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Finding Good Help

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Finding Good Help

Finding Good Help.png
Quest giver
Kholusia (X:20.2, Y:12.4)
Quest line
Post-Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
Experience 22,440
Gil 1,055
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Main Scenario Progress: 655 / 968 (67.7%)


Shadowbringers Progress: 114 / 157 (72.6%)


Chai-Nuzz's look of steely determination is only slightly undermined by the knocking of his knees.

— In-game description



  • Chai-Nuzz's look of steely determination is only slightly undermined by the knocking of his knees.
  • Rather than build Talos from scratch, Chai-Nuzz proposes capturing the long-abandoned Talos which wander the wilds of Kholusia. A singularly dangerous endeavor, but one which holds no terror for him, knowing as he does that the perfect tools for the task are waiting for you at Top Rung.
  • The reason for Chai-Nuzz's uncharacteristic self-confidence soon becomes apparent when he shows you a crate filled with canisters whose contents can incapacitate Talos. Moreover, they can be thrown from a distance, making the task surprisingly risk-free. So risk-free, in fact, that Chai-Nuzz volunteers to do the deed himself. He still requires support, however, lest he run afoul of the local wildlife. To that end, you set out for the Quick Way in search of a vantage point from which to warn him of danger.
  • With heart in throat and canisters in hand, Chai-Nuzz braves the wilds of Kholusia, succeeding at length in subduing a trio of Talos. As the last of them succumbs, you see him pause, seemingly awestruck by the scale of his own achievement. Or perhaps injured. You rush down to be certain.
  • Your concerns vanish as you near a visibly elated Chai-Nuzz, now the proud owner of three Talos which he is eager to dispatch to Eulmore. After a few adjustments, they spring back to life, and he sends them marching off in the direction of the city.
  • At the end of a tiring trek through Kholusia, you arrive in Gatetown to find the Talos have attracted a crowd. Among them, you spy Lady Chai, who is near speechless at the sight of her husband. She duly rushes over to him, wasting no time in showing him the strength of her affection. A strength which renders him briefly unconscious.
  • Doubts finally assuaged, Wrenden expresses his admiration for Chai-Nuzz and the devotion of those close to him. Taking note of the chattering throng which has formed around the Talos, he declares that it will soon be time for the intrepid entrepreneur to address his fellow citizens as mayor.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: Do you see it? There is a fire in Master Chai's eyes that was not there when first we met. A fire we had best keep kindled if we wish to see Eulmore change for the better.
Kai-Shirr: That Wrenden geezer doesn't seem so bad. What was Master Chai worried about? He's got to give himself a bit more credit!
Wrenden: You had a hand in constructing that giant Talos to the north, did you not?
Wrenden: When the Eulmoran volunteers began arriving, I hid myself away, lest I be recognized...thus depriving myself of what I am reliably informed was a once-in-a-lifetime spectacle. Bugger.
Chai-Nuzz: Wrenden is quite right. Building Talos from scratch would require time we simply do not have.
Chai-Nuzz: Which is why I propose to make use of the long-abandoned Talos which wander the wilds of Kholusia.
Chai-Nuzz: They will need to be deactivated, of course, and if memory serves, the tools required to do so should still be at Top Rung. Come with me.

Optional dialogue

Alphinaud: It is one thing to repair an immobile Talos, as Urianger did, but quite another to catch one, surely? Does this not sound a trifle dangerous?
Kai-Shirr: How'd you catch a Talos, then? Dig a hole and lure it in?
Wrenden: So he is an authority on Talos, is he? Hmph! What other surprises could he be hiding, I wonder...

Speak with Chai-Nuzz

Chai-Nuzz: Aha! The old memory hasn't let me down!
Chai-Nuzz: This chest contains canisters filled with a dashedly potent insulating powder capable of halting the flow of aether in a Talos. We need only get within throwing distance of one and let fly.
Alphinaud: ...Thus disabling them without damaging them! Ingenious!
Chai-Nuzz: An old trick of the trade, nothing more. Once disabled, it should be a simple enough matter to get them to march to Eulmore. More extensive repairs can wait.
Chai-Nuzz: Ordinarily, this is where I would ask you to run along and do the deed, but as I have said before, it's high time we learned to stand on our own two feet.
Chai-Nuzz: Thankfully, throwing canisters is something even I should be able to manage.
Kai-Shirr: Come off it, Master Chai!
Kai-Shirr: Even if the Talos ain't a threat, there's a hundred and one other things out there waiting to make a meal of you!
Chai-Nuzz: That's as may be, Kai-Shirr, but Wrenden tasked me with solving this problem, and I will not sit idly by while others risk everything to see my harebrained schemes realized. Not this time!
Chai-Nuzz: ...Which isn't to say the mere thought of it doesn't fill me with dread. Truth be told, I can't feel my legs.
Chai-Nuzz: But if I'm to prove I'm a man worth following, I must lead by example.
Alphinaud: Well said, Master Chai!
<What will you say?>
<Hear, hear!>
<All right, but if there's any trouble, we call it off.>
Chai-Nuzz: Yes, well, it should go without saying that I have no intention of dying for this. I've always preferred living to see the fruits of my labors.
Chai-Nuzz: And to make sure I do, I will require your help. It is as Kai-Shirr says─these lands are dangerous if one is not careful. I would ask you to use my spyglass to look out for any beasts that could get in the way of my work. I will also need you to alert me when it  is safe to subdue the Talos. Understood?
Chai-Nuzz: Good. Then let's be off to the Quick Way, through the north gate, and see if we can't find a suitable vantage point for you.

Optional dialogue

Alphinaud: There is little point in us both shouting instructions. Keep him safe, [Forename].
Chai-Nuzz: All right. Nothing to worry about. Just a simple matter of sneaking up on the Talos while avoiding the slavering, bloodthirsty beasts lurking behind every rock. Child's play... Ahem. When you're ready, let us begin.
Kai-Shirr: Either Master Chai's off his nut, or this means more to him than he's been letting on.
Wrenden: When first he arrived, I could barely hear him over the knocking of his knees. And now this. I'm not sure what's gotten into him, but whatever it is, I like it.

Guide Chai-Nuzz from the vantage point

(After disabling the first Talos)
Chai-Nuzz: I...I did it? I did it! Let's move on to another Talos, shall we?
(After disabling the second Talos)
Chai-Nuzz: I do believe I'm getting the hang of this.
Chai-Nuzz: You may leave the next one to me, [Forename].
(After disabling the third Talos)
Chai-Nuzz: Haha! That should do it! Now we have all we need to proceed.

Optional dialogue

Alphinaud: Our friend with nary a scratch. Well done.
Kai-Shirr: Blimey... Thought my heart was going to stop for a moment there. Make that a couple of moments.
Wrenden: It would seem I misjudged Master Chai. There may yet be hope for Eulmore.

Speak with Chai-Nuzz

Chai-Nuzz: I can scarcely believe it. It was a reckless, foolish plan. But worked.
Chai-Nuzz: I...I did it.
Wrenden: Master Chai. I believe I owe you an apology.
Wrenden: Your plan to replenish Eulmore's food stores showed forethought and sound judgment. What's more, it is plain your time at Daedalus Stoneworks has equipped you to lead, as evidenced by the extraordinary company you keep.
Wrenden: You, sir, are more than qualified to be the next mayor of Eulmore.
Chai-Nuzz: I thank you for your vote of confidence, but the fact remains, I am wholly ignorant of the world of politics.
Chai-Nuzz: Which is why I would ask you to join me, and grant Eulmore the benefit of your counsel.
Wrenden: I would be honored.
Wrenden: When the people behold these Talos, I have no doubt they will lend you their support.
Alphinaud: It would seem Eulmore's leadership is at last in capable hands, would you not agree?
Kai-Shirr: We should probably be getting back soon, Master Chai. After you've tinkered with the Talos and all that. Lady Chai's worried sick.


Chai-Nuzz: Right. Right, then. Form a line and make for Eulmore!
Begrimed Townsman: Hm? What's that noise?
Begrimed Townsman: Wicked white! Runaway Talos!
Begrimed Townsman: Call the guard!
Eulmoran Soldier: Stay back, all of you!
Dulia-Chai: Is that...!?
Dulia-Chai: Darling, you're back!
Chai-Nuzz: Well of course I'm back. You didn't s─
Chai-Nuzz: Dear─ Dearest─ I─ I can't─
Dulia-Chai: Oh! Oh dear...
Chai-Nuzz: Thank you.
Dulia-Chai: I'm sorry, my darling... It's just, the sight of you filled me with such joy, I couldn't help myself...
Chai-Nuzz: It's all right, dear. I should just have come out and said what it was I was intending, instead of entrusting the task to a hastily scribbled letter.
Dulia-Chai: Does that mean you'll do it?
Chai-Nuzz: Well, I'm here, aren't I? I mean, not that my absence signified any unwillingness, you understand.
Chai-Nuzz: Naught could be further from the truth! I only left to enlist the aid of the former mayor's senior advisor.
Chai-Nuzz: And now that I have it, I believe I am ready to take office.
Dulia-Chai: Oh, how wonderful!

Optional dialogue

Alphinaud: I daresay the future of Eulmore has never looked brighter.
Chai-Nuzz: <cough> <cough> I...I'm fine... I just need...a moment... <wheeze>
Dulia-Chai: Thank you again for finding my husband. I confess, I was not expecting your return to be quite so grand!
Dulia-Chai: That dear, sweet man. He is going to make the most wonderful mayor. I just know it!
Kai-Shirr: Sorry I wasn't much help. Still, seeing Master Chai go after those Talos was something, eh? Inspiring stuff.

Speak with Wrenden

Wrenden: That was quite a reception. One Master Chai will struggle to forget.
Wrenden: More seriously, the arrival of the Talos has seized the public's attention.
Wrenden: Once word has spread around Eulmore, it will be that much simpler to gather one and all so that Master Chai can make his inaugural address.