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Ferdiad Hollow

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See also: Ferdiad

Ferdiad Hollow

Ferdiad Hollow.jpg

Male ♂
Aggression level 6
Dun Scaith

Originally summoned by members of the Mhachi cabal for service in their War of the Magi, this high-ranking voidsent has long outlived those who sought to entrap him, silently feeding for centuries on the aether-rich souls of the corporeal realm. Ever loyal to his liege Diabolos, when a recent call-to-arms was sounded, it is said Ferdiad was the first to answer.

— In-game description

Ferdiad Hollow is a boss in Dun Scaith.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Diabolic gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Gauntlets of Fending Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gloves of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Gloves of Striking Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic gloves of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Gloves of Scouting Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic halfgloves of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Halfgloves of Aiming Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic halfgloves of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Halfgloves of Casting Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic dress gloves of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Dress Gloves of Healing Hands 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of fending icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Fending Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of maiming icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Maiming Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of striking icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Striking Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of scouting icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Scouting Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of aiming icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Aiming Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic bottoms of casting icon1.png  Diabolic Bottoms of Casting Legs 260 CBlue 1
Diabolic trousers of healing icon1.png  Diabolic Trousers of Healing Legs 260 CBlue 1


Zone Coordinates Level range
Dun Scaith Unknown 60


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Where Shadows Reign Feature quest 60 Stacia