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Deep Palace Sasquatch

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Deep Palace Sasquatch

Deep Palace Sasquatch is a Beastkin in Palace of the Dead (Floors 171-180).


  • Browbeat: Instant physical damage to target.
  • Ripe Banana: Only used out of combat. Grants a 100% Physical Damage Up buff to self for 15s and heals 20% of maximum HP. Will use Chest Thump until the buff expires. Do not aggro when the buff is active due to its massive damage output.
  • Chest Thump: Only used out of combat under Ripe Banana buff. Massive untelegraphed point-blank AoE that inflicts a stack of 5% Physical Vulnerability Up debuff for 8s.


Zone Coordinates Level range
Palace of the Dead (Floor 175) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 176) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 177) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 178) Unknown 60
Palace of the Dead (Floor 179) Unknown 60

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