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Deep Palace Claw

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Deep Palace Claw

Deep Palace Claw is a Wavekin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 181-190).


  • Inspire: Instantly draws target in and inflicts Prey icon1.png prey. Cannot be prevented with knockback immune actions.
  • Impale: Physical damage to players inflicted with prey, which also removes the status.
  • Tail Screw: Untelegraphed point-blank AoE dealing magical damage and inflicting Slow icon1.png slow for 20s.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 185) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 186) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 187) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 188) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 189) Unknown 60

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