Dubious Dancing
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Dubious Dancing
- Quest giver
- Deputy Postmoogle
- Location
- Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (X:10.4, Y:11.3)
- Quest line
- Delivery Moogle Quests
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Carline Memories
Dream On
- Patch
- 2.3
“The Deputy Postmoogle would reward your efforts with an assignment to more idyllic climes.
— In-game description
- Deliver the letter to Gegeruju in Costa del Sol.
- Deliver the contract to the vigorous dancer in outer La Noscea.
- Speak with Bugaal Ja at the Hermit's Hovel.
- Pour hot spring water over Bugaal Ja.
- Pour more hot spring water over Bugaal Ja.
- Pour yet more hot spring water over Bugaal Ja.
- Speak with Gegeruju at Costa del Sol.
- Wait on the decks for the dance lesson to begin.
- Report to Gegeruju.
- The deputy postmoogle would reward your efforts with an assignment to more idyllic climes.
- In lieu of the vacation that he claims you rightfully deserve, the deputy postmoogle has entrusted you with a letter addressed to Master Gegeruju, of Costa del Sol fame. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonccakes-- deliver the missive to Gegeruju's beach paraddise in eastern La Noscea, and try to enjoy the journey.
- The envelope you delivered contains a blunt refusal from the dancing master Guillaunaux, who Master Gegeruju had sought to employ for the purpose of bringing the forefront of artistic expression to Costa del Sol. Fortunately for the enterprising entrepreneur, Guillaunaux saw fit to introduce another dance instructor who may prove more accommodating. Carry the contract drafted by Gegeruju to this esteemed personage, who may be found in outer La Noscea.
- The mysterious dance instructor is revealed to be none other than Bugaal Ja, a Mamool Ja whose questionable behavior while bathing has earned him the scorn and disgust of many a smoothskin. Deeply moved to have found a patron who would pay the proper respect to his people's tradition, Bugaal Ja eagerly consents to the terms offered. Before setting off for Costa del Sol, however, he must prepare himself according to Mamool Ja custom. Seek him out at the Hermit's Hovel.
- Bugaal Ja is eager to make for Costa del Sol and begin his dance instruction, but first he must purify his body according to Mamool Ja ritual-- or rather, you must do it for him. Pour some hot spring water over the Mamool Ja's body.
- It would appear a single dash of hot spring water was not sufficient for the cleansing ritual. Repeat the process in hopes that a second splash will suffice.
- Bugaal Ja grows more animated as he bathes in the soothing waters of the Hermit's Hovel, but it would appear the ritual is not yet complete. Douse him once more and see if the third time's the charm.
- His body now cleansed to his satisfaction, Bugaal Ja sets out for Costa del Sol. Venture there yourself and inform Master Gegeruju that his dancing master is on his way.
- Master Gegeruju informs you that his dancing master arrived a short while ago, and has already been introduced to his students. The dance lesson will begin momentarily, and you are invited to attend.
- Bugaal Ja's undulations and gyrations proved a bit too vigorous for the aspiring dancers, who fled screaming from the lesson while it had barely begun. Speak with Master Gegeruju and hear his assessment of the entire ordeal.
- While not disheartened with the results, Master Gegeruju does not regret his endeavor to bring the vanguard of artistic expression to Costa del Sol. Nevertheless, it appears that it will be some time before the average Eorzean can find it in himself to accept Mamool Ja custom. In the meantime, should the undulations of the erstwhile dancing master once more threaten to cause panic amongst the unwitting bath-goers of Bronze Lake, you know where your talents will be needed.
Accepting the Quest
Deputy Postmoogle: My hardworking assistant returns! Yes, so hard have you been working that I daresay you've earned yourself a vacation, kupo! Deputy Postmoogle: I'm not going to give you one, of course─I do have a reputation to maintain─but I will give you the next best thing: a letter addressed to Master Gegeruju at Costa del Sol! Deputy Postmoogle: Soak up the rays of the sun, bask in the balmy ocean breeze, sneak a furtive glance at the lovely dancers─that last one can be our little secret─and you'll soon forget that you're working, kupo! (Optional) Deputy Postmoogle: I know at least three moogles who would give their pom for this assignment, but I chose you. Don't you feel special? Now, off to Costa del Sol with you!
Delivering the letter to Gegeruju in Costa del Sol
Gegeruju: <yawn> Oh, how I tire of the same idyllic sights night after night after night! How long must I wait to see my new beauties take the stage? <Hand Over Letter to Gegeruju> Gegeruju: Titan's Bane, a messenger girl/boy!? Is the adventuring life so unprofitable these days? I could always use another strapping lad to swab the decks. You may be a touch overqualified, but the pay is generous and the location cannot be topped... Gegeruju: ...But I digress. The letter you have brought me is a reply from none other than the esteemed Master Guillaunaux, whom I have enlisted to train my next generation of artistes. A great honor I bestow upon him, yes? Gegeruju: Ahem... “Master Gegeruju, while you present a compelling offer, I would rather live out my days in the Navel than spend even a moment instructing empty-headed, ample-bosomed strumpets with as much passion and aptitude for dance as a pack of three-legged shrews.” Gegeruju: It seems the poor, misguided fellow values the integrity of his art above coin. But what's this? The letter continues, “That said, I know of another whose particular school of dance─though somewhat experimental─may suit your purposes well...” Gegeruju: What splendid news! The letter neglects to mention his name, but says that he makes his home by Iron Lake in outer La Noscea. Might you be a good messenger girl/boy and deliver this contract to him? I would have my girls begin their training straightaway.
Delivering the contract to the vigorous dancer in outer La Noscea
Vigorous Dancer: Why do smoothskins shun my dance!? My dance is dance of vigor and virility! <Hand Over Training Contract> Vigorous Dancer: Paper, for Mamool Ja? Mamool Ja does not want paper. Vigorous Dancer: Mamool Ja wants freedom─freedom to dance! Why does no one understand!? Vigorous Dancer: Hm? Smoothskin wants me to dance? Is some kind of trick to take my coin? Vigorous Dancer: No trick? Smoothskin pays coin? Coin for Mamool Ja? Coin to dance Mamool Ja dance? Vigorous Dancer: Do I dream...? Do smoothskins finally understand!? Vigorous Dancer: Too long has Mamool Ja custom been mocked. Too long have Mamool Ja hips been fettered! Bugaal Ja: But no more! Smoothskin shows kindness to Bugaal Ja. Bugaal Ja repays kindness, shares proud Mamool Ja tradition with all! Bugaal Ja: Traditional Mamool Ja bathing dance will be shunned no more! Today, Costa del Sol; tomorrow, the realm! Bugaal Ja: But dance cannot be danced with body soiled. This is Mamool Ja custom, and custom must not be broken. Bugaal Ja: Bugaal Ja would cleanse body in Bronze Lake, where water is warm and sights are...stimulating. But smoothskins there have small hearts and narrow minds. Bugaal Ja will go west to little house, where Bugaal Ja can bathe in peace.
Speaking with Bugaal Ja at the Hermit's Hovel
Bugaal Ja: You are not like other smoothskins─smoothskins who shun Mamool Ja. Bugaal Ja is pleased. Bugaal Ja: Bugaal Ja likes little house. Water is warm, and smoothskin leaves Bugaal Ja to himself. Bugaal Ja: But enough talk─soiled body needs cleansing. But Mamool Ja must not wash own body. This, too, is Mamool Ja way. Bugaal Ja: Smoothskin take water, pour over Bugaal Ja's body. One, two, three times. Body cleansed, muscles loose─Bugaal Ja will be ready to dance!
Pouring sacred spring water over Bugaal Ja
<Use Sacred Spring Water> Bugaal Ja: Ahhhhh! Warm water flows over me! Sweat and grime washes away!
Pouring more sacred spring water over Bugaal Ja
<Use Sacred Spring Water> Bugaal Ja: Ahhhhhh! Muscles loosen, joints limber! An uncontrollable urge wells from within!
Pouring yet more sacred spring water over Bugaal Ja
<Use Sacred Spring Water> Bugaal Ja: Graaaaaaaaah! I can contain it no longer! Bugaal Ja must move! Bugaal Ja must dance! Bugaal Ja: Smoothskin performs cleansing ritual as good as any Mamool Ja! Bugaal Ja has never felt so alive! Bugaal Ja: Let us visit your Master Gegeruju! I will dance my dance as never before!
Speaking with Gegruju at Costa del Sol
Gegeruju: Ah, there you are. I must say, our new dancing master made quite a first impression. I've already taken the liberty of introducing him to the girls. Gegeruju: Costa del Sol shall be at the forefront of an artistic revolution! I can see the tourists flocking in, hear the clinking of their ample coinpurses... Gegeruju: At any rate, the lesson should be getting started any moment now. For all you've done, you're more than welcome to look on.
Optional Dialogue
Bugaal Ja: You and Master Gegeruju are friend to Mamool Ja. Thanks to you, days of scorn and hurt are over. Bugaal Ja: Bugaal Ja has waited long for this day! Today, smoothskins shall know traditional Mamool Ja bathing dance in all its glory!
Next Generation Artiste (1): I don't like the way he's looking at me... Oh well, at least Master Gegeruju pays well!
Next Generation Artiste (2): That is our new dancing master!? Is this some kind of a joke...?
Waiting on the decks for the dance lesson to begin (Cutscene)
Bugaal Ja: Master Gegeruju, other smoothskins shun Mamool Ja tradition, but you welcome us with arms open. Bugaal Ja will not forget this kindness. Bugaal Ja will be greatest dancing master Costa del Sol ever knew. Bugaal Ja: Traditional Mamool Ja bathing dance is dance of pleasure, dance of life-giving! Every lift of leg, every sway of hips is sacred. When you dance Mamool Ja bathing dance, you must summon vitality from the very depths of your soul.
Gegeruju: Did you hear that, girls? I'm paying you good coin for this─don't be shy up there!
Aspiring Dancers: Y-Yes, Master Gegeruju! We've been waiting our whole lives for this chance. We won't let you down!
Bugaal Ja: Prepare yourselves─we begin! Bugaal Ja: >> Hoo! Ja! Hoo hoo ja!♪ Mamool Ja have hips! Hips must sway!♪ <<
Bugaal Ja: >> Hoo! Ja! Hoo hoo ja!♪ Mamool Ja have hips! Hips must thrust!♪ <<
Bugaal Ja: >> Hoo! Ja! Hoo hoo ja!♪ Mamool Ja is man, like all men!♪ <<
Bugaal Ja: >> Hoo! Ja! Hoo hoo ja!♪ You are woman, like all women!♪ <<
Aspiring Dancer: >> Wh-What is he...? Aaaaaahhh!!! <<
Gegeruju: Gwahahahahahaha! Brilliant! Utterly brilliant! Now this is a dance to delight even the most mature and discerning of─hm? Gegeruju: Now where did everyone run off to? And you...are you feeling quite all right!?
Bugaal Ja: I...I do not understand, Master Gegeruju. Bugaal Ja only danced as Master asked me to dance.
Gegeruju: Pay no mind to the reactions of my servants. I suspect they were simply overwhelmed by the sheer wonder of the spectacle laid before them. 'Tis sadly a common plight with artists who are ahead of their time. Gegeruju: That said, it is perhaps for the best that we...ah...part ways, at least for the time being. Rest assured that you will receive full compensation for your services─as will you, Titan's Bane.
(Optional) Gegeruju Manor Guard: I...I am fine, thank you. I cannot quite recall what I witnessed before losing my senses, but perhaps that is for the better...
Reporting to Gegruju
Gegeruju: Ah, you've returned. Have you any idea what all that shrieking and retching was about? I, for one, found Bugaal Ja's gyrations positively...captivating. Gegeruju: I was eagerly anticipating the sight of my fair maidens performing this treasure of Mamool Ja tradition, but alas! Once again the commonfolk prove incapable of appreciating my heightened aesthetic sensibilities. Gegeruju: And yet, while I am a lover of the fine arts, I am an even greater lover of coin. The highest form of art in the world means nothing to me without an audience─a well-paying audience. Gegeruju: As such, I have made the most heartrending decision to annul Master Bugaal Ja's contract, effective immediately. In return, I compensated him with a healthy sum and a one-day pass to the springs at Bronze Lake. I don't foresee this being a problem, do you? Gegeruju: That said, the sheer unbridled passion that the Mamool Ja possess for the act of bathing is truly a sight to behold. Were only this passion shared by the average Eorzean, oh, what fortunes could be had!
System: With your successful delivery, your reputation as a letter carrier has grown!