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Enterprising Exporter

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Enterprising Exporter

Enterprising Exporter picture.png

Soulkin (Mammet)
Unnamed Island (12.6, 28.3)

Y-You want to know what I do? But my name - I thought it was obv - ahem. Very well. What I do is quite simple: I take any of the materials you've collected on the island, and sell them for cowries on your behalf. Don't worry I never take anything for myself. Trust me.

— In-game description

Enterprising Exporter is a Soulkin in Unnamed Island.

Export Exchange Rewards


Item Type Cost
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island palm leaf1.png 1 Island Palm Leaf
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island branch1.png 1 Island Branch
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island stone1.png 1 Island Stone
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island clam1.png 1 Island Clam
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island laver.png 1 Island Laver
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island coral.png 1 Island Coral
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Islewort1.png 1 Islewort
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island sand1.png 1 Island Sand
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island sap1.png 1 Island Sap
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island vine1.png 1 Island Vine
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island apple1.png 1 Island Apple
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island log1.png 1 Island Log
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island palm log1.png 1 Island Palm Log
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island copper ore.png 1 Island Copper Ore
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island limestone.png 1 Island Limestone
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island rock salt.png 1 Island Rock Salt
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island clay.png 1 Island Clay
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Tinsand.png 1 Island Tinsand
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Sugarcane.png 1 Island Sugarcane
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island cotton boll.png 1 Island Cotton Boll
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island hemp.png 1 Island Hemp
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Islefish.png 1 Islefish
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island squid.png 1 Island Squid
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island jellyfish.png 1 Island Jellyfish
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island iron ore.png 1 Island Iron Ore
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island quartz.png 1 Island Quartz
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island leucogranite.png 1 Island Leucogranite
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Multicolored Isleblooms.png 1 Multicolored Isleblooms
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Resin.png 1 Island Resin
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Coconut.png 1 Island Coconut (Island Sanctuary)
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Beehive Chip.png 1 Island Beehive Chip
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Wood Opal.png 1 Island Wood Opal
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island coal1.png 1 Island Coal
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island glimshroom1.png 1 Island Glimshroom
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island effervescent water1.png 1 Island Effervescent Water
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island shale1.png 1 Island Shale
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island marble1.png 1 Island Marble
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island mythril ore1.png 1 Island Mythril Ore
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island spectrine1.png 1 Island Spectrine
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Durium Sand.png 1 Island Durium Sand
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Yellow Copper Ore.png 1 Island Yellow Copper Ore
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Gold Ore.png 1 Island Gold Ore
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Hawk's Eye Sand.png 1 Island Hawk's Eye Sand
Islander's Cowrie.png   Islander's Cowrie (3) Currency Island Crystal Formation.png 1 Island Crystal Formation

Rare Materials

Item Type Cost
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Island alyssum.png 1 Island Alyssum
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Raw Island Garnet.png 1 Raw Island Garnet
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Island spruce log.png 1 Island Spruce Log
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Island hammerhead.png 1 Island Hammerhead
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Island silver ore.png 1 Island Silver Ore
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (25) Currency Island cave shrimp1.png 1 Island Cave Shrimp


Item Type Cost
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (4) Currency Island cabbage.png 1 Island Cabbage
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (4) Currency Island pumpkin.png 1 Island Pumpkin
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (5) Currency Island popoto.png 1 Island Popoto
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (5) Currency Island parsnip.png 1 Island Parsnip
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Isleberry.png 1 Isleberry
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island onion.png 1 Island Onion
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Tomato.png 1 Island Tomato
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Wheat.png 1 Island Wheat
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island corn.png 1 Island Corn
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island radish.png 1 Island Radish
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Paprika.png 1 Island Paprika
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Leek.png 1 Island Leek
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Runner Beans.png 1 Island Runner Beans
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Beet.png 1 Island Beet
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Eggplant.png 1 Island Eggplant
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Zucchini.png 1 Island Zucchini
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Watermelon.png 1 Island Watermelon
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Broccoli.png 1 Island Broccoli
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Sweet Popoto.png 1 Island Sweet Popoto
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (6) Currency Island Buffalo Bean.png 1 Island Buffalo Beans


Item Type Cost
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Fleece icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Fleece
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Raptor talon icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Claw
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Sanctuary Fur.png 1 Sanctuary Fur
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Cock feather icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Feather
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Dodo egg icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Egg
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Green megalocrab shell icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Carapace
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Wolf fang icon1.png 1 Sanctuary Fang
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Sanctuary Horn.png 1 Sanctuary Horn
Seafarer's Cowrie.png   Seafarer's Cowrie (12) Currency Aldgoat Milk.png 1 Sanctuary Milk