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Deep Palace Morbol

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Deep Palace Morbol

Deep Palace Morbol is a Seedkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 111-120).


  • Sweet Breath: Instant untelegraphed conal AoE inflicting Sleep (status effect) icon1.png sleep (3s) and Slow icon1.png slow (10s). Stay close to it so you have time to dodge the Bad Breath telegraph after waking up.
  • Bad Breath: Telegraphed conal AoE inflicting Poison icon1.png poison (30s), Nausea icon1.png nausea (20s), Slow icon1.png slow (10s), Blind icon1.png blind (30s), Heavy icon1.png heavy (20s), Silence icon1.png silence (10s), and Paralysis icon1.png paralysis (30s). Used after Sweet Breath.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 117) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 118) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 119) Unknown 60

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