For the Greater Good
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For the Greater Good
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Coerthas Central Highlands (X:3.4, Y:21.2)
- Quest line
- Seventh Astral Era Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 50
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Path of the Righteous
- Next quest
Tendrils of Intrigue
- Patch
- 2.4
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 208 / 960 (21.7%)
A Realm Reborn Progress: 208 / 241 (86.3%)
“Though not given to small talk, Alphinaud can think of no better way to pass the time until Minfilia arrives.
— In-game description
- Speak with Yuyuhase.
- Pursue the heretics towards Daniffen Pass.
- Search for the heretics south of Daniffen Pass.
- Follow the heretics' trail.
- Speak with Yuyuhase.
- Search for the heretics outside the Observatorium.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Though not given to small talk, Alphinaud can think of no better way to pass the time until Minfilia arrives.
- How much knowledge has been lost over the centuries─over the millennia? And how differently would we view the world had we a better understanding of its past? Little is known of Shiva's life and deeds, yet the heretics venerate her as a saint. Ser Aymeric's ancestors are said to have founded Ishgard by the will of Halone, yet he admits that scripture only tells so much. Ultimately, however, the details of his people's war with the dragons are irrelevant. Regardless of how the conflict began, it is destined to continue─unless Iceheart's plan succeeds, which the Scions cannot allow. While Minfilia and the others search for a means to breach Iceheart's sanctuary, you are to assist Yuyuhase and the 3rd Unit Braves in tracking down the heretics who attempted to ambush the allied forces.
- The heretics were last seen heading towards Daniffen Pass, and the 3rd Unit Braves are already in pursuit. Yuyuhase leaves to join them and bids you follow. Do as bade and speak with any 3rd Unit Braves you find.
- Many of the 3rd Unit Braves are unaccustomed to the frigid conditions in Coerthas, and the young man you find kneeling in the snow is no exception. Having twisted his ankle, he is no longer able to keep up. Press on without him and join the others south of Daniffen Pass.
- You come across several sets of tracks which appear to belong to the Braves and their quarry. Follow them southwest and keep your eyes peeled for both friend and foe.
- You find a solitary Brave. Though not seriously injured, he is clearly disoriented and in no condition to fight. According to him, the heretics split up, prompting the Braves to do so as well─and Yuyuhase followed one trail alone. Search for the officer in the woods to the east.
- You rescue Yuyuhase from certain death, slaying Iceheart's followers before they can deliver the telling blow. Speak with the Crystal Brave and confirm his condition.
- Yuyuhase reveals that he was able to slay one heretic, and was in the process of searching his victim's body when the dead man's comrades surprised and overpowered him. With a grin, he then produces a piece of parchment and proceeds to read you the message written thereon. It would seem to be an escape plan devised in the aftermath of the heretics' failed ambush at Snowcloak. The plan mentions a rendezvous point near the Observatorium, as well as a merchant sympathetic to the heretics' cause. Search the outskirts of the Observatorium and seize the fugitives before they escape.
- Outside the walls of the Observatorium, you chance upon the merchant and a single heretic, who subsequently attempt to flee. However, they are stopped in their tracks by the unexpected arrival of Captain Ilberd, Alphinaud, and Yugiri. After Ilberd takes them into custody, Alphinaud explains that they had been seeking the merchant in connection with their investigation into the Ivy. Wait with Alphinaud inside the gates while Captain Ilberd interrogates the merchant.
- The interrogation of the merchant is not expected to take long, but Alphinaud is doubtful that it will yield any useful information. The Ivy would surely not be so careless. Be that as it may, all you can do now is wait and hope that your fellow Scion is wrong.
Accepting the Quest (Cutscene)
Alphinaud: Antecedent. You come to us straight from the archives of House Fortemps. I trust your time there proved fruitful.
Minfilia: Would that it had. Urianger and I scoured countless texts, but what we found was of questionable veracity. Minfilia: Accounts of Shiva's life and deeds are sparse and contradictory, only agreeing upon one point... Minfilia: She lay down with a dragon─the gravest of all sins, according to the Ishgardian faith. Minfilia: Yet in the eyes of Iceheart's followers, this was a holy act─the blessed union of man and dragon. Minfilia: How such a thing could even be possible is quite another question. Suffice it to say, I very much doubt that we will find a useful answer in the archives of House Fortemps. Minfilia: Much knowledge has been lost over the centuries─though in this case, one wonders if it is by circumstance or design.
Alphinaud: You said that Iceheart took a moment to plead her case prior to escaping, did you not? Alphinaud: Hm. Viewed without prejudice, most would agree that bringing an end to an endless war serves the greater good.
Minfilia: I think Ser Aymeric might take issue with her methods.
Aymeric: I do not care if a few stragglers manage to escape. Until the sappers confirm that a tunnel is safe, the men are not to search it.
Temple Knight Herald: Yes, Lord Commander.
Alphinaud: You pursue your foes with less zeal than I had expected, Ser Aymeric. Alphinaud: Lest you misunderstand, I do not deny that our enemy has given us good reason to be prudent. I merely meant─you being a man of faith─that I had expected a certain...single-mindedness. After all, was it not by the will of Halone that your ancestors came to this land─why they took up arms against the Dravanians? What would they have done in your position, I wonder...
Aymeric: ...There are those who believe that faith is a renunciation of free will─that unquestioning devotion is required of all who would live a life in service to the Fury. Aymeric: Such righteous fervor may well serve a knight on the front line─less so a leader of men. Aymeric: We are all at liberty to interpret the scriptures as we will. I choose to believe that the Fury would value the lives of Her followers over the deaths of Her enemies. Aymeric: But I would not presume to speak for the knights of eld. 'Twas a different time─nay, a different era─and scripture tells us only so much.
Alphinaud: ...Would that it told us more. Alphinaud: That man is awfully pragmatic for a servant of the Holy See. Alphinaud: A welcome trait at the negotiating table, to be sure─less so when one's enemies are making ready to harness the power of a god.
Minfilia: Mayhap he does not truly believe that Iceheart's plan can succeed...? Truth be told, I too remain somewhat skeptical. Minfilia: Shiva was real─a living, breathing woman─of that there can be no doubt. In this respect, she differs from every other figure to have been summoned, each of whom was worshipped as a god. Minfilia: ...The sole exception being Good King Moggle Mog XII─the myth made manifest in response to the fervent supplications of the Mogglesguard.
Alphinaud: Saint Shiva may differ, but what of the heretics? They are a tribe of outcasts at war with a mighty nation, who yearn for the resurrection of the one who embodies their beliefs. If that is not placing one's faith in a higher power, then what is? Alphinaud: Crystals and conviction, Minfilia. They have them both in abundance.
Minfilia: ...Can that truly be all that is required?
Alphinaud: My survey team has concluded a preliminary analysis of the aetheryte Iceheart used to escape. They believe that she teleported to another aetheryte, somewhere not far to the west. Alphinaud: Despite the apparent proximity of this second aetheryte, however, they have been wholly unable to detect its presence directly. Unless Iceheart has some means to mask its signal, I can only presume she had it destroyed to prevent us from following her. Alphinaud: Without the means to teleport as she did, we have no choice but to search for an alternate route─most likely a tunnel─assuming one exists.
Minfilia: Let us not give up on teleportation just yet. One of our colleagues in Sharlayan may be able to assist us.
Alphinaud: I pray that you are right. I dare not think how long it will take us to survey the entire tunnel system...
Alphinaud: While Minfilia looks into our aetheryte problem, I would like to request your assistance with another matter. Alphinaud: The 3rd Unit is currently tracking the remnants of the heretic force which attacked us. However, the search goes poorly, despite our numbers. Alphinaud: Coerthas is vast, and Iceheart's followers know the terrain far better than we. Your knowledge of this region may serve to hasten the process. Alphinaud: The sooner we capture Iceheart's followers, the sooner we can press them for their leader's whereabouts. Alphinaud: Also─though it is admittedly a selfish request─I feel that my Braves would benefit immensely from working alongside you. While we have our share of veterans, we also have more than a few less-experienced recruits─many of whom look up to you, in case you were not aware. Alphinaud: Good, I knew you would understand. Yuyuhase can apprise you of the details. Alphinaud: When the task is complete, come and find me at the Observatorium. Captain Ilberd and I are meeting there to discuss the latest developments in his investigation. Alphinaud: The Temple Knights shall hold Snowcloak in our absence. Let us leave them to their work─ours is more pressing.
Optional Dialogue
Aymeric: The network of tunnels throughout Snowcloak is extensive. A full survey will take time.
Taciturn Temple Knight: Harry the enemy when he is entrenched. Retreat from his advance, and attack his flanks when he withdraws. Aye, Iceheart is no fool.
Speaking with Yuyuhase
Yuyuhase: There you are, [Forename]! Commander Leveilleur instructed me to wait for you. Yuyuhase: Your assistance is most welcome, believe me. Most of the 3rd hail from Ul'dah, and for a man accustomed to the feel of sand beneath his boots, the crunch of snow can be rather disconcerting. Yuyuhase: But to the matter at hand─nary a moment ago, I received word that the heretics we seek have been spotted making for Daniffen Pass. My Braves are already in pursuit, and I should be grateful if you would join them. Yuyuhase: I myself shall be taking part in the hunt. Never let it be said that I do not earn my coin.
Pursuing the heretics towards Daniffen Pass
3rd Unit Brave: Thal's balls, my ankle is on fire! Caught my boot on a rock or something and twisted it as I fell. 3rd Unit Brave: The others went on ahead through Daniffen Pass. Hurry and you might catch up. 3rd Unit Brave: If you aren't sure where to go, look for tracks. This snow is fresh, so they shouldn't be hard to find. (Optional) 3rd Unit Brave: Go on without me, Scion. I'm in no condition to run. Just follow the fresh tracks. 3rd Unit Brave: <gasp> How can anyone run in this blasted snow without knowing what's underneath!?
Searching for the heretics south of Daniffen Pass
System: The tracks lead southeast...
Following the heretics' trail
3rd Unit Brave: Scion! What are you doing here!? 3rd Unit Brave: The heretics? I-I'm not sure. There was a great scaled beast, and... <cough> <cough> ...Yuyuhase? I think... I think he went east on his own. The heretics split up, so we did too. (Optional) 3rd Unit Brave: I-I just need a moment to catch my breath. Just a moment, sir/madam. I'll be right behind you.
Speaking with Yuyuhase
Yuyuhase: How embarrassing─I was so intent on following the heretics' tracks that I almost failed to notice they had doubled back. Almost, mind you─one tried to sneak up behind me and got a knife in the gut for his troubles. Yuyuhase: I thought myself alone, so I started searching the dead man's knapsack for anything of interest. And lo and behold, before his friends found me, I came upon this. Yuyuhase: “Withdraw in groups of three or less to the Observatorium. Give the signal and wait─the merchant will be watching. Be late and be left for dead.” Yuyuhase: Speaks for itself, does it not? They can't possibly mean to rendezvous inside the place, so we should restrict our search to the surrounding areas. Yuyuhase: Let me rephrase that: you should restrict your search to the wilderness around the Observatorium. I will need more than a moment's rest to recover from these wounds. (Optional) Yuyuhase: Quickly, [Forename], quickly! I will inform Captain Ilberd of the heretics' plans, but you must make sure that they do not escape before reinforcements arrive!
Searching for the heretics outside the Observatorium (Cutscene)
Suspicious Coerthan: I am through with listening to your excuses! We leave now!
Suspicious Merchant: How? The woods are crawling with those bluecoats, and the knights are searching every wagon that passes through the gates!
Suspicious Coerthan: Well, stay with him/her, then, if you think you'll fare any better.
Ilberd: Now, now, there's no need for that.
Suspicious Coerthan: ...
Yugiri: There are places like this in my homeland─sacred snowcapped peaks where blood must not be shed. Yugiri: Yet your lands ever thirst for the blood of the fallen─and by your deeds, it has drunk deep.
Suspicious Merchant: N-No! I have done no wrong!
Ilberd: None but meet in secret with heretics. Deny it all you will. We shall have the truth from you yet. Inquisitors are not the only ones skilled in the art of interrogation.
Suspicious Coerthan: Damn it all!
Alphinaud: Fancy meeting you here, [Forename]. I presume your work with the 3rd brought you hither? Alphinaud: What a tangled web... Lest you wonder, we came not for the heretics, but for the merchant who has been conspiring with them. Alphinaud: He came to our attention during the course of our investigation into the Ivy. It beggars belief, I know, but it seems our favorite Garlean spy may have been providing assistance to Iceheart. Alphinaud: Were it not for the efforts of Lady Yugiri and her shinobi, we might never have discovered this connection.
Yugiri: Master Alphinaud is too kind. I fear my people and I have done little to aid your search for this spy. Yugiri: We long to strike back against the Empire and weaken their influence in this land─to prevent the tragedy which befell Doma from reoccurring. Yugiri: The days ahead and the work they promise will require a very particular set of skills. Skills which I am fortunate enough to possess. If you will allow it, I would accompany you until the investigation is complete.
Alphinaud: That is a most generous offer, Lady Yugiri, and one which I gladly accept.
Yugiri: Thank you. Though I may disappear for a time, know that I shall never be far, and shall always be watching.
Alphinaud: ...A comforting thought. Come, [Forename]. Let us wait inside for Captain Ilberd to return and deliver his report.
Speaking with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Captain Ilberd seemed confident that the merchant's resolve would swiftly crumble when pressed. If so, we should have new information ere long. Alphinaud: As to whether it will bring us any closer to learning the Ivy's identity, I would rather not say. Given our adversary's cunning, I shall consider us fortunate if we are spared another wild-dodo chase. The gods know we have more than enough to occupy our time as it is.