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Male ♂
Garlemald (31.8, 18.8)
Ist Imperial Legion
Quest NPC

Dossennus is a Garlean in Garlemald.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Brick by Brick, Tank by Tank Sidequest 80 Dossennus
P.S. I Love You Sidequest 80 Maelstrom Delegate


Small Talk

After completion of Main Scenario quest The Last Bastion

Dossennus: Ceruleum and other necessary materials are in short supply. I'm not sure how long we can last on the stores we have.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Alea Iacta Est

Dossennus: Our leader may be gone, and the world may be falling to ruin, but my duty to my people will never change. Such is the life of a soldier.

After completion of Main Scenario quest As the Heavens Burn

Dossennus: Though I may yet come to rely upon the contingent, my purpose remains unchanged. I will sweep away the debris, repurpose that which I can─protect our people from further harm. It is a deal to do, but I will see it done.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Endwalker

Dossennus: I cannot deny the supplies provided by the contingent have been a great help, but it would be unwise to grow reliant on their kindness.
Dossennus: If we're to replenish our reserves, we must exercise restraint and carefully manage what few resources we have.

After completion of Main Scenario quest Bonds of Trust

Dossennus:Until now, we've gotten by on provisions provided by the Ilsabard contingent. But if we can engage in trade of our own, we'll be able to do more than just survive.

Sidequest Brick by Brick, Tank by Tank

Dossennus: What do you want? Hmm, hold on─ You seem a rather dextrous sort. Perhaps I can persuade you to take on a task for me?
Dossennus: I trust you are aware that ceruleum tanks can be salvaged from downed magitek weaponry, yes? Excellent. As it so happens, I have just finished scouting the perimeter of the station, looking for any machina that aren't yet completely destroyed.
Dossennus: I thought my work done, but word has reached me that some warmachina have recently come to a grinding halt nearby. As much as I would like to investigate this report, I worry the things may not be completely out of commission─that they may have life enough left to strike a killing blow.
Dossennus: If you're willing, search the area northwest of the station for dormant warmachina and pilfer their tanks of ceruleum for me. See if you can succeed where I've so egregiously failed.
Dossennus: Find inactive warmachina and salvage their ceruleum tanks for me, will you? You should find some northwest of the station.
Dossennus: Why, just look at you─ Not so much as a scratch. Now then, have you the tanks I requested?
Dossennus: I knew you'd come through! Without this ceruleum, we might well have frozen to death. There may not be much, but we're grateful for it, believe me.
Dossennus: Still, what we have here is but a small bandage atop a very large wound. While this amount of fuel is only a stopgap measure, its discovery means that more can likely be found farther afield.
Dossennus: <sigh> ...If I am to be honest, I often find myself wishing for a savior, one who will lead us into more promising times, as Emperor Solus once did. Someone who might pluck us from this sad lot.
Dossennus: But no man or woman as great as he will ever appear again─at least, not in our lifetimes. No, we've only to rely on ourselves now, to rebuild our fallen cities brick by brick, stone by stone.
Dossennus: It will prove a grueling task, one that will take us years. Just thinking about it makes my head spin...but you've shown me that if we all pull our weight, it's not so unrealistic a goal. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me the courage to go on.

Sidequest P.S. I Love You

Dossennus: A letter without an address or recipient, you say? May I?
Dossennus: ...Forgive me. Even a cursory glance makes it plain that this wasn't penned by any relation of mine. I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help to you. Good luck in your search.
Dossennus: The letter didn't appear to be penned by anyone of my acquaintance, I'm sorry to say. I do hope you find its recipient, though.

Additional Information

  • If Dossennus is spoken to before completion of Main Scenario quest The Last Bastion, a system warning will appear stating: He clearly has no intention of speaking with you.