Feel the Burn
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Feel the Burn
- Quest giver
- Hien
- Location
- Kienkan (X:6.1, Y:6.0)
- Quest line
- Post-Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Sisterly Act
- Next quest
Shadows in the Empire
- Patch
- 4.4
Main Scenario Progress: 529 / 960 (55.1%)
Stormblood Progress: 150 / 162 (92.6%)
“— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with Hien near the House of the Fierce.
- Enter the Burn.
- Speak with Hien in the Doman Enclave.
- Based on your information, Hien is of the opinion that Alphinaud indeed encountered some manner of trouble at the Burn. He suggests conducting a search of the wasteland upon flying mounts, and Yugiri bids you see to your preparations before joining them at the overlook near the House of the Fierce.
- The party is assembled, as are the birds that will carry you. It is time to set out for the Burn in search of Alphinaud.
- ※Challenge The Burn with other players via the Duty Finder, or with a party of NPCs via Duty Support. Both systems are accessible from the main menu as well as the dungeon's entrance point.
- Scant moments after arriving at the Burn, you are caught in the midst of a fierce sandstorm which scatters your comrades in all directions. Upon landing, you fight your way through hordes of fearsome desert creatures, as well as machina, inside what appear to be Allagan ruins. At length, you emerge in an area of relative safety and are reunited with the others. It is then that you spy the remains of the airship which bore Alphinaud away in the distance. Evidence of a battle abounds, but your friend and his traveling companions are nowhere to be seen. At Y'shtola's prompting, the party proceeds to scour the area for clues.
- Judging by the insignia upon a fallen soldier's uniform, Alphinaud's party came under attack from the Emperor's personal guard. While the implications of this discovery are unsettling, there is little more to be done at the crash site, and Yugiri suggests returning to the Doman Enclave to consider your next move.
- The journey back to Doma proves blessedly uneventful, and Hien is visibly relieved.
(Optional) Alisaie: If only he knew all the trouble he's caused... When we find Alphinaud, I'm going to give him such an earful.
Accepting the Quest
Hien: The region known as the Burn occupies a special place in Garlean history. Every child in the Empire is familiar with the tale. Hien: In the distant past, it was a verdant land teeming with life, but successive summonings saw it bled dry of aether and reduced to a desert. It was upon beholding the devastation that primals had wrought, that Emperor Solus was spurred to embark upon his crusade against their kind.
Y'shtola: The Burn offers a glimpse of the future we seek to prevent. Know you of any reason why Alphinaud might have gone there?
Hien: Aye. Mischance. Though it lies on the route to Garlemald, it is no place to make a stop. My guess is they encountered some manner of trouble there. Hien: In any event, I am of the same mind as Alisaie—we have no choice but to take our search to the Burn. Given the considerable distances involved, 'tis best we went by bird. Hien: [Forename] and I have our yols. Yugiri, will you ready falcons for the others?
Yugiri: I shall gather our swiftest birds. Yugiri: Near the House of the Fierce, there is an overlook. Pray join us there once you have seen to your preparations.
Y'shtola: With such a steed to bear me to and fro, I could perform my fieldwork in a fraction of the time. Mayhap I shall try my hand at this “Bardam's Mettle.”
Yugiri: Having named him an emissary of Doma, Lord Hien considers himself personally responsible for Master Alphinaud's safety. Naught I could say would sway him from joining the search.
Alisaie: We're coming for you, Alphinaud...
Speaking with Hien near the House of the Fierce
Hien: If everyone is here and possessed of a bird, let us away. Hien: Remember, our destination is a barren wasteland. There is no civilization to speak of for a hundred malms in all directions. Take care you do not lose your way.
(Optional) Hien: Barren though it is, the Burn is said to be home to hardy beasts adapted to the unforgiving environment. And then there are the specters, if certain tales are to be believed... I expect we shall soon find out for ourselves what truly dwells there.
Entering the Burn
Yugiri: Make ready, friends. We are come to the Burn!
Hien: Everyone! Land where you can! We must wait out the storm!
Excavatory Node: Reinforcements required. <buzzzzzz> Deploying auxiliary drones. Excavatory Node: Deploying rock biters. <buzzzzzz> Initiating obstacle removal protocol. Excavatory Node: Reinforcements required. <buzzzzzz> Deploying auxiliary drones.
Optional Post Duty Dialogue
Alisaie: Please be safe, Alphinaud...
Y'shtola: Dragons at Allagan ruins are seldom a coincidence.
Hien: That there in the distance...
Yugiri: That dragon was as much mist as it was flesh...
Duty Support
Y'shtola, Yugiri, and Alisaie
Y'shtola: That was quite a sandstorm...
Yugiri: Falling rocks!
Alisaie: Watch your heads, everyone!
Alisaie: We've fallen quite a ways...
Y'shtola: Amazing that life could adapt to such a harsh environment.
Yugiri: One cannot underestimate the will to survive.
Alisaie: Is this Allagan...?
Y'shtola: Aye. The aether here is unmistakable.
Y'shtola: It seems we've trespassed upon their lair.
Y'shtola: Both machina and facility are still operational.
Alisaie: Not for much longer, they won't be!
Alisaie: Those blades could do some serious damage.
Y'shtola: No matter the odds, life always finds a way...
Yugiri: That a sandworm could have grown to such proportions...
Alisaie: I'm glad we don't have to face it alive.
Alisaie: That dragon formed from the mist!
Y'shtola: Another of Allag's pitiable slaves, I'd wager.
Hien, Alisaie, Yugiri
Hien: All present and accounted for? Yugiri: I believe so. Let us continue on foot.
Yugiri: Falling rocks!
Alisaie: Watch your heads, everyone!
Alisaie: We've fallen quite a ways...
Hien: What did it have to feed upon here?
Yugiri: Quite an abrupt change in surrounds...
Yugiri: Ugh, repulsive creatures...
Yugiri: Such an immense facility...
Yugiri: Nothing to it.
Yugiri: The sand here is as pale as those enormous bones.
Hien: 'Tis easy to see why they say this place was “bled dry.”
Yugiri: That a sandworm could have grown to such proportions...
Alisaie: I'm glad we don't have to face it alive.
Alisaie: That dragon formed from the mist!
Hien, Y'shtola and Alisaie
Y'shtola: That was quite a sandstorm...
Y'shtola: The sand above gives way. Have care.
Hien: I daresay we're in that creature's home.
Y'shtola: A scorpion clad in crystal. How curious.
Y'shtola: Amazing that life could adapt to such a harsh environment.
Alisaie: Is this Allagan...?
Y'shtola: Aye. The aether here is unmistakable.
Y'shtola: It seems we've trespassed upon their lair.
Hien: Never a dull moment in this cavern!
Y'shtola: Both machina and facility are still operational.
Alisaie: Not for much longer, they won't be!
Y'shtola: As much as I would like to examine this place, we should press on.
Hien: Indeed. Perhaps there will be time later.
Y'shtola: No matter the odds, life always finds a way...
Y'shtola: Are sandworms descended from this creature, I wonder.
Alisaie: That dragon formed from the mist!
Y'shtola: Another of Allag's pitiable slaves, I'd wager.
Post Duty Cutscene
(If did not do duty support) Hien: Ah, there you are! Hien: Between contending with bloodthirsty beasts and sand in my... every conceivable place, I had begun to despair of finding you again.
Yugiri: Do you recognize the crashed ship over yonder? Yugiri: Mistress Alisaie and I briefly inspected it. It is the vessel that bore Master Alphinaud away. Alisaie: But there was no sign of him. Nor of Maxima and his people.
(If used duty support) Hien: Between contending with bloodthirsty beasts and sand in my...every conceivable place, I'm quite ready to leave this wasteland. But first things first... Hien: Do you see the crashed ship over yonder? Hien: Judging by its class, it must be the vessel that bore Master Alphinaud away.
(Both) Y'shtola: Warmachina. It would seem they were involved in a struggle. Y'shtola: There may be clues. We should split up and search the area.
Alisaie: There's no sign of Alphinaud. Nor of Maxima and his people.
Yugiri: Hm. These were no ordinary soldiers. Yugiri: Over here! Yugiri: The insignia on this man's uniform identifies him as one of the Emperor's personal guard.
Y'shtola: Handpicked soldiers answering only to the royal family...
Hien: That would explain why all the casualties are Garlean. They were fighting their own.
Alisaie: You're saying the Emperor was behind this? That Alphinaud is his prisoner?
< What will you say? > < We don't know that yet. > < Alphinaud is fine, I'm sure of it. >
(Both) Hien: Aye, we must not jump to conclusions. Besides, Alphinaud is more than capable of looking after himself, is he not?
Yugiri: I suggest we return to Doma to consider our options. Whatever happened here, Master Alphinaud is long gone, and any subsequent search may safely be left in the hands of the shinobi.
Alisaie: Where in the world are you, Brother? If you die on me, I will never let you hear the end of it.
Alisaie: ...Forgive me, I need a moment.
Y'shtola: On present evidence, we have no reason to fear the worst. More than that I cannot say.
Yugiri: We are no closer to establishing Master Alphinaud's whereabouts, and the suggestion of an imperial plot only compounds matters. We have much to consider.
Speaking with Hien in the Doman Enclave
Hien: Well, that was a decidedly uneventful journey. I almost found myself hoping for a sandstorm. Hien: Joking aside, I'd say our birds are due a good brush down and a treat or two, wouldn't you?