Extreme Trial mounts

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This is a list of the Extreme Trial mounts for the base game (A Realm Reborn) as well as each of the expansions. Each expansion has seven similarly themed mounts that can be attained as a drop in their associated Extreme Trials. There is also an eighth mount that can only be attained by doing a quest that is unlocked after obtaining all of the extreme trial mounts for a given expansion.

When a mount is newly added, it drops at a low rate from its corresponding extreme trial and can be rolled on. It is estimated that the rate is approximately 5% (1 in 20). The drop rate typically increases twice in later patches. From Heavensward onwards, players may exchange 99 of the guaranteed totem from the trial for the mount summoning item. However, players must rely on direct drops when a trial is first released: the totem purchase option is not added until several months after the trial is released (specifically patch x.2 for the x.0 trials, patch x.3 for the x.1 trial, patch x.4 for the x.2 trial, patch x.5 for the x.3 trial, patch x.55 for the x.4 trial, and patch x.58 for the x.5 trial).

All mounts from previous expansions can be obtained by farming the relevant extreme trial using an Unrestricted Party (unsynced). There is no reason to farm them with level sync enabled, as the drop rate is unaffected.

Nightmare Mounts (A Realm Reborn)

Mount Summoning Item Trial
Xanthos icon1.png  Xanthos Xanthos whistle icon1.png  Xanthos Whistle The Howling Eye (Extreme)
Gullfaxi icon1.png  Gullfaxi Gullfaxi whistle icon1.png  Gullfaxi Whistle The Navel (Extreme)
Aithon icon1.png  Aithon Aithon whistle icon1.png  Aithon Whistle The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
Enbarr icon1.png  Enbarr Enbarr whistle icon1.png  Enbarr Whistle The Whorleater (Extreme)
Markab icon1.png  Markab Markab whistle icon1.png  Markab Whistle The Striking Tree (Extreme)
Boreas icon1.png  Boreas Boreas whistle icon1.png  Boreas Whistle The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme)


Upon obtaining all of the above mounts the quest to get the Kirin becomes available.

Mount Summoning Item Quest
Kirin icon1.png  Kirin Kirin fife icon1.png  Kirin Fife Side QuestA Legend for a Legend


The Nightmare mount shares a model with the other mounts in this category and is gotten in a similar manner, but it is not directly related to them nor is it related to obtaining the Kirin.

This sets it apart from the extreme trial mounts in the expansions.

The Nightmare can be attained as a drop from any of 3 Extreme Trials. This means it can potentially be dropped alongside the other mount from that trial.

Mount Summoning Item Trial
Nightmare mount icon1.png  Nightmare Nightmare Whistle.png  Nightmare Whistle The Bowl of Embers (Extreme)
The Navel (Extreme)
The Howling Eye (Extreme)

Lanner Mounts (Heavensward)

From Heavensward onward, the Extreme Trial that drops the mount will also drop a totem or similar item. This is a fail-safe that allows the player to obtain the mount summoning item by trading in 99 of these items. For Heavensward, the NPC to trade with is Bertana in Idyllshire (5.9, 5.2) or Rowena's Representative in Foundation (10.5, 11.8).

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem
White lanner icon1.png  White Lanner White lanner whistle icon1.png  White Lanner Whistle The Limitless Blue (Extreme) Expanse totem icon1.png  Expanse Totem
Rose lanner icon1.png  Rose Lanner Rose lanner whistle icon1.png  Rose Lanner Whistle Thok ast Thok (Extreme) Hive totem icon1.png  Hive Totem
Round lanner icon1.png  Round Lanner Round lanner whistle icon1.png  Round Lanner Whistle The Minstrel's Ballad: Thordan's Reign Heavens ward helm fragment icon1.png  Heavens' Ward Helm Fragment
Warring lanner icon1.png  Warring Lanner Warring lanner whistle icon1.png  Warring Lanner Whistle Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme) Fiend totem icon1.png  Fiend Totem
Dark lanner icon1.png  Dark Lanner Dark lanner whistle icon1.png  Dark Lanner Whistle The Minstrel's Ballad: Nidhogg's Rage Horde totem icon1.png  Horde Totem
Sophic lanner icon1.png  Sophic Lanner Sophic lanner whistle icon1.png  Sophic Lanner Whistle Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme) Goddess totem icon1.png  Goddess Totem
Demonic lanner icon1.png  Demonic Lanner Demonic lanner whistle icon1.png  Demonic Lanner Whistle Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) Demon totem icon1.png  Demon Totem


Upon obtaining all of the above mounts the quest to get the Firebird becomes available.

Mount Summoning Item Quest
Firebird icon1.png  Firebird Firebird whistle icon1.png  Firebird Whistle Side QuestFiery Wings, Fiery Hearts

Kamuy Mounts (Stormblood)

For Stormblood, the NPC to trade with is Eschina in Rhalgr's Reach (13.8, 11.8) or Rowena's Representative in Kugane (12.2, 10.8).

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem
Reveling kamuy icon1.png  Reveling Kamuy Reveling kamuy fife icon1.png  Reveling Kamuy Fife The Pool of Tribute (Extreme) Revel totem icon1.png  Revel Totem
Blissful kamuy icon1.png  Blissful Kamuy Blissful kamuy fife icon1.png  Blissful Kamuy Fife Emanation (Extreme) Bliss totem icon1.png  Bliss Totem
Legendary kamuy icon1.png  Legendary Kamuy Legendary Kamuy Fife Icon1.png  Legendary Kamuy Fife The Minstrel's Ballad: Shinryu's Domain Shinryu Totem Icon.png  Shinryu Totem
Auspicious Kamuy Icon.png  Auspicious Kamuy Auspicious kamuy fife icon1.png  Auspicious Kamuy Fife The Jade Stoa (Extreme) Byakko Totem Icon.jpg  Byakko Totem
Lunar Kamuy Icon.png  Lunar Kamuy Lunar kamuy fife icon1.png  Lunar Kamuy Fife The Minstrel's Ballad: Tsukuyomi's Pain Lunar Totem Icon.png  Lunar Totem
Euphonious kamuy icon1.png  Euphonious Kamuy Euphonious kamuy fife icon1.png  Euphonious Kamuy Fife Hells' Kier (Extreme) Suzaku totem icon1.png  Suzaku Totem
Hallowed kamuy icon1.png  Hallowed Kamuy Hallowed kamuy fife icon1.png  Hallowed Kamuy Fife The Wreath of Snakes (Extreme) Seiryu totem icon1.png  Seiryu Totem

Kamuy of the Nine Tails

Upon obtaining all of the above mounts the quest to get the Kamuy of the Nine Tails becomes available.

Mount Summoning Item Quest
Fabled kamuy icon1.png  Kamuy of the Nine Tails Fabled kamuy fife icon1.png  Fabled Kamuy Fife Side QuestA Lone Wolf No More


Rathalos is a mount from the crossover Collaboration Event The Hunt For Rathalos. It can either drop from the extreme version of its trial or be purchased from Smithy in Kugane (9.7, 8.9). Unlike other older extreme trials, the drop rate of this mount remains low, so players will likely need to farm 50 Rathalos Scale Plus Icon.png  Rathalos Scale+ to trade.

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem
Rathalos (mount) icon1.png  Rathalos Rathalos whistle icon1.png  Rathalos Whistle The Great Hunt (Extreme) Rathalos Scale Plus Icon.png  Rathalos Scale+

Gwiber Mounts (Shadowbringers)

For Shadowbringers, there were 2 NPCs to trade with originally, Fathard in Eulmore (10.1, 11.7) and C'intana in Mor Dhona (22.7, 6.7) due to some trials being associated with the First and others with the Source. However, in patch 6.0, the newly added Mowen's Merchant in The Crystarium (10.1, 11.8) sells all of the mounts.

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem NPC
Fae gwiber icon1.png  Fae Gwiber Fae gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Fae Gwiber Trumpet The Dancing Plague (Extreme) King totem icon1.png  King Totem Fathard
Innocent gwiber icon1.png  Innocent Gwiber Innocent gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Innocent Gwiber Trumpet The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme) Immaculate totem icon1.png  Immaculate Totem Fathard
Shadow gwiber icon1.png  Shadow Gwiber Shadow gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Shadow Gwiber Trumpet The Minstrel's Ballad: Hades's Elegy Hades totem icon1.png  Hades Totem Fathard
Ruby gwiber icon1.png  Ruby Gwiber Ruby gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Ruby Gwiber Trumpet Cinder Drift (Extreme) Ruby totem icon1.png  Ruby Totem C'intana
Gwiber of light icon1.png  Gwiber of Light Gwiber of light trumpet icon1.png  Gwiber of Light Trumpet The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) Totem of Light Icon.png  Totem of Light Fathard
Emerald gwiber icon1.png  Emerald Gwiber Emerald gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Emerald Gwiber Trumpet Castrum Marinum (Extreme) Emerald totem icon1.png  Emerald Totem C'intana
Diamond gwiber icon1.png  Diamond Gwiber Diamond gwiber trumpet icon1.png  Diamond Gwiber Trumpet The Cloud Deck (Extreme) Diamond totem icon1.png  Diamond Totem C'intana


Upon obtaining all of the above mounts the quest to get the Landerwaffe becomes available.

Mount Summoning Item Quest
Landerwaffe icon1.png  Landerwaffe Landerwaffe flute icon1.png  Landerwaffe Flute Side QuestThe Dragon Made

Lynx Mounts (Endwalker)

For Endwalker, the NPC to trade with is Nesvaaz in Radz-at-Han (10.6, 10.0) or the Agora Merchant in Old Sharlayan (11.6, 11.2).

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem
Lynx of eternal darkness icon1.png  Lynx of Eternal Darkness Lynx of eternal darkness flute icon1.png  Lynx of Eternal Darkness Flute The Minstrel's Ballad: Zodiark's Fall Astral totem icon1.png  Astral Totem
Lynx of divine light icon1.png  Lynx of Divine Light Lynx of divine light flute icon1.png  Lynx of Divine Light Flute The Minstrel's Ballad: Hydaelyn's Call Umbral totem icon1.png  Umbral Totem
Bluefeather lynx mount icon1.png  Bluefeather Lynx Bluefeather lynx flute icon1.png  Bluefeather Lynx Flute The Minstrel's Ballad: Endsinger's Aria Ultimatum token icon1.png  Ultimatum Totem
Lynx of imperious wind mount icon1.png  Lynx of Imperious Wind Lynx of imperious wind flute icon1.png  Lynx of Imperious Wind Flute Storm's Crown (Extreme) Windswept archfiend totem icon1.png  Windswept Archfiend Totem
Lynx of righteous fire icon2.png  Lynx of Righteous Fire Lynx of righteous fire flute icon1.png  Lynx of Righteous Fire Flute Mount Ordeals (Extreme) Flamecloaked archfiend totem icon1.png  Flamecloaked Archfiend Totem
Lynx of fallen shadow icon2.png  Lynx of Fallen Shadow Lynx of fallen shadow flute icon1.png  Lynx of Fallen Shadow Flute The Voidcast Dais (Extreme) Voidcast archfiend totem icon1.png  Voidcast Archfiend Totem
Lynx of abyssal grief icon2.png  Lynx of Abyssal Grief Lynx of abyssal grief flute icon1.png  Lynx of Abyssal Grief Flute The Abyssal Fracture (Extreme) Voidvessel totem icon1.png  Voidvessel Totem

Apocryphal Bahamut

Upon obtaining all of the above mounts the quest to get the Apocryphal Bahamut becomes available.

Mount Summoning Item Quest
Apocryphal bahamut icon1.png  Apocryphal Bahamut Apocryphal bahamut horn icon1.png  Apocryphal Bahamut Horn Side QuestWings of Hope

Wing Mounts (Dawntrail)

For Dawntrail, the NPC to trade with is Uah'shepya in Solution Nine (8.6, 13.5).

Mount Summoning Item Trial Totem
Wings Of Ruin mount icon1.png  Wings Of Ruin Wings of ruin icon1.png  Wings of Ruin Worqor Lar Dor (Extreme) Skyruin totem icon1.png  Skyruin Totem
Wings Of Resolve mount icon1.png  Wings Of Resolve Wings of resolve icon1.png  Wings of Resolve Everkeep (Extreme) Resilient totem icon1.png  Resilient Totem
Wings Of Eternity mount icon1.png  Wings Of Eternity Wings of eternity icon1.png  Wings of Eternity The Minstrel's Ballad: Sphene's Burden Totem eternal icon1.png  Totem Eternal (patch 7.3)
20px  Wings Of The Knighthood 20px  Wings of the Knighthood (item) Recollection (Extreme) 20px  ??? (patch 7.4)