Uin
Sul Uin: We weren't expecting you all back so soon. We had scarcely begun playing with the twins... Sul Uin: That said, your gifts are truly wonderful! Let me tell you, the milk and honey and biscuits won't last a day, and the wings are the loveliest we've ever seen! Sul Uin: You've done us a great kindness, and it's fae custom to return the gesture. If you desire anything of us, you need but name it!